Sep 24, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Mechanical Engineering

  • ME 4802 - Compressible Flow

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course covers the fundamental concepts and results for the compressible flow of gases. Topics to be covered include conservation laws, propagation of disturbances, isentropic flow, compressible flow in ducts with area changes, normal and oblique shock waves and applications, Prandtl-Meyer flow and applications, simple flows such as Fanno flow and Rayleigh flow with applications to nozzles, and propulsion related concepts. The emphasis will be on the physical understanding of the phenomena and basic analytical results. (prereq: ME 3102 , ME 3104  )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Demonstrate the ability to utilize the adiabatic and isentropic flow relations to solve typical flow problems
    • Demonstrate the ability to solve typical normal-shock problems, problems involving moving normal shocks or oblique shocks and Prandtl-Meyer flow problems by use of appropriate equations or tables or charts
    • Demonstrate the ability to solve typical Fanno flow problems and Rayleigh flow problems by use of appropriate equations and tables
    • Explain choking and shock in various applications and contexts

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Fluid Mechanics
    • Thermodynamics-II (covering Second Law of Thermodynamics)

    Course Topics
    • Review of the fundamentals (Laws of Thermodynamics, Conservation of Mass, Momentum and Energy, Entropy changes for perfect gases, Stagnation properties)
    • Introduction to Compressible Flow (Sonic velocity, Mach number, Stagnation relations in terms of Mach number, total pressure loss and entropy change relation)
    • Varying-Area Adiabatic flow (convergent-divergent nozzle, diffuser, choking, isentropic flow tables)
    • Standing Normal Shocks
    • Moving and Oblique (planar or conical) Shocks
    • Prandtl-Meyer Flow (including lift and drag calculations on airfoils at various angles of attack, and discussion on overexpanded and underexpanded nozzles)
    • Supersonic Nozzle Experiment and Mach number calculations
    • Fanno Flow and applications
    • Rayleigh Flow and applications
    • Topic: Applications of Compressible Flow in Propulsion Systems (Example-ramjet engine)

    Dr. Prabhakar Venkateswaran
  • ME 4804 - Advanced Energy Technologies

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course provides a detailed engineering treatment of various emerging energy technologies. Engineering design, thermodynamic performance, environmental impacts and economic considerations are included in the analysis of advanced and sustainable energy systems. Course topics will be chosen from among the following: fuel cells, cogeneration systems, geothermal energy, hydroenergy, nuclear energy, energy from the oceans, hybrid energy systems and other transportation options. (prereq: ME 2101  or ME 311  or ME 354  or AE 2121  or equivalent)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Course outcomes vary depending on the selected topics for the quarter

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Classical thermodynamics (energy balances)

    Course Topics
    • Topics are chosen from the list given above in the course description based partly on student interest

    Dr. Christopher Damm
  • ME 4805 - Renewable Energy Utilization

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course focuses on the primary renewable energy technologies. Engineering design, thermodynamic performance, environmental impacts, and economic considerations are included in the analysis of renewable energy systems. System types include solar photovoltaic panels, solar thermal technology, biofuel technology, and wind energy. A comparative analysis of energy storage systems is also covered. (prereq: ME 2101  or equivalent and ME 3104  or equivalent)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Appreciate the challenges facing world energy supply and use
    • Predict the solar energy resource at any location on earth
    • Develop an understanding of the science of photovoltaic devices and solar thermal systems
    • Apply engineering design principles to solar power generation installations
    • Perform economic analysis of solar power systems
    • Analyze the energy potential of biofuels, the technology of biofuels production, and the economic advantages and disadvantages of energy from biomass
    • Develop an understanding of the science and engineering of wind energy systems
    • Appreciate the engineering necessity and comparable performance of storage systems for renewable energy

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Classical thermodynamics (energy balances)

    Course Topics
    • World and US energy picture
    • The solar resource
    • Solar photovoltaic systems
    • Solar thermal systems
    • Energy from biomass
    • Wind resources
    • Wind turbine performance prediction
    • Simulation tools for solar energy simulation

    Dr. Christopher Damm
  • ME 4806 - Computational Fluid Dynamics

    3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    This course builds a fundamental understanding of the underlying partial differential equations for fluid flow and provides experience with the numerical tools available for solving fluid flow problems. Commercial software will be employed for certain flow problems. (prereq: ME 3104 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Demonstrate working knowledge of the governing equations of fluid mechanics
    • Understand the mathematical properties of the governing equations and be able to evaluate boundary/initial value problems
    • Demonstrate a systematic approach to solving the appropriate governing equations using CFD
    • Qualitatively analyze numerical results and provide appropriate data plotting
    • Recognize strengths and limitations of CFD techniques
    • Understand the differences between different CFD turbulence models
    • Exercise simulation capability with commercial software

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Fluid mechanics
    • Numerical methods

    Course Topics
    • Fluid dynamics
    • Numerical methods
    • Vorticity-streamfunction
    • RANs turbulence modeling
    • Finite volume analysis
    • Post processing
    • Simulation with commercial software

    Laboratory Topics
    • Simulation with commercial CFD software, e.g. ANSYS Fluent
    • Simulation of cavity flow: vorticity/steam function
    • Flow around bluff bodies: turbulence and flow separation
    • Post processing

    Dr. Nathan Patterson
  • ME 4906 - Applied Numerical Methods

    4 lecture hours 0 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    This course is a capstone numerical methods experience meant to complement the dynamic systems sequence core concepts. The course will contain a focus on lumped modeling with specific reference to multi-degree of freedom eigenanalysis for linear systems as well as a strong focus on issues arising due to system nonlinearity and feasibility of linearization. (prereq: MA 383 , ME 230 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Solve fully nonlinear ordinary differential equations/initial value problems (IVP)
    • Apply principles from linear systems to fully nonlinear systems
    • Postulate and solve eigenvalue/eigenvector problems with applications to modal analysis and buckling

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations
    • Linear algebra

    Course Topics
    • Differential equations
    • Linear algebra
    • System similitude
    • Review of system dynamics
    • Lagrange’s equations
    • Constraints vis Lagrange multipliers
    • Dynamic system simulation ODE’s
    • Eigen analysis
    • Lagrange multipliers

    Dr. Vincent Prantil
  • ME 4951 - Bachelor Thesis I

    1 lecture hours 0 lab hours 1 credits
    Course Description
    This course involves the performance, documentation and defense of individual project work to meet the requirements for the THL/MSOE dual degree program. (prereq: ME 490  and participation in the THL/MSOE exchange program)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • The student is expected to write an in-depth thesis documenting the student’s process that recognizes, defines, solves, and validates a scientific or engineering task within a specified time

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Project dependent

    Dr. Nebojsa Sebastijanovic
  • ME 4952 - Bachelor Thesis II

    2 lecture hours 0 lab hours 2 credits
    Course Description
    This course involves the performance, documentation and defense of individual project work to meet the requirements for the THL/MSOE dual degree program. (prereq: ME 4951 , ME 491 , and participation in the THL/MSOE exchange program)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Write an in-depth thesis documenting the student’s process that recognizes, defines, solves, and validates a scientific or engineering task within a specified time

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Project dependent

    Dr. Nebojsa Sebastijanovic

Naval Science

  • NS 1001 - Drill and Information Briefing

    0 lecture hours 0 lab hours 0 credits
    Course Description
    Weekly formations focusing on Marine Corps and Navy drill, ceremonies, and inspections. Classroom instruction on special interest areas to the prospective naval officer such as financial responsibilities, career opportunities, leadership, maritime strategy, national security and sailing. Instruction and application of the fundamentals of unit organization, the chain of command, and how to properly wear and inspect uniforms. Required of all NROTC students. S/U grade assessment. (prereq: none)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Develop leadership, management, and initiative

    Course Topics
    • Professional customs and courtesies
    • General military training
    • Professional community seminars

  • NS 1009 - Introduction to Naval Science

    2 lecture hours 0 lab hours 2 credits
    Course Description
    General introduction to seapower and the naval service. The instruction places particular emphasis on the mission, organization, regulations and broad warfare components of the Navy. Included is an overview of officer and enlisted rank and rating structures, procurement and recruitment, training and education, promotion and advancement, and retirement policies. Non-NROTC students require consent of department chair. Offered fall term. (prereq: none)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Comprehend the relationship of seapower to national interests and maritime strategy in both peace and war
    • Know the impact and significance of geography and Sea Lines of Communication on maritime strategy and naval operations
    • Know the missions and functions of the U.S. Navy as described in maritime strategy
    • Comprehend the importance of maritime partnerships and coalition operations
    • Comprehend the importance of a forward naval presence to maritime strategy through forward stationed and rotationally deployed forces
    • Comprehend the mission and basic organization of the Navy and Marine Corps

    Course Topics
    • Uniform Code of Military Justice and Military Law
    • Navy terminology and nomenclature
    • Naval Correspondence
    • Navy Platforms, personnel, and locations

  • NS 1022 - Sea Power and Maritime Affairs 1

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Introduction to the history of the high seas. Designed to give a thorough understanding of naval and maritime tradition and its evolution through the centuries. Will discuss the importance of sea power and how it has applied to U.S. national interests in the past and present. (prereq: non-NROTC students require consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Understand historical methodologies in formulation of plausible interpretations of human behavior
    • Understand complex interaction of socio-economic, political, religious and other cultural forces and how they have developed and changed over the centuries
    • Demonstrate an understanding of continuities and differences between past and present

    Course Topics
    • Significant events of world and American naval history
    • Evolution of sea power
    • Fundamental national interests
    • Uses and limits of naval service on the global stage throughout history

  • NS 1023 - Sea Power and Maritime Affairs 2

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Continuation of NS 1022 . Offered spring term. (prereq: NS 1022 , non-NROTC students require consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Understand historical methodologies in formulation of plausible interpretations of human behavior
    • Understand complex interaction of socio-economic, political, religious and other cultural forces and how they have developed and changed over the centuries
    • Demonstrate an understanding of continuities and differences between past and present

    Course Topics
    • Significant events of world and American naval history
    • Evolution of sea power
    • Fundamental national interests
    • Uses and limits of naval service on the global stage throughout history

  • NS 1142 - Naval Ship Systems 1

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Ship design, construction, types and missions. Ship compartmentalization, interior communications, propulsion, auxiliary power, and ship control systems. Elements of ship design for safe operation. Ship stability characteristics. Offered fall term. (prereq: non-NROTC students require consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Comprehend basic engineering concepts and their application to propulsion systems
    • Know the basic operation, key components, and safety considerations of propulsion systems
    • Know the basic principles of electrical power, generation, distribution, and electrical safety
    • Comprehend the factors and criteria for structural integrity in platform design
    • Comprehend basic principles of fluid dynamics
    • Know the purpose of the Navy maintenance programs
    • Demonstrate shipboard damage control

    Course Topics
    • Ship design and architecture
    • Steam cycle
    • Electrical systems on board naval vessels
    • Damage control
    • Generators and nuclear power

  • NS 1151 - Navigation 1

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Theory, principles and procedures of ship navigation and movements. Nautical astronomy, oceanographic factors, piloting, celestial navigation, celestial sights, and other navigational methods. Discusses the rules and procedures governing naval transits. (prereq: Non-NROTC students require consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Understand the rules and regulations governing maritime travel
    • Demonstrate knowledge of different tools and platforms used to navigate at sea
    • Understanding of lights and signals used to communicate with other vessels
    • Demonstrate an ability to effectively fix position and navigate in a variety of depths of water

    Course Topics
    • Rules of the road
    • Navy publications and references
    • Buoys and lights
    • Radar and its uses
    • Charting
    • Celestial navigation

  • NS 1152 - Navigation 2

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Continuation of NS 1151 . Offered spring term. (prereq: NS 1151  or consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Understand the rules and regulations governing maritime travel
    • Demonstrate knowledge of different tools and platforms used to navigate at sea
    • Understanding of lights and signals used to communicate with other vessels
    • Demonstrate an ability to effectively fix position and navigate in a variety of depths of water

    Course Topics
    • Rules of the road
    • Navy publications and references
    • Buoys and lights
    • Radar and its uses
    • Charting
    • Celestial navigation

  • NS 1161 - Evolution of Warfare

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Seminar format course designed to provide Marine Option ROTC Midshipmen with a basic understanding of the art, science, and concepts of warfare.  Classroom instruction focuses on United States Marine Corps warfare theory foundations, the development of conventional and unconventional warfare-to include irregular and cyber warfare-and the basics of Marine Corps amphibious doctrine.   Non-NROTC students require consent of department chair Offered alternate spring terms. (prereq: none)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Comprehend the major cultural, technological, and doctrinal transformations in warfare
    • Develop critical thinking and public speaking skills

    Course Topics
    • Early warfighting tactics
    • Technological advances in the warfighting sphere
    • Evolution of strategy and tactics
    • Case studies

  • NS 1185 - Leadership and Management

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Stress on experiential approach to leadership and management with military emphasis. Motivation and communication theory and practice. Group dynamics and decision-making techniques. Lines of control and organizational structure. Case studies, experiential exercises and situational problems will be used. Offered fall term. (prereq: Non-NROTC students require consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Gain an understanding of a variety of leadership styles
    • Understand group dynamics and how they affect a leader
    • Demonstrate an understanding of interpersonal factors and how the leader can inspire others

    Course Topics
    • Personality types
    • Group dynamics
    • Leadership styles/implementation of strategies

  • NS 2152 - Naval Operations and Seamanship 1

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Theory, principles and procedures of ship navigation, movements and employment. Tactical formations and dispositions, relative motion and maneuvering board solutions. Analysis of tactical plots for force effectiveness. (prereq: NS 1151 ; non-NROTC students require consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Comprehend purpose, scope, and constitutional basis of Navy Regulations regarding sea travel
    • Understand the importance of feedback to mission effectiveness
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the structure of naval warfighting
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the structure of joint operations and how the different services work together and complement each other

    Course Topics
    • Law of the Sea
    • Signals and flags
    • Air, surface, and undersea warfare
    • Radio-telephone communications
    • Strike group organization

  • NS 2153 - Naval Operations and Seamanship 2

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Continuation of NS 2152 . (prereq: NS 1151  and NS 2152 ; non-NROTC students require consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Comprehend purpose, scope, and constitutional basis of Navy Regulations regarding sea travel
    • Understand the importance of feedback to mission effectiveness
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the structure of naval warfighting
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the structure of joint operations and how the different services work together and complement each other

    Course Topics
    • Law of the Sea
    • Signals and flags
    • Air, surface, and undersea warfare
    • Radio-telephone communications
    • Strike group organization

  • NS 2162 - Naval Ship Systems 2

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Theory and principles of operation of naval weapons systems including types, capabilities, and limitations. Theory of target detection, acquisition, identification, and tracking. Principles of trajectories. (recommended prereq: NS 1142 ; non-NROTC students require consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Know the basic characteristics and capabilities of the major weapons systems and platforms of the US naval forces
    • Comprehend weapons systems, platforms, and environmental factors
    • Know the importance of energy as a critical combat enabler and understand best practices in energy efficiency
    • Know how components of naval warfare contribute to the basic sea control and power projection missions of the naval service
    • Know the significance of intelligence in the application of naval warfare
    • Understand the need for OPSEC including recognition of the OPSEC threat

    Course Topics
    • Missiles and projectiles
    • Explosives
    • Mines
    • Trajectories and projectile motion
    • Radar and ranging
    • Sonar and its applications

  • NS 2163 - Naval Ship Systems 3

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Theory and principles of operation of naval weapons systems including types, capabilities, and limitations. Theory of target detection, acquisition, identification and tracking. Principles of trajectories. Offered spring term. (prereq: NS 1142  and NS 2162 , non-NROTC students require consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • None appended

  • NS 2186 - Leadership and Core-Value-Based Decision-Making 1

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Application of techniques and theories learned in NS 1185 . Practical application of sound leadership and ethics to Navy situations. Investigation of levels of ethical decision-making: legal, constitutional, utilitarian, divine. Examination of role of honor, courage, and commitment in leadership. (prereq: NS 1185 , non-NROTC students require consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Gain an understanding of the legal obligations of military leaders
    • Understand the framework of various ethical theories and how they can be applied to real life situations

    Course Topics
    • None appended

    Laboratory Topics
    • Utilitarianism
    • Stoicism
    • Relativism
    • Case studies
    • Legal obligations

  • NS 2187 - Leadership and Core-Value-Based Decision-Making 2

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Continuation of NS 2186 . Offered spring term. (prereq: NS 1185  and NS 2186 , non-NROTC students require consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Gain an understanding of the legal obligations of military leaders
    • Understand the framework of various ethical theories and how they can be applied to real life situations

    Course Topics
    • Utilitarianism
    • Stoicism
    • Relativism
    • Case studies
    • Legal obligations

  • NS 2964 - Practicum in U.S. Marine Corps Leadership and Management

    4 lecture hours 0 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    Provides instruction and practical application of leadership and management techniques used in the Marine Corps and Naval Service. The course is held at the Officer Candidate School at Quantico, Virginia. S/U grade assessment. (prereq: junior standing in USMC option)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Fulfill Officer Candidate School requirement for future service as a Marine Officer

    Course Topics
    • Leadership opportunities in stressful situations
    • Physical endurance
    • History of the Marine Corps and its impact on current operations

  • NS 3191 - Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Broad aspects of warfare and their interactions with maneuver warfare doctrine. Specific focus on the United States Marine Corps as the premier maneuver warfare fighting institution. Historical influences on current tactical, operation, and strategic implications of maneuver warfare practices in current and future operations.  (prereq: Non-NROTC students require consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • None appended

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None appended

    Course Topics
    • None appended

  • NS 4995 - Independent Study in Naval Sciences

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Independent study of special topics in Military Science under faculty supervision. Topics selected by student/faculty conference. Course can be taken for 1-3 credits. (prereq: consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • None appended

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None appended

    Course Topics
    • None appended


  • NU 220 - Health Care Terminology

    2 lecture hours 0 lab hours 2 credits
    Course Description
    This course uses a systems approach to establish a knowledge base of healthcare terminology. Students recognize, analyze, deconstruct, define medical terms, and apply them through effective communication. Offered in a blended format. (prereq: none)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Establish a knowledge base of healthcare terminology (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Define, deconstruct, and use an accurate understanding of healthcare terminology to communicate ideas verbally and in writing (Level 2, Critical Thinking and Communication)
    • Communicate effectively the precise meaning of the word by means of proper pronunciation and precise meaning of the word in the correct context (Level 2, Communication)
    • Accept personal responsibility and participate in own development through acts of integrity, mutual respect, and actively seeking out opportunities to learn (Level 2, Professional Role)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • The human body in health and disease
    • Skeletal system
    • Muscular system
    • Cardiovascular system
    • Lymphatic and immune system
    • Respiratory system
    • Digestive system
    • Urinary system
    • Nervous system
    • Special senses
    • Integumentary system
    • Endocrine system
    • Male reproductive system
    • Female reproductive system
    • Diagnostic procedures and pharmacology

    Janet DeCoopman-Winters
  • NU 260 - Nutrition

    2 lecture hours 0 lab hours 2 credits
    Course Description
    This course introduces nutritional concepts related to human health and wellness across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on assessment of clients’ nutritional health. Students apply knowledge of nutrition issues related to growth and development. Topics include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, healthy diet, metabolism, and energy balance. May be offered in a blended format. (prereq: BI 1010 , CH 2261 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Describe current national dietary guidelines, exercise recommendations, and the role of nutrition and fitness in achieving and maintaining optimal health (Level 1, Nursing Care)
    • Use knowledge about the major sources and functions of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and water) and micronutrients (minerals and vitamins) to achieve and maintain optimal health (Level 1, Nursing Care)
    • Analyze factors that influence body weight and composition and use this knowledge and concepts of metabolism and energy balance to develop a realistic plan to address obesity (Level 2, Nursing Care)  
    • Compare and contrast nutritional issues from the childbearing period, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and in the elderly (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Analyze own personal diet and apply nutritional principles to improve or maintain personal health (Level 2, Critical Thinking)
    • Reflect on and discuss the role of sensitive and effective communication skills when counseling individuals about diet and nutrition issues (Level 2, Communication) 
    • Accept personal responsibility and participate in own development toward the role of the professional nurse through acts of integrity, mutual respect, and actively seeking out opportunities to learn (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Acknowledge the importance of accessing current and reliable sources when providing nutrition-related education to clients and families (Level 2, Evidence-Based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Food choices and human health
    • Nutrition tools and standards
    • Carbohydrates
    • Vitamin C and iron
    • Alcohol and health
    • Lipids
    • Calcium and vitamin D
    • Proteins
    • Vitamin A and zinc
    • Water, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, trace minerals
    • The B vitamins
    • Nutrients and physical activity
    • Vitamin E and K
    • Energy balance and weight loss
    • Nutrition and health
    • Food safety
    • Weight loss strategies
    • Nutrition in pregnancy and lactation
    • Nutrition in infancy and childhood
    • Nutrition in adolescents
    • Nutrition in elderly

    Janet DeCoopman-Winters
  • NU 290 - Pathophysiology 1

    4 lecture hours 0 lab hours 4 credits

    Course Description
    This course provides students with the understanding of disease processes including etiology, manifestations, diagnosis and treatment modalities. Central concepts of pathophysiology and homeostasis provide the foundation for understanding alterations in: cellular function, cardiovascular function, respiratory function, fluid and electrolyte balance and genetics. (prereq: (NU students: BI 1010  (C grade), BI 1020  (C grade), BI 1030  (C grade), BI 2040  (C grade)); (BME students: BI 2305 , BI 2315 ))
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Discuss diagnostic tests, nursing interventions, and treatment modalities used to address alterations in cellular and immune function; cardiovascular, respiratory, and hematopoietic systems; and fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances. (Level 1, Nursing Care)
    • Apply knowledge of pathophysiology to identify nursing interventions that lower risk of progression of specific disease processes. (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Accept personal responsibility and participate in own development toward the role of the professional nurse through acts of integrity, mutual respect, and actively seeking out opportunities to learn. (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Explain the process of cellular and tissue repair in response to injury, infection, and disease. (Level 1, Evidence-Based Practice)
    • Define how stress and disease processes trigger systemic effects and the mechanisms that maintain homeostasis. (Level 1, Evidence-Based Practice)
    • Describe the pathogenesis, compensatory mechanisms, and sequelae of disease processes in cellular and immune function; cardiovascular, respiratory, and hematopoietic systems; and fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances. (Level 1, Evidence-Based Practice)
    • Identify the clinical manifestations of disease processes in cellular and immune function; cardiovascular, respiratory, and hematopoietic systems; and fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances. (Level 1, Evidence-Based Practice)
    • Explain the role of genetics alone and in combination with other factors in triggering disease processes. (Level 1, Evidence-Based Practice)
    • Define how stress and disease processes trigger systemic effects and the mechanisms that maintain homeostasis. (Level 1, Evidence-Based Practice)
    • Describe the pathogenesis, compensatory mechanisms, and sequelae of disease processes in cellular and immune function; cardiovascular, respiratory, and hematopoietic systems; and fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances. (Level 1, Evidence-Based Practice)
    • Identify the clinical manifestations of disease processes in cellular and immune function; cardiovascular, respiratory, and hematopoietic systems; and fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances. (Level 1, Evidence-Based Practice)
    • Explain the role of genetics alone and in combination with other factors in triggering disease processes. (Level 1, Evidence-Based Practice)


    Prerequisites by Topic
    • NU Students: Anatomy and Physiology 1, 2, 3 and 4
    • BME Students: Physiology 1 and 2

    Course Topics
    • Cellular responses to stress, injury and aging
    • Inflammation, tissue repair and fever, cell proliferation and tissue regeneration
    • Genetic control of cell function, and inheritance
    • Genetic and congenital disorders
    • Neoplasia
    • Disorders of fluid, electrolyte and acid/base balance
    • Disorders of the white blood cells and lymphoid tissue
    • Stress and adaptation
    • Mechanisms of infectious disease
    • Innate and adaptive Immunity
    • Disorders of the immune system
    • Disorders of hemostasis
    • Disorders of red blood cells
    • Control of cardiovascular function, disorders of blood flow and blood pressure
    • Disorders of cardiac function
    • Heart failure and circulatory shock
    • Control of respiratory function
    • Respiratory tract infections, neoplasms, and childhood disorders

    Dr. Aruna Lal

  • NU 299 - Global Healthcare and International Health Care Systems

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course examines worldwide health, history, healthcare delivery systems, health care practice, and professional health education as compared to the United States. Students discuss how providers, nurses, and ancillary health team members are utilized in delivering health care. This course involves an optional study abroad experience designed to assist students to integrate a global perspective related to educational preparation, health care delivery, and health care policy within an international environment. The student analyzes competencies needed to be an effective healthcare manager in a multicultural and global environment and relates to the effective management of health services in his or her community. (prereq: sophomore standing)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Demonstrate an expanded understanding of healthcare systems in a global perspective and the main differences between the USA healthcare system and other systems around the world
    • Describe the basic principles and characteristics that define healthcare systems and health policy issues in the international arena
    • Explain the main characteristics and roles of international organizations
    • Analyze the competencies and academic preparation needed to be an effective healthcare manager in a multicultural and global environment
    • Identify the historical evolution of health care delivery and contributions from various countries
    • Compare the health delivery models  in the United States compared to other countries
    • Identify health management strategies used in different countries and healthcare systems to mobilize, allocate, and maintain resources to improve health care status and delivery systems
    • Reflect and develop a personal view about international health care systems and how it could impact one’s future career

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Introduction, history and principles of global health
    • Global health determinants and measurements
    • Health education, poverty, and economy
    • Elements of a health care system
    • Ethical and human rights in global healthcare
    • Culture and health
    • Environment and health
    • Nutrition and health
    • Women’s health
    • Child health
    • Noncommunicable diseases
    • Communicable disease
    • National disasters and humanitarian health
    • Professional practice and required provider education (dependent upon the country)
    • Sustainability in global health care
    • International health care systems
      • United States
      • United Kingdom
      • Mexico/Central America
      • Australia
      • Asia

    Dr. Victoria Carlson-Oehlers
  • NU 300 - Transcultural Nursing

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course describes cultural influences on beliefs, values, and practices in relation to health, illness, and health seeking behaviors for providing culturally congruent and competent nursing care. Students explore how perceptions, values, and roles are influenced by culture and the environment. A variety of interactive learning strategies and planned cultural excursions are incorporated in the course. (prereq: NU 2000 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Examine clients’ autonomy based on cultural factors (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Discuss the history and culture of various cultural groups in Southeastern Wisconsin (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Analyze one’s own cultural influences and reflect on the impact on person, environment, health, and nursing (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Apply knowledge of social and cultural factors that affect nursing and health care outcomes (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Create culturally appropriate outcomes for diverse populations (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Reflect on heterogeneous health care practices within various cultural groups (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Display a pattern of personal accountability for one’s own learning while assuming a professional role through acts of integrity and mutual respect (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Recognize the importance of changing attitudes and values that support cultural competence (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Identify and integrate evidence-based practice in providing culturally competent care (Level 3, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Introduction, cultural diversity of SE Wisconsin
    • What is culture?   
    • 21st century culturally competent care
    • Current theoretical frameworks
    • Select populations: Hispanic childbearing practices
    • Select populations: health care in Hmong communities
    • Ethical decisions in cultural competence
    • Select populations: Wisconsin’s Hispanic/Latino communities
    • Culturally sensitive communication strategies
    • Vulnerable populations
    • Mental health and stigma
    • Cultural competency in physical assessment
    • Selected population issues:  Muslim, immigrant and refugee communities
    • Evidence-based practice and pain across cultures
    • Cultural competency in organizations
    • Select populations: Judaism and sensory impaired
    • End of life and African Americans  

    Dr. Aruna Lal
  • NU 350 - Nursing Care of Older Adults

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course allows students to apply their knowledge and experiences in adult health to the specialized care of older adults. Students explore the health care needs and issues in gerontological nursing and how to maximize wellness and the quality of life for older adults. This course focuses on the healthy aging processes and risk factors that affect the health and functioning of older adults. Emphasized are the nursing approaches to managing the needs and risk factors associated with aging.  (prereq: NU 3000  or RN license)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Analyze physiological and psychological changes in normal aging (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Apply health promotion and wellness concepts to older adults through the end of life (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Compare and contrast valid and reliable assessment tools used to guide nursing practice decisions for older adults (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Apply critical thinking in recognizing the complex interaction of acute and chronic comorbid physical and mental conditions and associated treatments common to older adults (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Differentiate pharmacodynamics and polypharmacy in the older adult (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Assess the barriers for older adults in receiving and understanding information and identify strategies to communicate effectively with older adults (Level 3, Communication)
    • Recognize facts and myths of aging and compare one’s own views and attitudes toward aging (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Display a pattern of personal accountability for one’s own learning while assuming a professional role through acts of integrity and mutual respect (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Analyze environmental, economic, cultural, and ethical influences on health outcomes for geriatric clients (Level 3, Evidence-based Practice)

    Course Topics
    • Promoting wellness
    • Psychosocial and cognitive function
    • Delirium, depression, and dementia
    • Hearing and vision
    • Cardiovascular and respiratory function
    • Mobility and safety
    • Integumentary
    • Digestion and nutrition
    • Urinary function
    • Sleep and rest
    • Thermoregulation
    • Sexual function
    • Medication concerns
    • Diversity
    • Literacy
    • Diverse healthcare settings
    • Legal and ethical concerns
    • Elder abuse and neglect
    • End of life

    Dr. Havilah Normington
  • NU 390 - Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course introduces the student to concepts of the research process and its application to nursing practice. Emphasis is placed on students becoming knowledgeable consumers of research as they expand their nursing practice. (prereq: MA 315 , NU 3000 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Complete a review of the literature guided by a PICOT question (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Display a pattern of personal accountability for one’s own learning while assuming a professional role through acts of integrity and mutual respect (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Examine the role of the nurse in research and development of evidence-based practice (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Develop skill in accessing knowledge technology through appropriate selection of databases and strategies to search the literature to locate the best evidence (Level 3, Technology)
    • Explore techniques to promote evidence-based practice decisions in nursing practice (Level 3, Evidence-based Practice)
    • Compare and contrast the purpose and methodologies of quantitative and qualitative research (Level 3, Evidence-based Practice)
    • Analyze and disseminate knowledge grounded in nursing science through examination of nursing practice, nursing research, and published literature (Level 3, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Introduction to nursing research and evidence-based practice
    • Understanding the research process and ethical Issues in nursing research
    • Understanding evidence-based practice
    • Searching the literature and developing evidence tables
    • Develop a PICO and PEO question to guide an integrative literature review
    • Selecting and defining a problem
    • Applying appropriate theories and conceptual models 
    • Formulating hypotheses and research questions
    • Selecting the sample and setting
    • Principles of measurement
    • Data collection methods 
    • Analyzing the data
    • Quantitative research design 
    • Qualitative research design
    • Interpreting and reporting research findings
    • Critiquing research as reported in the literature

    Dr. Jane Paige
  • NU 391 - Pathophysiology II

    4 lecture hours 0 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    This course provides a continuation of knowledge in the understanding of the disease process, including etiology, manifestations, diagnoses and treatment modalities. Topics covered include alterations in the functions of male and female genitourinary system, gastrointestinal system, endocrine function and metabolism alteration and renal function. Further topics include alterations in neural function, neurophysiological function, musculoskeletal functions and integumentary system. (prereq: NU 290 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Discuss diagnostic tests, nursing interventions, and treatment modalities used to address alterations in male and female genitourinary systems; gastrointestinal, renal, neural, neurophysiological, musculoskeletal, and integumentary systems; and endocrine and metabolism alterations (Level 1, Nursing Care)
    • Apply knowledge of pathophysiology to identify nursing interventions that lower risk of progression of specific disease processes (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Accept personal responsibility and participate in own development toward the role of the professional nurse through acts of integrity, mutual respect, and actively seeking out opportunities to learn (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Explain the role of genetics alone and in combination with other factors in triggering disease processes (Level 1, Evidence-based Practice)
    • Describe the pathogenesis, compensatory mechanisms, and sequelae of disease processes in male and female genitourinary systems; gastrointestinal, renal, neural, neurophysiological, musculoskeletal, and integumentary systems; and endocrine and metabolism alterations (Level 1, Evidence-based Practice)
    • Identify the clinical manifestations of disease processes in male and female genitourinary systems; gastrointestinal, renal, neural, neurophysiological, musculoskeletal, and integumentary systems; and endocrine and metabolism alterations (Level 1, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Disorders of ventilation and gas exchange
    • Structure and function of the kidney
    • Disorders of renal function
    • Disorders of the bladder and lower urinary tract
    • Structure and disorders of the GI system
    • Disorders of hepatobiliary and exocrine pancreas
    • Disorders of endocrine function
    • Diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome
    • Organization and control of neural function
    • Somatosensory function of pain
    • Disorders of neuromuscular function
    • Disorders of brain function
    • Disorders of musculoskeletal metabolic
    • Rheumatic function
    • Sexually transmitted infections
    • Disorders of male genitourinary/reproductive system
    • Disorders of female genitourinary/reproductive system
    • Disorders of sensory function
    • Disorders of skin integumentary function

    Dr. Renee Wenzlaff
  • NU 450 - Gerontological Management of Care

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course focuses on the health and care of older adults with an emphasis on acute care and chronic care of the older adult. This course includes identification of disease risk factors associated with aging and reasons elderly are not able to remain in their homes. Students will develop respect and an appreciation for the older adult in disease management and advanced pharmacology. Analysis will be conducted on internal and external stressors that influence developmental tasks and activities of daily living encompassing the physiological, psychological, and sociological health dimensions. (prereq: NU 350 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Implement strategies through use of evidence-based practice guidelines to prevent and/or identify and manage geriatric syndromes (AACN Gerontological Essentials IV & IX)
    • Analyze the complex interaction of acute and chronic co-morbid physical and mental conditions and associated treatments common to older adults (AACN Gerontological Essential IX)
    • Apply advanced pharmacological concepts in the management of acute and chronic illness of older adults
    • Compare models of care that promote safe, quality physical and mental health care for older adults such as PACE, NICHE, Guided Care, Culture Change, and Transitional Care Models (AACN Gerontological Essential II)
    • Integrate evidence-based research and relevant theories into the delivery of client-centered care for older adults (AACN Gerontological Essential I)
    • Integrate leadership and communication techniques that foster discussion and reflection on the extent to which diversity (among nurses, ancillary personnel, therapists, physicians, and patients) has the potential to impact the care of older adults (AACN Gerontological Essential VI)
    • Facilitate safe and effective transitions across levels of care that include acute, community-based and long-term care for older adults and their families (AACN Gerontological Essentials IV & IX)
    • Assess and develop plan of care for older adults with complex chronic illness and their caregivers (AACN Gerontological Essentials IX)

    Course Topics
    • Acute and chronic care of gerontological mental health care
    • Pharmacology for acute and chronic illness
    • Chronic illness and disease management and care
    • Special populations

    Dr. Havilah Normington
  • NU 455 - Gerontological Policy, Service and Social Issues

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course focuses on policy and social issues affecting the care of the older adult. Topics include the legal and ethical considerations in aging, competencies in Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), and principles that provide direction to promote, restore, and maintain the health of the older adult patient. Caregiving and social support are areas to be explored. (prereq: NU 3000  or RN license)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Intervene to assist older adults and their support networks to achieve personal goals, based on the analysis of the living environment and availability of community resources (AACN Gerontological Essential VII)
    • Analyze actual or potential mistreatment (physical, mental or financial abuse, and/or self-neglect) in older adults and initiate appropriate referrals (AACN Gerontological Essential V)
    • Recognize and respect the variations of care, the increased complexity, and the increased use of healthcare resources inherent in caring for older adults (AACN Gerontological Essentials IV & IX)
    • Facilitate ethical, non-coercive decision making by older adults and/or families/caregivers for maintaining everyday living, receiving treatment, initiating advance directives, and implementing end-of-life care (AACN Gerontological Essential VIII)
    • Promote evidence-based practice and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) principles that promote safety in care (AACN Gerontological Essential II)
    • Plan client-centered care with consideration for the caregivers and their mental and physical health (AACN Gerontological Essential IX)
    • Utilize resources and programs to promote functional, physical, and mental wellness in older adults and their caregivers (AACN Gerontological Essential VII)

    Course Topics
    • Aging and caregiving
    • Abuse/legal Issues
    • Bioethics
    • Economic resource issues
    • Government/state policy issues on Medicare
    • Health care economics
    • QSEN/AHRQ social policy concerns and EBP
    • Quality and safety initiatives
    • Restraints (chemical and physical)

    Dr. Havilah Normington
  • NU 485 - Senior Nursing Preceptorship

    2 lecture hours 12 lab hours 6 credits
    Course Description
    This course focuses on the synthesis of professional nursing concepts. Through clinical immersion in a selected area of practice and under mentorship of a preceptor, students transition into the role of the professional nurse. (prereq: NU 4600 , NU 4710 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Provide safe, effective, compassionate, and holistic nursing care through analytical use of the nursing process during a clinical immersion experience while assuming an increasingly independent role (Level 4, Nursing Care)
    • Employ reflective narrative analysis and critical thinking skills to synthesize professional nursing concepts and develop personal goals for transitioning into role of professional nurse (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Consistently employ appropriate and effective communication skills with healthcare team members to minimize risk and error during clinical immersion experience (Level 4, Communication)
    • Assume a professional role that is responsive to a changing society while maintaining the client in full partnership in an atmosphere of care and compassion (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Develop one’s professional identity and increase self-confidence and awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses through active engagement in activities that prepare for transition to the role of a professional nurse (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Select, operate, and evaluate health information technology and biomedical technologies to support safe and quality nursing care (Level 4, Technology)
    • Provide value-based leadership when collaborating with other health care team members to improve outcomes for individuals, families, and the healthcare system during a clinical immersion experience (Level 4, Collaboration)
    • Synthesize research findings and knowledge on best practices drawn from professional literature into decisions that ensure the quality and safety of nursing care (Level 4, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Reflective practice
    • Caring
    • Emotional intelligence
    • Transitioning to practice
    • Graduate nurse interviewing

    Laboratory Topics
    • Clinical focus: clinical immersion

    April Pellmann
  • NU 499 - Independent Study

    1 lecture hours 0 lab hours 1 credits
    Course Description
    This course allows the student, with faculty guidance, to concentrate on an approved subject not covered in regularly scheduled courses. This may take the form of individual or small group supervised study, literature survey, analysis, design or clinical study. A final evaluation, the format of which is left to the discretion of the faculty advisor, is required at the end of the quarter. (prereq: junior standing, up to three credits may be taken with approval of program director or chair of School of Nursing)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Course outcomes and evaluation criteria are determined by course faculty

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • None appended

    Dr. Jane Paige
  • NU 499 IR - Instructional Review

    1 to 6 credits
    Course Description
    This course is for a nursing student who had a gap of two or more consecutive quarters (excluding summer for traditional students) between clinical courses who was unable to demonstrate the competencies of the last nursing clinical course through a formal assessment. If the student is not successful in the instructional review, the student must repeat the last nursing clinical course under assessment. The instructional review is completed as a satisfactory/unsatisfactory course. (prereq: unsuccessful formal assessment of prior clinical nursing course)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Course outcomes and evaluation criteria are determined by course faculty

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Dawn Wojkiewicz-Hudzinski
  • NU 799 - MSN Independent Study

    Course Description
    Independent study allows a student with a particular interest in a topic to undertake additional work outside of the classroom format. The student works under the supervision of a faculty member and undertakes studies that typically lead to a report. MSN students may take up to 6 credits of independent study. (prereq: consent of department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Course learning outcomes will be determined by supervising faculty prior to registration.

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Dr. Debra Jenks
  • NU 1000 - Introduction to Nursing, Health, and Language of Healthcare

    4 lecture hours 0 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    This course introduces students to personal health, the language of healthcare, and the role of the professional nurse. Students study health from the perspective of the individual, discuss factors that promote and maintain healthy lifestyles, and apply them in the development of a behavioral change project to promote their own health. This course establishes student’s knowledge base of healthcare terminology and develops their ability to communicate using the language of healthcare. Students explore the role of the nurse and various career paths in professional nursing. Students gain skills in personal productivity, develop proficiency in communication applications, and develop the ability to use electronic databases to search healthcare literature. Students receive orientation to the American Psychological Association (APA) formatting and style guide. (prereq: none)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Discuss factors that promote healthy lifestyles and prevent illness for individuals (Level 1, Nursing Care)
    • Analyze one’s personal health and apply a health model to guide a personal behavior change (Level 1, Nursing Care)
    • Define, deconstruct, and analyze healthcare terminology (Level 1, Critical Thinking)
    • Communicate using the language in healthcare employing proper pronunciation and precise and accurate meaning of healthcare terminology. (Level 1, Communication)
    • Establish methods to manage college pressures, develop effective time management and study skills, and establish plans for academic success (Level 1, Professional Role)
    • Describe criteria that define a profession (Level 1, Professional Role)
    • Describe the role of the nurse as a member of the health care team and provider of care. (Level 1, Professional Role)
    • Distinguish various career paths in nursing (Level 1, Professional Role)
    • Utilize electronic databases to conduct systematic searches of healthcare and nursing literature (Level 1, Technology)
    • Demonstrate correct use of American Psychological Association (APA) formatting and writing style (Level 1, Communication)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Benefits and goals of a college education
    • Student support services, study skills, test taking strategies for academic success
    • Personal productivity and communication applications
    • Academic policies - MSOE and School of Nursing Handbooks, Nursing labs
    • School of Nursing vision and mission statements
    • Personal Health topics - wellness, health promotion, anxiety/depression, harassment, stress management
    • Personal health assessment and Change Project
    • Healthy People 2020
    • Library Resources, electronic databases, tour of library
    • APA formatting and style guide
    • Nursing degrees, licensure, and professional career paths
    • Professional development transcript
    • Professionalism, social media, confidentiality
    • Healthcare terminology (health and disease, skin, skeletal and muscular system; cardiovascular system; respiratory system; lymphatic and immune systems; nervous system senses; diagnostic procedures and pharmacology; digestive system; urinary system; endocrine and reproductive systems)

    Dr. Jane Paige
  • NU 2000 - History and Theories of Professional Nursing Practice

    4 lecture hours 0 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    This course provides an overview of nursing from a historical and professional development perspective. Emphasis is placed in understanding professional nursing practice in the context of its social contract with society. Standards of professional nursing practice, standards of professional performance, ethics, and the concepts of nursing, person, environment and health are examined. Students explore world events with a focus on American history and the advances in American nursing. Students analyze nursing conceptual frameworks and theories and discuss past and current trends and issues in nursing practice. Students are introduced to the nursing process and Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns as guiding frameworks integrated across the nursing curriculum.  (prereq: none)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Identify the basic components of theory and the hierarchy of nursing knowledge (Level 2, Evidence based practice)
    • Discuss the meaning of the nursing metaparadigm (nursing, person, environment and health) in relationship to selected conceptual frameworks and nursing theories (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Communicate verbally and in writing thoughts and ideas regarding the history and theories of nursing (Level 2, Communication)
    • Critically reflect on one’s personal definition of the concepts of nursing, person, environment, and health (Level 2, Critical Thinking)
    • Demonstrate responsibility and accountability for learning (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Explore the role of the nurse throughout history (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Describe professional nursing practice in the context of the Standards of Professional Nursing Practice and Nursing’s Social Policy Statement (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Explore the components of the nursing process (Level 2, Critical Thinking)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • MSOE School of Nursing Conceptual Framework
    • Philosophies and theories of Nursing
    • History of Nursing and health
    • American Nursing and U.S. healthcare system
    • Nursing metaparadigm
    • Nursing in the future
    • Nursing and policy: social policy statement
    • Standards of Nursing Practice and Standards of Professional Performance
    • Nursing and ethics
    • Gordon’s eleven Functional Health Patterns
    • Nursing process: assessment, diagnosis, outcomes, interventions, evaluation

    Dr. Janet DeCoopman-Winters
  • NU 2011 - Health Concepts and Health Assessment

    4 lecture hours 6 lab hours 6 credits
    Course Description
    This course prepares nursing students for the role of the professional registered nurse and provides the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform a health assessment of individual clients of all ages. Emphasis is placed on understanding professional nursing practice in context of its social contract with society, learning the nursing process, and Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns. Student conducts a comprehensive health history using effective communication skills and physical examination inclusive of diagnostic tests and identification of normal lab values. Opportunities are provided to apply assessment skills in a variety of settings. Students apply the functional health patterns in the development of a behavioral change project to promote their own health. (prereq: CH 2261 , BI 256 , BI 1010  (C grade), BI 1020  (C grade), BI 1030  (C grade), BI 2040  (C grade), NU 220 , NU 2000 , or acceptance into B.S. in Nursing Accelerated Second Degree (BSN-ASD) program) (coreq: NU 290 , NU 2810 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Discuss factors that promote health and explain how healthy lifestyles can help maintain health and prevent illness (Level 1, Nursing Care)
    • Summarize one’s personal health and apply a health model to guide a personal behavior change (Level 1, Nursing Care)
    • Conduct a comprehensive health assessment of an individual client using the Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns as a framework (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Differentiate health assessment techniques appropriate for the developmental level and age of the client (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Distinguish normal and expected assessment findings from abnormal and unexpected findings gathered during history intake, physical examination, diagnostic tests, and from lab values (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Critically reflect on one’s approach and process to conduct a comprehensive health assessment (Level 2, Critical Thinking)
    • Demonstrate effective communication skills being sensitive to privacy and confidentiality when collecting assessment data from clients (Level 2, Communication)
    • Summarize health assessment findings and accurately record data (Level 2, Communication)
    • Accept personal responsibility and participate in own development toward the role of the professional nurse through acts of integrity, mutual respect, and actively seeking out opportunities to learn (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • State criteria that define nursing as a profession and identify various career paths within nursing (Level 1, Professional Role)
    • Describe the role of the nurse as a member of the health care team and provider of care (Level 1, Professional Role)
    • Appropriately select and operate biomedical technology to collect assessment data (Level 2, Technology)
    • Discuss relevant nursing literature related to health assessments (Level 2, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Introduction of health concepts and health assessment
    • Health/change models
    • Behavior change project
    • Professional nursing practice
    • Introduction of health assessment
    • Interview and history guided by Functional Health Patterns (FHP)
    • Comprehensive physical assessment guided by FHP
    • Documentation
    • Health assessment of the newborn and infant
    • Health assessment of children and adolescents
    • Health assessment of the older adult
    • Health assessment of the pregnant adult
    • Lab values and diagnostics
    • Summary analysis of health assessment findings
    • Case studies
    • Nursing process: assessment & diagnosis, outcomes, interventions, evaluation

    Laboratory Topics
    • Health history
    • Physical assessment
    • Clinical experiences: well-elder, newborn and daycare assessment

    Diane Dettinger
  • NU 2320 - Health Assessment of Family

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    The emphasis in this course is assessment of family and the nurse’s role in partnering with families to achieve optimal health outcomes. The student is introduced to the value of theoretical frameworks such as Family Systems Theory, Family Development and Life Cycle Theory, Bio-ecological Systems Theory, and Chronic Illness Framework as the basis for nursing practice. The family health history focuses on family strengths including family genogram and importance of considering genetics/genomics in identifying risk factors. The family home will be discussed as a significant variable in family health status. The important role of family members in health care decisions, relationships within families and the role of the nurse in creating family friendly situations and environments in health care settings will be addressed. (prereq: CH 2261 , NU 2000 , NU 220 BI 256 , BI 1010  (C grade), BI 1020  (C grade), BI 1030  (C grade), BI 2040  (C grade)) (coreq: NU 2011 NU 290 , NU 2810 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Use appropriate frameworks to complete assessment of families (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Apply theoretical frameworks and concepts to explore factors in a family’s environment that influence health (Level 2, Critical Thinking)
    • Incorporate cultural sensitivity, ethical principles, and effective communication skills when interacting with families and communities (Level 2, Communication)
    • Accept personal responsibility and participate in own development toward the role of the professional nurse through acts of integrity, mutual respect, and actively seeking out opportunities to learn (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Participate in a site visit to a community resource for families and reflect on the role of the professional nurse in the selected setting (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Demonstrate understanding of the role of the professional nurse and collaborate with families in conducting health assessments (Level 2, Collaboration)
    • Conduct a comprehensive family health assessment integrating knowledge from professional literature and evidence-based practice (Level 2, Evidence-based practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    •  None

    Course Topics
    • Introduction to family nursing
    • Family home visit
    • Family nursing theories
    • Family assessment
    • Health promotion in the family
    • Family social policy and health disparities
    • Genetics/genomics and the family
    • Developing cultural competence in nursing care of families
    • Families in palliative and end-of-life care
    • Families living with chronic conditions
    • Family nursing with childbearing family
    • Gerontological family nursing
    • Trauma and family nursing
    • Family child health nursing
    • Families in adult medical surgical settings

    Rhonda Powell
  • NU 2520 - Primary Dynamics of Nursing Care

    4 lecture hours 9 lab hours 7 credits
    Course Description
    This course introduces the student to the application of basic concepts appropriate to professional nursing care. These concepts include the nursing process, critical thinking, role expectations, illness prevention, health restoration, health promotion, and health maintenance across the lifespan. The design of this course promotes the integrated use of the nursing process in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of care. Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns and nursing diagnostic categories based on the work of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) are used to organize assessment data and the plan of care for clients. (prereq: NU 2011 NU 290 ) (coreq: NU 2820 , NU 391 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Use the nursing process to deliver safe, effective, compassionate holistic care to individuals and families with a focus on health promotion, health maintenance, and illness prevention (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Develop, revise, and communicate a plan of nursing care that reflects logical thinking (Level 2, Critical Thinking)
    • Use reflective analysis to develop critical thinking skills when applying the steps of the nursing process to clients (Level 2, Critical Thinking)
    • Demonstrate effective written and verbal communication skills in application of the nursing process to develop a health education project (Level 2, Communication)
    • Accept personal responsibility and participate in own development toward the role of the professional nurse through acts of integrity, mutual respect, and actively seeking out opportunities to learn (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Demonstrate professional roles of care provider, advocate, and educator in the delivery of nursing care (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Explore the use of health information technology to document and record client data and select appropriate biomedical technology for use in client care (Level 2, Technology)
    • Develop foundational knowledge of the principles associated with delegation and collaborative practice (Level 2, Collaboration)
    • Develop foundational knowledge of the components of evidence-based practice and its importance in nursing practice (Level 2, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Growth and development; the experience of aging
    • Nutrition-metabolic pattern; risk for injury - Impaired swallowing/risk for aspiration, Risk for impaired skin integrity/pressure ulcers, obesity, less than body requirements, risk for infection, alteration in thermoregulation hypo/hyperthermia
    • Health perception-health maintenance; risk for suffocation; health seeking behavior/readiness for enhanced knowledge, risk for poisoning, latex allergy
    • Professional practice: nursing process, documentation, licensing, legal issues, client rights and ethics, health care teams, delegation, collaboration and communication, conflict resolution
    • Evidence-based practice, client safety initiatives
    • Cognitive-perceptual: critical thinking, knowing deficit
    • Activity-exercise pattern: impaired physical mobility, impaired ambulation. risk for falls, deficient diversional activity
    • Sleep-rest pattern: sleep pattern disturbance / readiness for enhanced sleep
    • Sexuality-reproductive: ineffective sexuality pattern
    • Values-belief; readiness for enhanced spiritual well-being
    • Coping-stress tolerance: ineffective individual coping, ineffective denial - substance abuse
    • Risk for injury, suffocation
    • Role-relationship pattern: grief and death across the lifespan, risk for loneliness/loneliness
    • Disabled family coping, domestic violence
    • Readiness for enhanced self-concept, disturbed self-concept: anxiety and fear

    Laboratory Topics
    • Psychomotor skills: nutrition lab, post-mortem care, personal hygiene and oral care, isolation principles, safe patient handling, safe restraint use, fire safety, nursing process lab, hazards of Immobility
    • Simulations: pediatric simulation: teaching and med administration; domestic violence; patient with swallowing impairment
    • Clinical focus: skilled nursing facility

    Dr. Victoria Carlson-Oehlers
  • NU 2521 - Primary Concepts and Dynamics of Nursing Care

    4 lecture hours 12 lab hours 8 credits
    Course Description
    This course introduces the student to the application of basic concepts appropriate to professional nursing care. These concepts include the nursing process, critical thinking, role expectations, illness prevention, health restoration, health promotion and health maintenance across the lifespan. The design of this course promotes the integrated and expanded use of the nursing process in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of care. Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns and nursing diagnostic categories based on the work of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) are used to organize assessment data and the plan of care for clients. (prereq: NU 2011 , NU 290 , NU 2810 ) (coreq: NU 391 , NU 2820 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Use the nursing process to deliver safe, effective, compassionate holistic care to individuals and families with a focus on health promotion, health maintenance, and illness prevention (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Develop, revise, and communicate a plan of nursing care that reflects logical thinking (Level 2, Critical Thinking)
    • Use reflective analysis to develop critical thinking skills when applying the steps of the nursing process to clients (Level 2, Critical Thinking)
    • Demonstrate effective written and verbal communication skills in application of the nursing process to develop a health education project (Level 2, Communication)
    • Accept personal responsibility and participate in own development toward the role of the professional nurse through acts of integrity, mutual respect, and actively seeking out opportunities to learn (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Demonstrate professional roles of care provider, advocate, and educator in the delivery of nursing care (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Explore the use of health information technology to document and record client data and select appropriate biomedical technology for use in client care (Level 2, Technology)
    • Develop foundational knowledge of the principles associated with delegation and collaborative practice (Level 2, Collaboration)
    • Develop foundational knowledge of the components of evidence-based practice and its importance in nursing practice (Level 2, Evidence Based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Growth and Development: The experience of aging
    • Health Perception-Health Management: Health seeking behavior/ Readiness for enhanced well-being
    • Nutrition-Metabolic pattern: Risk for injury - Impaired swallowing/risk for aspiration: Altered Oral Mucous Membranes
    • Nutrition-Metabolic pattern: Risk for impaired skin integrity/pressure ulcers
    • Cognitive-perceptual: Critical thinking
    • Nutrition/Metabolic: Malnutrition, less than body requirements, more than body requirements; Alteration in thermoregulation; Hypo/Hyperthermia; fever management
    • Activity-Exercise Pattern: Impaired Physical Mobility, Impaired Ambulation. Risk for Falls; Impaired Gas Exchange; Ineffective Breathing Patterns, Ineffective Airway Clearance: Nursing Care of Clients with atelectasis, Pneumonia; Nursing Care of Clients with pulmonary embolus and tuberculosis
    • Professional Nursing Issues: Evidence Based Practice, Licensing, legal issues, Patient rights, ethics, Documentation, Health Care Teams; Delegation, Collaboration and Communication; Conflict Resolution, Critical Pathways, Prevention through Patient Safety Initiatives
    • Cognitive - perceptual: Deficit knowledge
    • Sleep-rest pattern: Sleep pattern disturbance/ readiness for enhanced sleep/ sleep deprivation
    • Sexuality-Reproductive: Altered Sexuality
    • Activity/Exercise pattern: Coping-Stress Tolerance: Risk for Injury, Disabled family coping, Domestic violence; Ineffective Denial: Substance Abuse; Anxiety: Mild, Moderate, Anticipatory, Ineffective individual coping;
    • Activity-Exercise: Deficit Diversional Activity
    • Coping-Stress Tolerance:
    • Self-Perception/Self-concept: Readiness for enhanced self-concept, Disturbed self-concept, Fear
    • Coping-stress pattern
    • Health Maintenance/Health promotion: Risk for suffocation
    • Role-Relationship Pattern: Anticipatory Grief, Dysfunctional Grief, Death across the Lifespan, risk for Loneliness/Loneliness, risk for poisoning, allergic responses, latex allergy
    • Risk for poisoning, allergic responses, latex allergy
    • Values/Beliefs pattern: Readiness for enhanced spiritual Well-being

    Laboratory Topics
    • Psychomotor Skills: Nutrition Lab, Post-Mortem Care, Personal Hygiene and Oral Care, Isolation Principles, Safe Patient Handling, Safe Restraint Use, Fire Safety, Nursing Process Lab:, Hazards of Immobility, Abnormal Assessment, Pulmonary Hygiene, Oxygen Therapy, Nebulizer and Peak Flow Meter, Incision and Wound Care, Orthopedic Care
    • Simulation: Domestic Violence; Patient with Swallowing Impairment
    • Clinical Focus: Long-term care and Rehabilitation

    Dr. Victoria Carlson-Oehlers
  • NU 2810 - Pharmacology I

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course introduces students to the effects of drugs on physiologic systems. Students learn about specific drug mechanisms of action, administration issues, required safety monitoring, potential adverse effects, drug interactions, and evaluation for achievement of therapeutic effectiveness and drug-related patient education needs. Drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system, immune system, cardiovascular system, hematopoietic systems, coagulation pathways, fluid and electrolyte balance, cancer treatment, and alternative therapies are discussed. (prereq: NU students: BI 1010  (C grade), BI 1020  (C grade), BI 1030  (C grade), BI 2040  (C grade),MA 125  or MA 1204 ); BME students: BI 2305 , BI 2315 ) (coreq: NU 290 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Identify the major categories of drug reactions and describe the nurse’s role in preventing, detecting, responding to, and reporting adverse drug reactions (Level 1, Nursing Care)
    • Use knowledge of the basic principles of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics to explain the concepts of drug mechanism of action; onset, peak, and duration of action; adverse effects profile; and potential for drug-to-drug, drug-to-food, and drug-to-disease interactions (Level 1, Nursing Care)
    • Use knowledge of the physiologic changes that occur during human development to explain how age and developmental status influence drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (Level 1, Nursing Care)
    • Identify mechanisms of action, therapeutic indications, and expected responses to drugs that affect the immune, autonomic nervous, cardiovascular, hematopoietic, and coagulation systems, fluid and electrolyte balances, and drugs to treat cancer (Level 1, Nursing Care)
    • Use core drug knowledge and critical thinking in conjunction with the nursing process to describe safe administration of medications and methods to evaluate effectiveness of drug therapy (Level 2, Critical Thinking)
    • Use effective communication skills and knowledge of adverse effects profile to monitor drug safety and educate clients about drugs that affect the immune, autonomic nervous, cardiovascular, hematopoietic, and coagulation systems, fluid and electrolyte balances, and drugs to treat cancer (Level 2, Communication)
    • Discuss methods to promote open communication between clients and health care providers about alternative therapies, sources of accurate information, and controversy surrounding use (Level 2, Communication)
    • Accept personal responsibility and participate in own development toward the role of the professional nurse through acts of integrity, mutual respect, and actively seeking out opportunities to learn (Level 2, Professional Role)
    • Acknowledge the importance of accessing current and reliable sources to maintain and update one’s knowledge of drugs over the course of a nursing career (Level 2, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Anatomy and Physiology 1, 2, 3, and 4
    • College Algebra 1

    Course Topics
    • Drug development, regulation, and safety issues
    • Pharmacology and the nursing process
    • Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
    • Adverse drug reactions
    • Food and drug Interactions
    • Immunizations, immunosuppressants & glucocorticoid drugs
    • Anti-inflammatory drugs
    • Anti-histamines drugs
    • Drug therapy across the lifespan
    • Alternative therapies
    • Adrenergic agonist and blocker drugs
    • Cholinergic agonist and blocker drugs
    • Cholinesterase inhibitor drugs
    • Short and long acting paralytic drugs
    • Drugs affecting fluid & electrolyte balance
    • Drug to treat hypertension
    • Vasodilators
    • Drugs for congestive heart failure, angina pectoris, and myocardial infarction
    • Drugs for dyslipidemias
    • Anti-coagulants
    • Drugs for anemias & hematopoietic drugs
    • Cancer chemotherapy

    Cathy Leffler
  • NU 2820 - Pharmacology II

    3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    This course is the second in a two-part series on the effects of drugs on physiological systems. The course focus is on critical thinking in the application of pharmacological knowledge to nursing practice. Students identify nursing implications necessary to administer medications and monitor the pharmacological response of medication to clients across the life span. Students demonstrate and apply medication administration principles in lab and simulation activities. Drugs affecting the respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, endocrine system, central nervous system, women’s and men’s health, bone and joint disorders, and antimicrobials are discussed. (prereq: NU 2810 ) (coreq: NU 2520 , NU 391 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Understand the basic principles of antimicrobial drugs, and be able to identify drugs from each class along with their mechanisms of action (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Understand the basic principles of respiratory tract drugs, and be able to identify drugs from each class along with their mechanisms of action (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Understand the basic principles of endocrine pharmacology and be able to identify drugs from each class and their mechanisms of action (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Understand the basic principles of drugs affecting women’s health and be able identify drugs from each class and their mechanism of action (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Understand the basic principles of drugs affecting men’s health and be able identify drugs from each class and their mechanism of action (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Understand the basic principles of central nervous system pharmacology (neurologic, anesthetic, and psychotherapeutic agents) and be able to identify drugs from each class along with their mechanisms of action (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Understand the basic principles of drugs for bone and joint disorders and be able to identify drugs from each class and their mechanism of action (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Understand the basic principles of gastrointestinal pharmacology and be able to identify drugs from each class and their mechanism of action (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Apply the nursing process to medication management including demonstration of safe medication administration and evaluation of client responses to pharmacological intervention (Level 2, Nursing Care, Communication, Professional Role, and Critical Thinking)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Chemotherapy of infectious agents
    • Gastrointestinal tract drugs
    • Endocrine drugs
    • Diabetes management drugs
    • Neurodegenerative drugs
    • Anesthetic and pain management
    • Neurologic drugs
    • Drug abuse treatment drugs
    • Psychiatric drugs
    • Respiratory tracts drugs
    • Bone and joint disorder drugs
    • Women’s health drugs
    • Men’s health drugs

    Laboratory Topics
    • Oral medication administration
    • Injectable and transdermal medication administration
    • Eye and ear medication administration
    • Individual student practice of medication administration
    • Blood sugar monitoring and insulin administration
    • Pain management and nursing process
    • Anticoagulant therapy management
    • Metered dose inhaler and respiratory management

    Dr. Jane Paige
  • NU 3000 - Nursing Care of Clients with Episodic Health Challenges I

    4 lecture hours 9 lab hours 7 credits
    Course Description
    This course provides students the opportunity to expand their use of the nursing process in the care of patients and families experiencing episodic health care challenges. Students apply nursing concepts in providing care to patients and childbearing families. Students expand their role as members of the health care team and use effective communication to deliver a caring approach to diverse populations across the lifespan. Further development of critical thinking skills enables students to identify and act on opportunities to prevent complications and promote, maintain, and restore health. (prereq: NU 260 , NU 2520 , NU 2820 , NU 2320 NU 391 , SS 462 ) (coreq: NU 3000L , HU 332 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Use the nursing process to organize, prioritize, and deliver safe, effective, holistic, individualized care to clients experiencing acute episodic health challenge in a way that promotes health and prevents complications (Level 3, Nursing Care) 
    • Act on opportunities to apply aspects of caring by comforting and supporting clients and families in conjunction with reflection on one’s approach to caring (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Use critical thinking and thoughtful, reflective analysis to make accurate clinical decisions that individualize the delivery of nursing care (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Employ effective interpersonal communication skills and knowledge of health education principles to educate, support, and partner with diverse clients and families to promote achieving higher levels of health (Level 3, Communication)
    • Display a pattern of personal accountability for one’s own learning while assuming a professional role through acts of integrity and mutual respect (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Assume the role of the nurse as provider of care, educator, advocate, and care coordinator by reflecting on and taking responsibility for one’s action, practice, and learning (Level 3, Professional Role)  
    • Gather and organize data from health information technology and biomedical technology and use findings to support clinical decisions to promote patient safety and improve patient care (Level 3, Technology)
    • Demonstrate effective teamwork, while developing skills in delegation and coordination of client care with other members of the healthcare team (Level 3, Collaboration)  
    • Select and apply evidence from reliable sources to support the plan of care (Level 3, Evidence-based Practice)  

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Postpartum client
    • Newborn client
    • Postoperative client
    • Acute pain and coping
    • Transition to parenthood
    • Normal childbearing
    • Alteration in urinary function
    • Preoperative and intraoperative client
    • Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
    • Ineffective airway clearance
    • Ineffective breathing pattern
    • Ineffective thermoregulation
    • Hypo- and hyperglycemia
    • Impaired tissue integrity
    • Preconception care
    • Genetics and genomics in the childbearing family
    • Contraceptive counseling
    • Prenatal care
    • Perinatal infection
    • Childbearing at risk
    • Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders
    • Families experiencing perinatal loss

    Laboratory Topics
    • Simulations: care of laboring mom, care of patient post-cesarean section, care of patient with post-partum hemorrhage
    • Clinical focus: maternal/newborn and acute medical/surgical

    Dr. Jennifer Klug
  • NU 3000L - Application of Psychomotor Skills I

    0 lecture hours 3 lab hours 1 credits
    Course Description
    This lab course provides students with the knowledge and skill for development and application of psychomotor skills. Students develop confidence and skill proficiency through deliberate and repetitive practice. Major emphasis is placed on quality and safety and current evidence for best practices in performing skills and procedures. As part of the progression in psychomotor skill development, students receive supportive and constructive feedback on their performance.  (prereq: NU 2520 ) (coreq: NU 3000 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Demonstrate psychomotor skills and procedures safely, efficiently, and compassionately in the nursing laboratory environment (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Develop psychomotor skill and procedure proficiency through practice in facilitated open lab hours (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Critically reflect on one’s approach while incorporating constructive feedback to further develop skill proficiency (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Use effective verbal, written, and electronic communication skills when performing and documenting psychomotor skills in the nursing laboratory environment (Level 3, Communication)
    • Display a pattern of personal accountability for one’s own learning while assuming a professional role through acts of integrity and mutual respect. (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Operate biomedical technologies with increasing proficiency to support safe and quality nursing care (Level 3, Technology)
    • Explain evidence-based rationale for critical elements of nursing skills and procedures (Level 3, Evidence-Based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Laboratory Topics
    • IV insertion and IV removal
    • IV push medication administration
    • Urinary catheter insertion and removal (indwelling)
    • Trach care and trach suctioning
    • Introduction to acute care
    • IV therapy
    • Urinary drainage
    • Oxygen therapy
    • Surgical and medical asepsis
    • Incision and wound care
    • Pulmonary hygiene

    Dr. Jane Paige
  • NU 3100 - Principles of Electrocardiograph (ECG) Interpretation & Monitoring

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course focuses on the essential information needed to interpret normal and abnormal rhythm strips, differentiate lethal from non-lethal ECG rhythms, and appropriately select pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. Technology used in monitoring cardiac rhythms is explored from design and end-user perspectives. This course is co-taught by nursing and biomedical faculty. Current pharmacology for treatment of cardiac dysrhythmias is addressed. Simulation technology is incorporated into course providing students with real time rhythm identification and treatment. (prereq: consent of instructor or NU 2820 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Identify pertinent anatomy, physiology and electrophysiological principles of cardiac conduction (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Interpret normal and abnormal cardiac rhythms including sinus node, atrial, junctional, ventricular dysrhythmias, and bundle branch blocks (Level 2, Nursing Care)
    • Identify characteristic ECG patterns associated with myocardial ischemia, injury, and infarct (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Identify and treat ECG alternations related to electrolytes imbalances and toxic drug effects (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Differentiate purpose of 12 lead ECG from telemetry ECG monitoring (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Articulate client physiological signs, symptoms, and consequences associated with abnormal cardiac rhythms (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Integrate pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment decisions appropriate to dysrhythmia (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Apply principles of ECG technology and treatment options to clinical case presentations (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Identify different types and sources of ECG artifact and measures to control (Level 3, Technology).
    • Select most appropriate lead configuration for ECG monitoring considering client situation (Level 3, Technology)
    • Describe defibrillation and cardiac pacing principles as well as safety implications (Level 3, Technology)
    • Identify ECG technological limitations from design and user point of reference (Level 3, Technology)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Anatomy and electrophysiology of the heart
    • Pharmacological therapy
    • Principles of ECG analysis and monitoring
    • Clinical aspects of sinus dysrhythmias
    • Clinical aspects of atrial dysrhythmias
    • Clinical aspects of junctional dysrhythmias
    • Clinical aspects of ventricular dysrhythmias
    • Clinical aspects of AV heart blocks dysrhythmias
    • 12 lead ECG, pacemaker, principles of defibrillation and synchronized defibrillation
    • ECG and electrolyte imbalances
    • ECG changes with myocardial ischemia and infarction

    Dr. Ruth Widder
  • NU 3200 - Nursing Care of Clients with Episodic Health Challenges II

    3 lecture hours 9 lab hours 6 credits

    Course Description
    This course expands on students’ abilities to integrate the nursing process with clients across the life span with episodic health challenges. Students continue to explore all dimensions of health with an emphasis on developing collaborative skills. (prereq: NU 3000 , NU 3000L ) (coreq: NU 3200L )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Use the nursing process to organize, prioritize, and deliver safe, effective, holistic, and individualized care for clients experiencing episodic alterations in health and/or wellness (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Prioritize the nutritional needs of clients requiring special dietary therapy to create an individualized teaching plan (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Use reflective analysis to develop critical thinking skills when applying the nursing process to clients experiencing episodic alteration in health and/or wellness (Level 3, Critical Thinking) 
    • Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication skills while interacting with clients, families, and peers in a professional and respectful manner (Level 3, Communication)
    • Display a pattern of personal accountability for one’s own learning while assuming a professional role through acts of integrity and mutual respect (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Assume the role of a nurse as provider of care, educator, advocate, and care coordinator by reflecting on and taking responsibility for one’s action, practice, and learning (Level 3, Professional Role) 
    • Use health information technology and biomedical technology to monitor, deliver, and support clinical decisions for safe client care (Level 3, Technology)
    • Demonstrate increasing skills to effectively delegate the delivery of nursing care to other health team members in clinical, laboratory, and classroom settings (Level 3, Collaboration)
    • Select and analyze evidence from nursing research and relevant professional literature to develop a plan of care for clients experiencing episodic alterations in health and/or wellness (Level 3, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Care of patients with altered level of consciousness; (metabolic and structural)
    • Care of the patient with acute confusion
    • Care of client with acute neurological injury and spinal cord Injury 
    • Care of patient at risk for and actively experiencing seizure activity
    • Nursing care of patients requiring enteral and parenteral nutrition
    • Care of patient with chest tubes
    • Care of the patient undergoing abdominal and thoracic surgery
    • Care of patients with Impaired oxygenation, gas exchange, and acid/base imbalances
    • Care of patients receiving blood transfusion
    • Care of patients with Central Venous Access Devices (CVAD)
    • Care of child and adults with episodic and acute respiratory conditions (acute pulmonary embolus, tuberculous, epiglottitis, acute bronchitis, pneumothorax)
    • Care of the patient with muscular-skeletal Injury and trauma: fractures; application of traction (skin and skeletal); hip and knee joint replacements; amputations
    • Professional role - collaboration and delegation
    • The impact of hospitalization on children, adults, and families
    • Care of client with alteration in GI motility (constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel disease)
    • Sexual dysfunction - men and women
    • Care of the client with Impaired verbal communication



    Laboratory Topics
    • Simulations: care of the child
    • Clinical focus: medical/surgical

    Dr. Aruna Lal

  • NU 3200L - Application of Psychomotor Skills II

    0 lecture hours 3 lab hours 1 credits
    Course Description
    This lab course provides students with the knowledge and skill for development and application of psychomotor skills. Students develop confidence and skill proficiency through deliberate and repetitive practice. Major emphasis is placed on quality and safety and current evidence for best practices in performing skills and procedures. As part of the progression in psychomotor skill development, students receive supportive and constructive feedback on their performance.  (prereq: NU 3000 , NU 3000L ) (coreq: NU 3200 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Demonstrate psychomotor skills and procedures safely, efficiently, and compassionately in the nursing laboratory environment (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Develop psychomotor skill and procedure proficiency through practice in facilitated open lab hours (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Critically reflect on one’s approach while incorporating constructive feedback to further develop skill proficiency (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Use effective verbal, written, and electronic communication skills when performing and documenting psychomotor skills in the nursing laboratory environment (Level 3, Communication)
    • Display a pattern of personal accountability for one’s own learning while assuming a professional role through acts of integrity and mutual respect. (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Operate biomedical technologies with increasing proficiency to support safe and quality nursing care (Level 3, Technology)
    • Explain evidence-based rationale for critical elements of nursing skills and procedures (Level 3, Evidence-Based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Laboratory Topics
    • Care of med/surg patient
    • Nasogastric tube (NG) insertion and removal (salum sump)
    • Central venous access device (CVAD) site care
    • Bowel management
    • Ostomy management
    • Nasogastric and feeding tube insertion and gastric decompression
    • Enteral nutrition
    • Orthopedic care
    • Blood administration
    • Chest tube management
    • Total parenteral nutrition

    Dr. Jane Paige
  • NU 3302 - Application of Nursing Care Concepts to Clients with Episodic Health Challenges

    4 lecture hours 12 lab hours 8 credits
    Course Description
    This course provides students the opportunity to expand their use of the nursing process in the care of patients and families experiencing episodic health care challenges. Students apply nursing concepts in providing care to patients and childbearing families. Students expand their role as members of the health care team and use effective communication to deliver caring approaches to diverse populations across the lifespan. Further development of critical thinking skills enables students to identify and act on opportunities to prevent complications and promote, maintain, and restore health. Students continue to explore all dimensions of health with an emphasis on developing collaborative skills. (prereq: NU 2521 , NU 391 , NU 2820 )  (coreq: NU 3302L NU 2320 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Use the nursing process to organize, prioritize, and deliver safe, effective, holistic, individualized care to clients experiencing acute episodic health challenge in a way that promotes health and prevents complications (Level 3, Nursing Care)   
    • Act on opportunities to apply aspects of caring by comforting and supporting clients and families in conjunction with reflection on one’s approach to caring (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Prioritize the nutritional needs of clients requiring special dietary therapy to create an individualized teaching plan (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Use critical thinking and thoughtful, reflective analysis to make accurate clinical decisions that individualize the delivery of nursing care (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Employ effective interpersonal communication skills and knowledge of health education principles to educate, support, and partner with diverse clients and families to promote achieving higher levels of health (Level 3, Communication)
    • Display a pattern of personal accountability for one’s own learning while assuming a professional role through acts of integrity and mutual respect (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Assume the role of the nurse as provider of care, educator, advocate, and care coordinator by reflecting on and taking responsibility for one’s action, practice, and learning (Level 3, Professional Role)  
    • Use health information technology and biomedical technology to monitor, deliver, and support clinical decisions for safe client care (Level 3, Technology)
    • Demonstrate increasing skills to effectively delegate the delivery of nursing care to other health team members in clinical, laboratory, and classroom settings (Level 3, Collaboration)
    • Select and analyze evidence from nursing research and relevant professional literature to develop a plan of care for clients experiencing episodic alterations in health and/or wellness (Level 3, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Care of the newborn and newborn thermoregulation
    • Preconception, prenatal, perinatal, and postpartum care
    • Normal childbearing
    • Childbearing at risk
    • The impact of hospitalization on children, adults, and families
    • Genetics and genomics in childbearing families
    • Care of clients and risk for situational depression: post-partum depression, prenatal loss, adjustment to traumatic injury and chronic illness
    • Care of the client with hypo/hyperglycemia
    • Care of the client with impaired verbal communication
    • Electrolyte imbalances
    • Fluid volume deficit and excess
    • Nutritional Imbalances
    • Ineffective breathing patterns
    • Acute pain
    • Altered urinary elimination
    • Care of patients with altered level of consciousness; (metabolic and structural)
    • Care of the patient with acute confusion
    • Care of client with acute neurological injury and spinal cord Injury 
    • Care of clients at risk for and actively experiencing seizure activity
    • Nursing care of patients requiring enteral and parenteral nutrition
    • Care of the patient undergoing abdominal and thoracic surgery
    • Care of patients with impaired oxygenation, gas exchange, and acid/base imbalances
    • Care of patients receiving blood transfusion
    • Care of patients with Central Venous Access Devices (CVAD)
    • Care of child and adults with episodic and acute respiratory conditions (acute pulmonary embolus, tuberculous, epiglottitis, acute bronchitis, pneumothorax)
    • Care of the patient with muscular-skeletal injury and trauma: fractures; application of rraction (skin and skeletal); hip and knee joint replacements; amputations

    Laboratory Topics
    • Simulations: post-partum simulation, care of laboring mom; care of the child 
    • Clinical focus: maternal newborn, surgical

    Cathy Leffler
  • NU 3302L - Application of Psychomotor Skills (ASD)

    0 lecture hours 3 lab hours 1 credits
    Course Description
    This lab course provides students with the knowledge and skills for development and application of psychomotor skills. Students develop confidence and skill proficiency through deliberate and repetitive practice. Major emphasis is placed on quality and safety and current evidence for best practices in performing skills and procedures. As part of the progression in psychomotor skill development, students receive supportive and constructive feedback on their performance.  (prereq: NU 2521 ) (coreq: NU 3302 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Demonstrate psychomotor skills and procedures safely, efficiently, and compassionately in the nursing laboratory environment (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Develop psychomotor skill and procedure proficiency through practice in facilitated open lab hours (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Critically reflect on one’s approach while incorporating constructive feedback to further develop skill proficiency (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Use effective verbal, written, and electronic communication skills when performing and documenting psychomotor skills in the nursing laboratory environment (Level 3, Communication)
    • Display a pattern of personal accountability for one’s own learning while assuming a professional role through acts of integrity and mutual respect. (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Operate biomedical technologies with increasing proficiency to support safe and quality nursing care (Level 3, Technology)
    • Explain evidence-based rationale for critical elements of nursing skills and procedures (Level 3, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Laboratory Topics
    • IV Insertion and IV removal
    • IV push medication administration
    • Urinary catheter insertion and removal (indwelling)
    • Trach care and trach suctioning
    • Birthing process
    • Newborn assessment
    • Infant feeding
    • IV therapy
    • Urinary drainage
    • Peri-operative care - surgical and medical asepsis
    • Nasogastric tube (NG) insertion and removal (salum sump)
    • Central Venous Access Device (CVAD) site care
    • Nasogastric and feeding tube insertion and gastric decompression
    • Enteral nutrition
    • Orthopedic care
    • Blood administration
    • Total parenteral nutrition

    Dr. Jane Paige
  • NU 3320 - Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This interdisciplinary course examines the principles, practices, use, and outcomes of complementary and integrative health therapies. This course focuses on evidence-based practice related to alternative healing practices. Critical thinking and therapeutic communication within the scope of professional nursing practice are emphasized. (prereq: none)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Incorporate integrative therapies into clinical practice to clients across the lifespan to restore, maintain, and/or promote health and wellness (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Identify psychological, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of complementary and integrative health therapies (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Discuss the history, cultural context, and current use of complementary and integrative health therapies (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Analyze the role of the health professional in relation to clients’ knowledge and use of complementary and integrative health therapies (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Analyze the empirical, theoretical, and scientific basis of selected complementary and integrative health therapies (Level 3, Evidence-Based Practice)
    • Evaluate efficacy, outcomes, cost effectiveness, and client satisfaction related to use of evidence-based complementary and integrative health therapies (Level 3, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Massage therapy techniques
    • Healing environments
    • Health and human spirit
    • Biofeedback and stress management
    • Integrative nutrition and herbs
    • Energy healing and healing touch
    • Pet therapy
    • Music therapy
    • Aromatherapy
    • Sleep wellness

    Dr. Renee Wenzlaff
  • NU 3400 - Nursing Care of Clients with Chronic Health Challenges

    3 lecture hours 6 lab hours 5 credits
    Course Description
    The emphasis of this course is the application of the nursing process with individuals and families experiencing chronic health concerns. Students explore chronicity from a theoretical basis and apply the nursing process to clients and families across the life span. (prereq: NU 390 , NU 3200 , NU 3200L )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Prioritize the delivery of safe, effective, compassionate, and holistic nursing care to clients with emphasis on restoration of health and/or wellness in clients with chronic health concerns (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Use reflective analysis to develop critical thinking skills that individualize the nursing care for clients experiencing chronic health concerns (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication skills when providing health education for clients experiencing chronic health concerns and their families (Level 3, Communication)
    • Display a pattern of personal accountability for one’s own learning while assuming a professional role through acts of integrity and mutual respect (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Integrate selected components of the professional role into the delivery of nursing care inclusive of the role of educator, advocate, and coordinator of care (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Develop and analyze personal and professional goals for current and future nursing practice (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Analyze data from health information technology and biomedical technology and use findings to support clinical decisions for clients experiencing chronic health concerns (Level 3, Technology)
    • Demonstrate collaborative skills in delegating and supervising the delivery of nursing care to other health team members in clinical, laboratory, and classroom settings (Level 3, Collaboration)
    • Select, discriminate, and apply evidence from professional literature when discussing, planning, and delivering nursing care to clients experiencing chronic health concerns (Level 3, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Health perception/health management pattern; self-perception/self-concept pattern: chronicity and disability
    • Health perception/health management pattern; role-relationship pattern: quality of Life (QOL) 
    • Health perception/health management pattern: rehabilitation nursing
    • Role/relationship pattern: hardiness, resilience, hopelessness, powerlessness, and chronic sorrow
    • Cognitive/perceptual pattern: chronic pain across the Lifespan
    • Activity/exercise pattern: care across the lifespan for clients with disuse syndrome and hazards of immobility
    • Sexual/reproductive pattern: chronic illness and sexuality
    • Cognitive-perceptual pattern: care of adults experiencing TIAs, CVA, and unilateral neglect
    • Activity/exercise pattern: asthma across the lifespan
    • Health perception/health management pattern: adherence/health management and maintenance
    • Health perception/health management pattern: complementary and integrative health (alternative) medicine (CAM)
    • Cognitive-perceptual pattern: care of client with sensory and perceptual alterations (vision, hearing, tactile, etc.) (2 hours)
    • Cognitive-perceptual pattern: care of client with Alzheimer’s dementia
    • Nutrition/metabolic pattern: care and chronicity of children and adults with type 1 and 2 diabetes (2 hours)
    • Activity/exercise pattern: care of children and adults with musculoskeletal and articular dysfunction (2 hours)
    • Nutrition/metabolic pattern: care of child with altered growth and development (G&D), Autism, ADDH, pervasive behavior disorders
    • Health perception/health management pattern: care of the client experiencing self-care deficit (self-management) and impaired home management
    • Role/relationship pattern: family response and family caregiving related to chronic Illness
    • Health perception/health management pattern: discharge planning, case management, home care

    Laboratory Topics
    • Psychomotor skills list: sensory perceptual lab 
    • Simulations: care of pediatric patient with respiratory/neurological disorders
    • Clinical focus: inpatient chronic health

    Dr. Victoria Carlson-Oehlers
  • NU 3600 - Nursing Care of the Community

    4 lecture hours 6 lab hours 6 credits
    Course Description
    This course focuses on the community as client. The emphasis in this course is the use of the nursing process in partnership with communities for improving health. Students apply systems, change, and epidemiological theories to promote health in selected community settings. Students explore political activism as a role of the professional nurse. Issues relevant to population-based nursing care and societal trends that influence community health are discussed. (prereq: NU 390 , NU 3200  or NU 3302 , NU 3200L  or NU 3302L )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Incorporate community and population-based theories and frameworks when caring for the community as the client (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Complete a comprehensive community assessment (Level 3, Nursing Care)
    • Analyze the influence of nurses as advocates for development of health policy (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Explore societal trends and ways communities have historically responded to health issues (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
    • Display a pattern of personal accountability for one’s own learning while assuming a professional role through acts of integrity and mutual respect (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Create and conduct a seminar depicting a selected vulnerable population (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Implement the professional nursing roles of advocate, educator, and change agent when delivering nursing care to a selected community (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Differentiate definitions of person, health, environment, and nursing that reflect the community as client (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Collaborate with community partners to promote the health of a selected community (Level 3, Collaboration)
    • Apply epidemiological approaches and best practices for population-based health care (Level 3, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Community assessment data
    • Community theory
    • Epidemiology and application to community Health
    • Nursing process: analysis of community assessment data
    • Population centered nursing population based nursing practice: The intervention wheel
    • Power, policy and politics
    • Public and community health nursing, health care systems, and community finances
    • Health literacy
    • Global health
    • Program management for community health
    • Legal Issues in public health:
    • Communicable disease management
    • Ethical issues and community health
    • Introduction to vulnerability
    • Genomics in public health nursing
    • Change theory
    • Health for all: healthiest Wisconsin
    • Communities in crisis- disaster care
    • Community violence
    • Environmental health

    Rhonda Powell
  • NU 4600 - Nursing Care of Clients with Mental Health Challenges

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course focuses on the application of the nursing process with individuals and families experiencing mental health challenges. Students explore therapeutic use of self. Emphasis is placed on application of therapeutic communication techniques, psychiatric assessment skills, and the nursing process. The impact of the therapeutic environment upon the treatment of specific psychiatric populations across the lifespan are discussed. Students explore legal and ethical issues, mental health research, and current trends in mental health. (prereq: NU 3400 , NU 3600 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Employ a case study approach to construct multidisciplinary treatment plans and apply the nursing process to care for clients experiencing mental health challenges (Level 4, Nursing Care) 
    • Integrate pharmacological principles and clinical standards into the nursing care of clients experiencing mental health challenges (Level 4, Nursing Care)
    • Incorporate principles of health promotion and health maintenance when using alternative therapies to provide nursing care for clients with mental health challenges (Level 4, Nursing Care)
    • Integrate self-reflective journaling to increase self-awareness and explore the therapeutic self when applying the nursing process to clients experiencing diverse mental health care challenges (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Demonstrate a pattern of personal responsibility, professionalism, and accountability for life-long learning (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Deliberate legal and ethical issues while exploring stigma reduction and advocacy for clients experiencing mental health challenges (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Retrieve, synthesize, and discuss the evidence from best practices for providing nursing care to clients experiencing mental health challenges (Level 4, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • The nursing process in psychiatric and mental health nursing              
    • Personality theory- review
    • Recovery theory and application
    • Stress and coping 
    • Anxiety disorders: generalized anxiety disorders, panic disorder 
    • Therapeutic relationship, communication and group therapy
    • Ethical and legal aspects of mental health nursing
    • Psychobiology and psychopharmacology   
    • Schizophrenia -thought disorder
    • Mood disorders: depression and bipolar disorder
    • Personality disorders: borderline personality disorder
    • Substance abuse: detoxification 
    • Military families
    • Eating disorder
    • Child and adolescence
    • Victims of abuse, neglect, rape

    Catherine Leffler
  • NU 4700 - Nursing Care of Clients with Complex Chronic Health Challenges

    3 lecture hours 12 lab hours 7 credits
    Course Description
    The emphasis of this course is the application of the nursing process with individuals and families experiencing multiple chronic health concerns. The impact of developmental issues, the cumulative effects of chronic health challenges, and nursing care of clients and families at end-of-life are explored. The role of the professional nurse as coordinator of care is developed. (prereq: NU 3400 ) (coreq: NU 4600 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Provide safe, effective, compassionate, and holistic nursing care taking into account developmental and cumulative effects on clients with multiple chronic health concerns (Level 4, Nursing Care)
    • Integrate critical thinking and reflective practice when applying the nursing process to care of clients experiencing multiple chronic health concerns (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Incorporate effective communication and health education skills when addressing the cumulative effects on clients with multiple chronic health concerns (Level 4, Communication)
    • Demonstrate a pattern of personal responsibility, professionalism, and accountability for life-long learning (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Deliberate ethical dilemmas faced by clients, their families, and healthcare providers and the effect on one’s philosophy of nursing and future practice (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Select, analyze, and use health information technology and biomedical technologies to ensure the quality and safety of nursing care (Level 4, Technology)
    • Participate in the role of care coordinator with other healthcare team members to advocate for and improve health care outcomes for clients experiencing multiple chronic health concerns (Level 4, Collaboration)
    • Retrieve and synthesize evidence from best practices to ensure the quality and safety of nursing care for clients experiencing multiple chronic health concerns (Level 4, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Care of adults with chronic lung disorders
    • Care of children with chronic respiratory dysfunction: cystic fibrosis
    • Care of adults and children with chronic renal failure
    • Care of clients with hypertension, coronary artery disease, and heart failure
    • Care of clients with chronic gastro-intestinal (GI) and hepatic dysfunction
    • Care of clients (adults and children) with chronic gastro-intestinal (GI) obstructive and Inflammatory bowel diseases
    • Care of clients (adults and children) with chronic endocrine disorders (pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal disorders)
    • Care of adults and children with cancer
    • Care of clients with peripheral vascular disease (PVD), Arterial/venous and vaso-occlusive disorders
    • End of life (EOL): care of adults, children, and families
    • Care of clients with chronic degenerative neurological disorders
    • Care of children with neuro and neuromuscular dysfunctions (cerebral palsy (CP), spinal cord abnormalities, hydrocephalous)
    • Care of clients (adults and children) with HIV/AIDS.
    • Components of cardiac function, cardiac pharmacology and application, ECG interpretation basics

    Laboratory Topics
    • Psychomotor skills: skill review
    • Simulations: care of patient with acute coronary syndrome, care of patient with decompensated heart failure, care of patient in home hospice
    • Clinical focus: pediatrics, mental health

    Dr. Jess Barkimer
  • NU 4702 - Application of Nursing Care Concepts to Clients with Complex Chronic Health Challenges

    4 lecture hours 9 lab hours 7 credits
    Course Description
    The emphasis of this course is the application of the nursing process with individuals and families experiencing multiple chronic health concerns. Students explore chronicity from a theoretical basis and apply the nursing process to clients and families across the life span. The impact of developmental issues, the cumulative effects of chronic health challenges, and nursing care of clients and families at end-of-life are explored. The role of the professional nurse as coordinator of care is developed. (prereq:  NU 3302 , NU 3302L , NU 390 ) (coreq: NU 3600 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Provide safe, effective, compassionate, and holistic nursing care taking into account developmental and cumulative effects on clients with multiple chronic health concerns (Level 4, Nursing Care)
    • Integrate critical thinking and reflective practice when applying the nursing process to care of clients experiencing multiple chronic health concerns (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Incorporate effective communication and health education skills when addressing the cumulative effects on clients with multiple chronic health concerns (Level 4, Communication)
    • Demonstrate a pattern of personal responsibility, professionalism, and accountability for life-long learning (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Deliberate ethical dilemmas faced by clients, their families, and healthcare providers and the effect on one’s philosophy of nursing and future practice (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Develop and analyze personal and professional goals for current and future nursing practice (Level 3, Professional Role)
    • Select, analyze, and use health information technology and biomedical technologies to ensure the quality and safety of nursing care (Level 4, Technology)
    • Participate in the role of care coordinator with other healthcare team members to advocate for and improve health care outcomes for clients experiencing multiple chronic health concerns (Level 4, Collaboration)
    • Retrieve and synthesize evidence from best practices to ensure the quality and safety of nursing care for clients experiencing multiple chronic health concerns (Level 4, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Quality of Life (QOL)
    • Living with chronic illness - sexual health
    • Family response and family caregiving related to chronic illness
    • Hardiness, resilience, hopelessness, powerlessness, and chronic sorrow
    • Care of clients with mobility, motor, and cognitive impairments
    • Rehabilitation nursing
    • Chronic pain across the lifespan
    • Altered growth and development (G&D) - ADHD
    • Care of children with neuro, neuromuscular, muscular, musculoskeletal and articular dysfunctions
    • Discharge planning, case management, home care
    • Care of clients with neurological dysfunctions (TIAs, CVA)
    • Care of clients with peripheral vascular disease (PVD), arterial/ venous and vaso-occlusive disorders
    • Care of clients with hypertension, coronary artery disease, and heart failure
    • Care of clients with chronic gastro-intestinal (GI) and hepatic dysfunction
    • Care of clients (Adults and Children) with chronic gastro-intestinal (GI) obstructive and inflammatory bowel diseases
    • Care of clients with sensory and perceptual alterations
    • Care of adults and children with chronic renal failure
    • Care of clients with chronic respiratory dysfunction: asthma and cystic fibrosis
    • Adherence
    • Care of adults with chronic lung disorders
    • Care of clients (children and adults) with diabetes mellitus (type 1 and type 2)
    • Clients (adults and children) with chronic endocrine disorders (pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal disorders)
    • Care of adults and children with cancer
    • End of life (EOL): care of adults, children, and families
    • Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
    • Care of clients (adults and children) with HIV/AIDS
    • Care of clients with chronic degenerative neurological disorders
    • Components of cardiac function, cardiac pharmacology and application, ECG interpretation basics

    Laboratory Topics
    • Psychomotor skills: skill review
    • Simulations: care of patient with acute coronary syndrome, care of patient with decompensated heart failure, end of life
    • Clinical focus: acute care: pediatrics or adult
    Dr. Jane Paige
  • NU 4710 - Nursing Care of Clients with Complex Episodic Health Challenges

    4 lecture hours 12 lab hours 8 credits
    Course Description
    This course focuses on care of critically ill clients across the lifespan. The interrelationship between physiological, psychological, and environmental factors impacting critically ill individuals and their families are examined. Using critical thinking skills, students interpret and respond to clients’ changing health patterns in complex technological settings. (prereq: NU 4700 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Provide safe, effective, compassionate, and holistic nursing care incorporating clinical nursing standards to prioritize and respond to the fluctuating health conditions experienced by critically ill clients (Level 4, Nursing Care)
    • Provide nursing care to critically ill clients in a simulated environment and facilitate class discussion on the trajectory of the critical illness and nursing care needed (Level 4, Nursing Care, Critical Thinking)
    • Integrate pharmacological principles into the care of critically ill clients (Level 4, Nursing Care)
    • Demonstrate critical thinking skills in analyzing the interrelationship between physiological, psychological, and environmental factors when providing nursing care to critically ill clients (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Incorporate effective communication skills with critically ill clients and their families (Level 4, Communication)
    • Demonstrate a pattern of personal responsibility, professionalism, and accountability for life-long learning (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Discuss how caring for critically ill clients has affected one’s philosophy of nursing and future professional nursing practice (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Select, operate, monitor, and evaluate the accuracy of biomedical technologies and the role of the nurse in ensuring quality and safe delivery of nursing care (Level 4, Technology)
    • Collaborate with the interprofessional health care team to provide coordinated care with the goal of improving health care outcomes for critically ill clients (Level 4, Collaboration)
    • Retrieve, synthesize, and discuss evidence from best practices that support clinical decisions for care of critically ill clients (Level 4, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Introduction to critical care nursing
    • Care of Client requiring hemodynamic monitoring
    • Care of the client (adult and child) with shock/sepsis
    • Care of the patient (adult and child) with acute respiratory failure/ARDS
    • Care of the vented client and ventilatory weaning response
    • Care of the adult/child with cardiac alterations: acute myocardial infarction (AMI), pulmonary edema, PTCA with thrombolytics
    • Care of patient (adults and child) with increased intracranial pressure/head Injury
    • Care of children with growth and development dysfunctions
    • Care of the clients receiving sedation and anxiolysis
    • Care of patients with acute renal and liver failure, drug overdose
    • Care of patients (adult and child) with life threatening fluid and electrolyte imbalances, DKA/SIADH/DI
    • Care of patients with acute GI bleed/pancreatitis
    • Care of patients’ nutritional needs in critical care
    • Family process/family coping/individual stress ethical/legal issues in critical care
    • Care of patients with immunological function/bleeding disorders/blood dyscrasias/DIC
    • Care of the trauma patient
    • Organ donation
    • Care of client with organ transplant

    Laboratory Topics
    • Psychomotor skills:
      • Hemodynamic monitoring
      • ICP monitoring
      • Mechanical ventilation
      • Neonatal assessment
    • Simulations:
      • Infant, GI, growth and development focus
      • Care of a client with shock and hemodynamic instability
      • Care of a client with cardiac dysfunction and respiratory distress
      • Care of a client with acute pancreatitis and acute kidney injury
      • Care of a client with myocardial infarction and life-threatening dysrhythmia
    • Lab Simulations:
      • Medication administration check-off
      • Hemodynamics
    • Clinical focus: critical care (adult and child/neonatal)

    Dr. Jane Paige
  • NU 4711 - Nursing Care of Clients with Complex Episodic Health Challenges (ASD)

    4 lecture hours 15 lab hours 9 credits
    Course Description
    This course focuses on care of critically ill clients across the lifespan. The interrelationship between physiological, psychological, and environmental factors impacting critically ill individuals and their families are examined. Using critical thinking skills, students interpret and respond to clients’ changing health patterns in complex technological settings. (prereq: NU 4702 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Provide safe, effective, compassionate, and holistic nursing care incorporating clinical nursing standards to prioritize and respond to the fluctuating health conditions experienced by critically ill clients (Level 4, Nursing Care)
    • Provide nursing care to critically ill clients in a simulated environment and facilitate class discussion on the trajectory of the critical illness and nursing care needed (Level 4, Nursing Care, Critical Thinking)
    • Integrate pharmacological principles into the care of critically ill clients (Level 4, Nursing Care)
    • Demonstrate critical thinking skills in analyzing the interrelationship between physiological, psychological, and environmental factors when providing nursing care to critically ill clients (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Incorporate effective communication skills with critically ill clients and their families (Level 4, Communication)
    • Demonstrate a pattern of personal responsibility, professionalism, and accountability for life-long learning (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Discuss how caring for critically ill clients has affected one’s philosophy of nursing and future professional nursing practice (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Select, operate, monitor, and evaluate the accuracy of biomedical technologies and the role of the nurse in ensuring quality and safe delivery of nursing care (Level 4, Technology)
    • Collaborate with the interprofessional health care team to provide coordinated care with the goal of improving health care outcomes for critically ill clients (Level 4, Collaboration)
    • Retrieve, synthesize, and discuss evidence from best practices that support clinical decisions for care of critically ill clients (Level 4, Evidence-Based Practice)

    Course Topics
    • Introduction to critical care nursing
    • Care of client requiring hemodynamic monitoring
    • Care of the client (adult and child) with shock/sepsis
    • Care of the patient (adult and child) with acute respiratory failure/ARDS
    • Care of the vented client and ventilatory weaning response
    • Care of the adult/child with cardiac alterations: acute myocardial infarction (AMI), pulmonary edema, PTCA with thrombolytics
    • Care of patient (adults and child) with increased intracranial pressure/head Injury
    • Care of children with growth and development dysfunctions
    • Care of the clients receiving sedation and anxiolysis
    • Care of patients with acute renal and liver failure, drug overdose
    • Care of patients (adult and child) with life threatening fluid and electrolyte imbalances, DKA/SIADH/DI
    • Care of patients with acute GI bleed/pancreatitis
    • Care of patients’ nutritional needs in critical care
    • Family process/family coping/individual stress ethical/legal issues in critical care
    • Care of patients with immunological function/bleeding disorders/blood dyscrasias/DIC
    • Care of the trauma patient
    • Organ donation
    • Care of client with organ transplant

    Laboratory Topics
    • Psychomotor skills:
      • Hemodynamic monitoring
      • ICP monitoring
      • Mechanical ventilation
      • Neonatal assessment
    • Simulations:
      • Infant, GI, growth and development focus
      • Care of a client with shock and hemodynamic instability
      • Care of a client with cardiac dysfunction and respiratory distress
      • Care of a client with acute pancreatitis and acute kidney injury
      • Care of a client with myocardial infarction and life-threatening dysrhythmia
    • Lab Simulations:
      • Medication administration check-off
      • Hemodynamics
    • Clinical focus: critical care (adult and child/neonatal)

    Dr. Jane Paige
  • NU 4850 - Senior Nursing Preceptorship (ASD)

    2 lecture hours 15 lab hours 7 credits
    Course Description
    This course focuses on the synthesis of professional nursing concepts. Through clinical immersion in a selected area of practice and under mentorship of a preceptor, students transition into the role of the professional nurse. (prereq: NU 4711 , NU 4600 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Provide safe, effective, compassionate, and holistic nursing care through analytical use of the nursing process during a clinical immersion experience while assuming an increasingly independent role (Level 4, Nursing Care)
    • Employ reflective narrative analysis and critical thinking skills to synthesize professional nursing concepts and develop personal goals for transitioning into role of professional nurse (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Consistently employ appropriate and effective communication skills with healthcare team members to minimize risk and error during clinical immersion experience (Level 4, Communication)
    • Assume a professional role that is responsive to a changing society while maintaining the client in full partnership in an atmosphere of care and compassion (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Develop one’s professional identity and increase self-confidence and awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses through active engagement in activities that prepare for transition to the role of a professional nurse (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Select, operate, and evaluate health information technology and biomedical technologies to support safe and quality nursing care (Level 4, Technology)
    • Provide value-based leadership when collaborating with other health care team members to improve outcomes for individuals, families, and the healthcare system during a clinical immersion experience (Level 4, Collaboration)
    • Synthesize research findings and knowledge on best practices drawn from professional literature into decisions that ensure the quality and safety of nursing care (Level 4, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Reflective practice
    • Caring
    • Emotional intelligence
    • Transitioning to practice
    • Graduate nurse interviewing

    Laboratory Topics
    • Clinical focus: clinical immersion

    April Pellmann
  • NU 4860 - Synthesis of Nursing Care

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    The focus of this course assists the student in synthesizing the concepts of nursing care for professional nursing practice. Through participation in problem-based learning case scenarios, students solve problems common in healthcare environments. Learning occurs as students engage themselves in finding the solutions and participation in the group process. Peer evaluation and self-directed learning are stressed throughout the course. (prereq: NU 4710  or NU 4711 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Discuss and/or provide safe, effective, compassionate, and holistic nursing care independently to clients in problem-based case and/or simulated situations (Level 4, Nursing Care)
    • Use critical thinking skills to analyze and solve ill-structured problems commonly encountered in nursing practice exemplified within problem-based case and/or simulated situations (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Demonstrate reflective thinking and learning though introspection, self-reflection, and self-monitoring of one’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Compare and contrast effective and ineffective communication while analyzing one’s own role with personal examples of effective and ineffective teamwork (Level 4, Communication)
    • Cultivate one’s skill and comfort in the delivery of feedback to team members (Level 4, Communication)
    • Exhibit personal responsibility, professionalism, accountability, and commitment to enhancing team’s performance and cohesiveness (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Demonstrate proficient use of biomedical technology when providing nursing care to clients in problem-based case and/or simulated situations (Level 4, Technology)
    • Demonstrate behaviors that value the ideas and contributions of team members to improve the health outcomes of the clients within problem-based case and/or simulated situations (Level 4, Collaboration)
    • Retrieve and synthesize evidence from diverse sources of professional literature to support decisions that ensure the quality and safety of nursing care provided in problem-based case and/or simulated situations (Level 4, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Reflection on transition to graduate nurse
    • Teamwork individual and team analysis
    • Problem-based learning simulations
      • Care of the laboring mom
      • Care of multiple clients
      • Care of client with hematologic dysfunction

    Dr. Jane Paige
  • NU 4870 - Transition to Professional Nursing Practice I

    1 lecture hours 0 lab hours 1 credits
    Course Description
    This course is the first in a two-course series that focuses on the student transition into the role of professional nurse following graduation. Emphasis is placed on examining regulatory bodies that govern nursing practice, preparation for the NCLEX-RN licensure exam, and reflection on growth and development as a professional. (prereq: senior clinical placement)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Compare and contrast the development of one’s knowledge, skills, and attitude across time in the nursing program (Level 4, Nursing Care)
    • Complete a standardized assessment that predicts one’s probability of passing NCLEX-RN licensure exam and interpret results (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Identify deficits and gaps in nursing knowledge and skills and develop a remediation plan to promote academic success (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Reinforce techniques that strengthen test-taking strategies and promote psychological readiness for NCLEX-RN examination (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Demonstrate a pattern of personal responsibility, professionalism, and accountability for life-long learning (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Describe legal aspects and regulatory bodies that govern professional nursing licensure (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Evaluate options and opportunities for post-graduation educational enhancement (Level 4, Professional Role)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • NCLEX test plan
    • Test taking strategies
    • Licensure
    • National Council of State Boards of Nursing
    • Regulatory Issues
    • Delegation
    • Continuing education
    • Life-long learning
    • Nursing certifications
    • NCLEX test preparations and review

    Dr. Havilah Normington
  • NU 4870X - Transition to Professional Nursing Practice I

    2 lecture hours 0 lab hours 2 credits
    Course Description
    This course is an alternate to NU4870 Transitions to Nursing Practice I which is the first in a two-course series that focuses on the student transition into the role of professional nurse following graduation. Emphasis is placed on examining regulatory bodies that govern nursing practice, preparation for the NCLEX-RN licensure exam that is focused and individualized to each student, and reflection on growth and development as a professional. Students who score below the set percentile cut point on a standardized RN Predictor exam are required to take the 2-credit version of this course. (prereq: senior clinical placement)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Compare and contrast the development of one’s knowledge, skills, and attitude across time in the nursing program (Level 4, Nursing Care)
    • Complete a standardized assessment that predicts one’s probability of passing NCLEX-RN licensure exam and interpret results. (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Identify deficits and gaps in nursing knowledge and skills and develop a remediation plan to promote academic success. (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Establish and complete an individualized and directed plan of study to promote success on NCLEX licensure exam. (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Reinforce techniques that strengthen test-taking strategies and promote psychological readiness for NCLEX-RN examination. (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Demonstrate a pattern of personal responsibility, professionalism, and accountability for life-long learning (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Describe legal aspects and regulatory bodies that govern professional nursing licensure. (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Evaluate options and opportunities for post-graduation educational enhancement. (Level 4, Professional Role)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Licensure issues
    • Regulatory issues
    • State statute
    • Nurse Practice Act
    • National Council of State Boards of Nursing
    • Learning assessment
    • NCLEX test preparation and review

    Dr. Havilah Normington
  • NU 4880 - Transition to Professional Nursing Practice II

    1 lecture hours 0 lab hours 1 credits
    Course Description
    This course is the second in a two-course series that focuses on the student transition into the role of professional nurse following graduation. Emphasis is placed on preparation for the NCLEX-RN licensure exam and reflection on growth and development as a professional. (prereq: NU 4870 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Identify deficits and gaps in nursing knowledge and skills and develop a remediation plan to promote academic success (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Reinforce techniques that strengthen test-taking strategies and promote psychological readiness for NCLEX-RN examination (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Formulate a comprehensive action plan to promote success on NCLEX-RN licensure exam through self-critique of academic achievement, clinical experiences, faculty feedback, and scores on standardized assessments (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Complete a second standardized assessment that predicts one’s probability of passing NCLEX-RN licensure exam and interpret results (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Demonstrate a pattern of personal responsibility, professionalism, and accountability for life-long learning (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Evaluate options and opportunities for post-graduation educational enhancement (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Discuss selected current topics and concepts in nursing practice (Level 4, Professional Role)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • NCLEX mastery application
    • Health promotion and maintenance
    • Physiological adaptation
    • Management of care
    • Safety and infection control
    • Hot topics
    • Health care conversations, new graduate expectations/transition to practice
    • NCLEX predictor exam

    Dr. Renee Wenzlaff
  • NU 4960 - Nursing Leadership and Professional Orientation I

    1 lecture hours 3 lab hours 2 credits
    Course Description
    This course is the first of a two-part, consecutive leadership series designed to assist students in the transition from college life to professional life. Theories and principles of professional practice, leadership, and change are applied to maximize optimum health for people and their environment. A Professional Practice Project is a cumulative project that spans the two-courses. (prereq: senior clinical placement)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Apply critical thinking skills to management and leadership situations (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Develop a proposal and timeline to facilitate a student-lead change or quality improvement process within a healthcare system or organization (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Analyze the role of communication, teamwork, and conflict resolution in effective team functioning (Level 4, Communication)
    • Assume a professional role in partnership with other members of the healthcare team that is responsive to society and a changing healthcare environment. (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Analyze leadership and management concepts that impact effective functioning of nurses in multidisciplinary groups (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Investigate change theory principles and quality improvement processes to address practice issues (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Examine the value and contributions of professional nursing organizations to nursing practice and health care systems (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Retrieve and synthesize evidence from best practices to facilitate a change or quality improvement process within a healthcare system or organization (Level 4, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Processes for facilitating change
    • Managing, leading, and following
    • Developing the role of leader
    • Managing your career
    • Client/patient safety
    • Nurse/consumer relationships
    • Healthcare organizations
    • Strategic planning, goal setting, and marketing
    • Building teams through communication and partnerships
    • The cutting edge of change

    Dr. Debra Jenks
  • NU 4961 - Nursing Leadership I

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    In this course, students analyze current concepts related to leadership, teams, quality, safety, and principles of change. Students continue to develop critical thinking and decision-making, utilizing evidence-based practice.   (prereq: senior clinical placement)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Apply critical thinking skills leadership, teams, quality, safety, and principles of change (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Analyze the role of communication, teamwork, and conflict resolution in effective team functioning (Level 4, Communication)
    • Assume a professional role in partnership with other members of the healthcare team (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Analyze leadership and management concepts that impact effective functioning of nurses in multidisciplinary teams (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Investigate change management principles, theories, and quality improvement processes to address practice issues (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Synthesize evidence from best practice to support change and quality improvement processes in healthcare organizations (Level 4, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Quality improvement
    • Managing risk
    • Leadership theories
    • Managing your career
    • Client safety
    • Regulatory agencies
    • Nurse/consumer relationships
    • Health care systems
    • Organizational structure
    • Organizational culture
    • Clinical micro systems
    • Building reams
    • Just culture
    • Principles of change

    Dr. Jennifer Klug
  • NU 4970 - Nursing Leadership and Professional Orientation II

    2 lecture hours 3 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course is the second of a two-part, consecutive leadership series designed to assist students in the transition from college life to professional life. Theories and principles of professional practice, leadership, and change are applied to maximize optimum health for people and their environment. The Professional Practice Project is completed in this course. (prereq: NU 4960 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Apply critical thinking skills to management and leadership situations (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Assume a professional role in partnership with other members of the healthcare team that is responsive to society and a changing healthcare environment (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Analyze leadership and management concepts that impact effective functioning of nurses in multidisciplinary groups (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Examine the value and contributions of professional nursing organizations to nursing practice and health care systems (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Apply change theory principles and quality improvement processes to address practice issues (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Deliberate the impact of power, persuasion, and ethical issues on public policy and legal cases in healthcare (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Facilitate a student-lead change or quality improvement process within a healthcare system or organization (Level 4, Collaboration)
    • Apply evidence from best practices in a student-lead change or quality improvement process within a healthcare system or organization (Level 4, Evidence-based Practice)
    • Disseminate evaluation of a student-lead change or quality improvement process within a healthcare system or organization (Level 4, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Power, politics and influence
    • Workforce engagement and collective action 
    • Managing personnel/personal problems
    • Staffing and scheduling     
    • Delegation: an art of professional nursing practice
    • Delegation/prioritization challenge (simulation)
    • Care delivery strategies                                                                                                                             
    • Managing costs and budgets                                          
    • Staffing, developing, and evaluating staff
    • Affordable Care Act (ACA)
    • Role transition and self-management: stress and time
    • Legal and ethical issues
    • Mock trial simulated activity

    Dr. Jennifer Klug
  • NU 4971 - Nursing Leadership II

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    In this course, students reflect on personal leadership skills and role development while preparing for transition to professional practice. Students investigate and develop solutions to improve client, organizational, and system outcomes. (prereq: NU 4961 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Apply critical thinking skills to personal leadership skills and role development (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
    • Design effective strategies for communicating with stakeholders and other members of the health care system (Level 4 communication)
    • Assume a professional role in partnership with other members of the healthcare team that is responsive to society and a changing healthcare environment (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Analyze how personal leadership styles and skills impact the effectiveness of roles, relationships and teamwork (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Apply change management principles, theories, and appropriate quality improvement processes to address practice issues (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Deliberate the impact of power, persuasion, and ethical issues on public policy and legal cases in healthcare (Level 4, Professional Role)
    • Critique evidence from best practices to support quality and safety initiatives in healthcare systems (Level 4, Evidence-based Practice)

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Power, politics and influence
    • Workforce engagement
    • Healthy work environments
    • Scope of practice 
    • Fiscal responsibility
    • Staffing and acuity
    • Health care policy
    • Legal and ethical Issues 
    • Conflict management
    • Leadership skills

    Dr. Jennifer Klug


  • OR 402 - Professional Guidance

    1 lecture hours 0 lab hours 1 credits
    Course Description
    The objective of this course is to assist students in the transition from college life to professional life. The course provides students with techniques for and experiences in conducting a successful job search, preparing letters of application and resumes, and preparing for job interviews. It also examines the concepts of success, lifelong learning, and professional responsibilities. (prereq: sophomore standing)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Know the meaning of success and how they might achieve it
    • Articulate their job qualifications and personal strengths to a potential employer
    • Know how to network and conduct an effective job search
    • Write an effective letter of application and resume
    • Interview effectively
    • Know the importance of professional certification and how to apply for and prepare for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam
    • Know how to analyze their need for graduate school, know what exams are required for entrance into various graduate programs, and know how to apply for graduate school
    • Know how to use the MSOE Career Services office
    • Understand the importance of continually setting goals in order to ensure their continued professional growth and success and know how to develop a career plan
    • Know what industry expects of them as responsible, ethical professionals
    • Understand the importance of life-long learning

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Self-assessment and the meaning of success (1 class)
    • Developing a successful job search and exploring the job market (1 class)
    • Placement Office procedures (1 class)
    • Letters of application and resumes (1 class)
    • Interviewing skills (1 class)
    • Alums share professional experiences and insights (1 class)
    • Professional licensing procedures and exams (1 class)
    • Graduate school (1 class)
    • Professional ethics and responsibilities (1 class)
    • Goal planning for continued success (1 class)

    Jennifer Abing
  • OR 0911 - Foundations of Student Success

    1 lecture hours 0 lab hours 1 credits
    Course Description
    This course is designed to help students who are placed on academic probation develop the necessary skills such as time management, study skills, goal setting, motivation, and others to become independent learners and successful MSOE students. Through discussion, weekly tutoring, regular meetings with their instructor, and other activities, students will learn to take responsibility for their own learning. (prereq: none) 
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Develop and apply the learning strategies necessary for academic success
    • View learning as a process that can be planned and monitored
    • Learn to develop accountability to self and others for their learning process
    • Recognize the academic and non-academic reasons that impede their progress
    • Know what supports are available to aid in their academic success

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Obstacles to academic success (1 class)
    • Time management, developing a study plan, and interpreting course syllabi & expectations (1 class)
    • Internal behaviors impacting student success (1 class)
    • External factors impacting student success (1 class)
    • Identifying, implementing and adapting success strategies (3 classes)
    • Calculating GPA and assessing academic progress (1 class)
    • Test preparation (1 class)
    • Making an academic success plan (1 class)

    Cassie Vosters
  • OR 1910 - Strategies for International Student Success

    1 lecture hours 0 lab hours 0 credits
    Course Description
    This course is designed to help international undergraduate students develop the necessary skills to become independent learners and successful MSOE students. The course will present a variety of academic study skills so that students are better prepared to be successful in their classes. It will also focus on acculturation: what it takes to be successful in an American university and comfortable living in a new culture. Through class discussion and weekly activities, students will learn to feel at home in a new academic and social environment. (prereq: none)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Develop and apply the learning strategies necessary for their academic success
    • View learning as a process that can be planned and monitored
    • Know what supports are available to aid in their academic success
    • Understand how to effectively interact with their peers and professors
    • Better understand the existence and impact of cultural differences in an out of the classroom
    • Evaluate and make decisions that will positively impact their studies at MSOE
    • Plan for long term success, in college and in the workforce
    • Recognize and avoid all forms of academic dishonesty

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Katherine Toske
  • OR 1912 - Academic Intervention & Support

    1 lecture hours 0 lab hours 0 credits
    Course Description
    This course is designed to support second year MSOE students who are struggling academically and have been placed on academic probation.  Through regular meetings with academic support staff students will define their academic difficulties and take ownership of their learning leading to a successful future at the university. (prereq: none)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Develop and apply the learning strategies necessary for academic success
    • Learn to develop accountability to self and others for the learning process
    • Recognize the academic and non-academic reason that impede progress
    • Understand personal academic struggles and how to overcome them
    • Know what supports are available to aid in their academic success

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Dan Meiser
  • OR 1913 - Academic Intervention & Support 2

    1 lecture hours 0 lab hours 0 credits

    Course Description
    This course is designed to support second year MSOE students who are struggling academically and have been placed on academic probation.  Through regular meetings with academic support staff students will define their academic difficulties and take ownership of their learning leading to a successful future at the university. (prereq: none)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Develop and apply the learning strategies necessary for academic success
    • Learn to develop accountability to self and others for the learning process
    • Recognize the academic and non-academic reason that impede progress
    • Understand personal academic struggles and how to overcome them
    • Know what supports are available to aid in their academic success

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Dan Meiser


  • PH 113 - College Physics I

    3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    This is an introductory presentation of the fundamental concepts and principles of mechanics and heat. Vectors, motion with constant acceleration, Newton’s Laws, work, energy and momentum are discussed in the mechanics portion of the course. Temperature, thermal expansion, heat capacity and heat transfer mechanisms are discussed in the heat portion. The associated laboratory correlates theory with experimental results and gives students direct experience with some of the concepts presented in the lectures. The laboratory also provides an opportunity for students to become familiar with laboratory instruments, and techniques, and report writing. This course replaces PT 110. Not for credit for students who have credit for PH 130 . Designated as laptop course. (prereq: MA 127 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Distinguish between scalar and vector quantities and to work problems involving vector addition and subtraction in both polar and rectangular form
    • Understand kinematics graphs and be able to use them to solve problems
    • Apply the laws of kinematics to solve both one-and two-dimensional problems involving motion under constant acceleration
    • Solve a problem requiring transforming kinematical quantities from one reference frame to a second, moving frame
    • Use free body diagrams to solve dynamics problems
    • Understand Newton’s Laws of Motion and Newton’s Law of Gravitation and be able to work problems with them involving linear and circular motion
    • Understand the concepts of work, energy, and power and be able to solve problems involving them
    • Understand the conservation of mechanical energy and be able to work problems and also be able to work problems involving energy and non-conservative forces
    • Understand the concepts of impulse and momentum and be able to work problems involving it
    • Understand the conservation of momentum and be able to work problems involving both it and the conservation of energy
    • Understand the concept of center-of-mass and be able to work problems involving it
    • Understand the concepts of heat, temperature and thermal expansion and be able to work problems involving them
    • Understand the concepts of calorimetry and to be able to work problems involving them with or without phase changes
    • Understand the three methods of heat transfer and be able to work problems involving them

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • PH 090 or one year of high school physics

    Course Topics
    • Mechanics - 8 weeks. (24 classes)
    • Heat - 2 weeks (6 classes)

    Laboratory Topics
    • An accelerating car
    • An object in free fall
    • Uncertainties in measurements
    • Projectile motion
    • Propagation of uncertainties
    • Newton’s Second Law
    • Conservation of mechanical energy
    • Impulse and change in momentum
    • Momentum and energy in collisions
    • Specific and latent heats of water

    Dr. Steven Mayer
  • PH 123 - College Physics II

    3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    The first section of this course covers the principles of electricity and magnetism. Specific topics covered include Coulomb’s law, electric fields, electric potential, capacitance, simple DC circuits and Ohm’s law, forces on charged particles in magnetic fields, and magnetic fields due to electric currents. The last section of this course covers the principles of geometric and physical optics. The laws of reflection and refraction are discussed, and these laws are used to study the ways in which mirrors and lenses can be used to form images. Interference is discussed and applied to double slits and thin films. The associated laboratory is designed to give students direct experience with the concepts presented in lecture. The laboratory also serves to familiarize students with laboratory techniques and equipment. This course replaces PT 220. Not for credit for students who have credit for PH 2020 or PH 2021  or PT 220. Designated as a laptop course. (prereq: PH 113 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Understand the concepts of charging by conduction and by induction
    • Understand the concepts of electric force, electric field, and electric potential and be able to work problems involving them
    • Sketch electric fields and equipotential lines
    • Understand and be able to work problems involving the concepts of capacitance, dielectrics, dielectric strength and the energy stored in a capacitor
    • Understand the concepts of resistance and resistivity, be able to identify the factors which contribute to these quantities and be able to work problems involving them
    • Describe the motion of charges in a wire
    • Understand Ohm’s Law and power transfer in electric circuits and be able to work problems involving them
    • Understand Kirchoff’s laws and be able to work problems involving capacitors and resistors in series or parallel and involving circuits that may have multiple batteries in them
    • Sketch and calculate the magnetic field for simple situations such as loops, wires, and solenoids
    • Draw and calculate the magnetic force on a wire, moving charge, or a current carrying wire
    • Understand the Hall Effect and the operation of simple motors
    • Understand the nature of mechanical and electromagnetic waves (light)
    • Understand the concepts of refraction and reflection and be able to apply them both by drawing ray diagrams and by working problems involving single reflecting or refracting surfaces, lenses, mirrors, and optical fibers
    • Understand double slit interference and thin film interference and be able to work problems involving them

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • PH 113 , College Physics I (Mechanics and Heat)

    Course Topics
    • Electricity and magnetism - 7 weeks (21 classes)
    • Basic optics and light - 3 weeks (9 classes)

    Laboratory Topics
    • The digital multimeter
    • Introduction to the use of the oscilloscope
    • Electrostatic acceleration and deflection of electrons
    • Equipotential surfaces and electric fields
    • Parallel plate capacitors
    • Simple RC circuits and the RC time constant
    • Magnetic deflection of electrons
    • The current balance
    • Converging mirrors and lenses
    • Interference and diffraction of light
    • Young’s double slit experiment
    • Diffraction of light

    Dr. Steven Mayer
  • PH 130 - Survey of Physics

    3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    This course is intended to provide students in nontechnical fields with the fundamentals of physics. Topics include mechanics, energy, fluids, thermodynamics, optics, electricity and magnetism, and nuclear physics. Laboratory experiments complement the lecture material and provide work on report writing skills. Not for credit for students who have credit in PH 2011 , PH 2011A , PH 2010, PH 2010A, PH 110, PH 113  or PT 110. (prereq: two years of high school mathematics) (coreq: MA 127 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Define and use displacement, velocity, and acceleration in one dimension as well as understand the graphical relationship between them
    • List, explain, and use Newton’s three laws in one dimension
    • Define work, power, kinetic energy, and potential energy and apply them to conservation of energy
    • Know the factors that are essential to calculate the heat necessary to change the temperature or state of a material
    • State and discuss the three heat transfer mechanisms
    • State and use Archimedes’ Principle, Pascal’s Principle and Bernouilli’s Principle
    • State and use Coulomb’s Law and Ohm’s Law
    • State and use the law of reflection and refraction as well as use the object-image formula for thin lenses and mirrors
    • Know the basic parts of the eye and the function of each
    • Explain radioactivity, half life, and state the properties of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation
    • Use graphical analysis to interpret data
    • Design, conduct and analyze an experiment to determine an unknown temperature with limited means

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • One-dimensional kinematics (4 classes)
    • One-dimensional mechanics (4 classes)
    • Energy (3 classes)
    • Thermodynamics (3 classes)
    • Fluid dynamics (2 classes)
    • Coulomb’s Law and simple circuits (5 classes)
    • Optics (6 classes)
    • Modern physics (3 classes)

    Laboratory Topics
    • One-dimensional motion
    • Newton’s Second Law
    • Conservation of mechanical energy
    • Oscillatory motion
    • Specific heat and heat of fusion
    • Problem solving, measuring temperature with limited means
    • Resistors and Ohm’s Law
    • Mirrors or lenses
    • Grating spectrometer
    • Half-life determination

    Ruth Schwartz
  • PH 199 - Project in Physics

    0 lecture hours 0 lab hours 0 credits
    Course Description
    Students are given the opportunity to pursue an approved subject not covered in regularly scheduled course work. This may take the form of individual or small group studies, literature surveys, and laboratory or research projects. Weekly meetings with the course adviser are required. A final report to be filed in the Physics and Chemistry Department may also be required. This course is offered to students with freshman or sophomore standing and does not meet the requirements for the Minor in Physics. Credit in this course will be determined after consultation with the instructor. Students with junior or senior standing should request PH 499 . (prereq: consent of the course coordinator and department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Have had the opportunity to plan a course of study
    • Have broadened his/her specific knowledge

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Varies

    Laboratory Topics
    • Depends on topic selected.

    Dr. Matey Kaltchev
  • PH 320 - Lasers and Applications

    2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course prepares students for understanding the practical applications of lasers in industry. The course begins with a brief review of the principles of optics and a discussion of atomic structure and energy levels as related to lasers. Discussions of low-power lasers include their application to telecommunications, reading, writing, alignment and holography. High-power laser applications including cutting, welding, drilling, and marking are discussed. Laboratory sessions give students hands-on experience in spectroscopy, laser safety, laser beam properties and laser applications. (prereq: PH 123  or PH 2021 MA 137 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Discuss concepts of geometrical optics, including reflection, refraction, total internal reflection, and fiber optics
    • Discuss concepts of wave optics, including polarization, coherence, interference, and diffraction
    • Discuss the differences between lasers and conventional light sources
    • Sketch an energy level diagram for the hydrogen atom and describe the processes of spontaneous emission, stimulated emission, and stimulated absorption
    • Explain different possible electron excitation and de-excitation mechanisms in atoms
    • Calculate the energy, frequency, and wavelength of the photon emitted or absorbed in a radiative transition from the energy level diagram
    • List the requirements for laser action and describe briefly how a laser works
    • Discuss attainment of a population inversion by pumping for both three and four level laser systems
    • Define “Q-switching” and describe one method used to Q-switch a laser
    • Discuss some applications for a diode laser, HeNe laser, carbon dioxide laser, Nd:YkAG laser
    • Compare and contrast the operation of a carbon dioxide laser with a HeNe laser. List some industrial applications of a carbon dioxide laser
    • Compare and contrast the operation of a carbon dioxide laser with a Nd:YAG laser
    • Understand the basics of laser safety and be able to safely use medium power class IIIb lasers in a laboratory setting
    • Measure and understand the meaning of absorption spectra of various materials and emission spectra of various light sources

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Two college-level physics courses, at least one including some optics
    • Two quarters of calculus

    Course Topics
    • Principles of geometrical and wave optics (review) (2 classes)
    • Atomic theory (2 classes)
    • Laser theory (3 classes)
    • Laser characteristics (3 classes)
    • Laser accessories (1 class)
    • Gas, solid-state, and semi-conductor lasers (4 classes)
    • Low power laser applications (2 classes)
    • High power laser applications (2 classes)
    • Laser safety (1 class)

    Laboratory Topics
    • Laser safety, irradiance and power measurements
    • Interference and diffraction
    • Polarization
    • Emission spectra
    • Gaussian laser beams
    • Absorption spectra and coefficients
    • Characteristics of laser diodes
    • Coherence length and mode spacing of HeNe lasers

    Dr. Jeffrey Korn
  • PH 322 - Intro-Optics and Photonics

    2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course is designed to help students gain an understanding of the fundamental principles of optics and photonics. Topics covered include the properties and operating principles of sources and detectors of light, the principles of reflection, refraction, image formation, image aberrations, absorption, scattering, fiber optic communications, polarization, diffraction, interference, lasers, and holography. Applications of the principles of optics and photonics are emphasized with examples that range from optics in nature to optics and photonics in science and engineering. In the associated laboratory section, students have opportunities to gain hands-on experience in the MSOE Applied Optics Laboratory and the Photonics and Sensors Laboratory. (prereq: PH 123 , PH 2020 or PH 2021 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Characterize the properties of light from an electromagnetic wave and from a photon point of view
    • Understand the basic operating principles of a wide variety of sources and detectors of light and use information about the characteristics of those sources and detectors to make recommendations for specific applications
    • Use the laws of reflection and refraction to predict the paths taken by the reflected and transmitted rays when a light ray is incident on the boundary between two different transparent regions, and use Fresnel’s equation to predict the details of how the energy in the incident ray is divided into the energies of the reflected and transmitted rays
    • Use the laws of reflection and refraction to explain the principles of retro-reflecting mirror assemblies, prisms, and the transmission of light using optical fibers
    • Use elementary geometrical optics to design lens and mirror systems to accomplish the formation of real and virtual images of objects and to predict the location, orientation and brightness of the images
    • Explain the operation of and be able to design simple optical instruments such as rangefinders, cameras, microscopes, and telescopes using principles that minimize the effects of spherical and chromatic aberration
    • Explain how signal degradation occurs in optical fibers due to attenuation of light and because of modal, material, and waveguide dispersion of light
    • Distinguish between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction of light and explain how interference and diffraction can be used to design anti-reflecting films, diffraction gratings and optical instruments such as interferometers
    • Explain the different ways to polarize light, the principles of quarter-wave plates and half-wave plates, and the principles of operation and applications of polarized light such as is used for liquid crystal displays
    • Understand the operation and properties of gas lasers and semiconductor p-n junction lasers
    • Show how to use the principles of holography to construct a hologram and to use the double-exposure technique and the continuous-exposure or real-time technique to accomplish holographic testing for stresses and strains in materials
    • Explain the principles of infrared, visible, and ultraviolet spectroscopy, and be able to show how those spectroscopic techniques can be used to study the properties of atoms, molecules, and the surfaces of materials
    • Design zone plates for applications at different wavelength of electro-magnetic radiation
    • Use the principles of reflection, refraction, and interference to explain the many different patterns of light and color that appear in the sky due to interaction of rays of sunlight with raindrops and airborne ice crystals

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Geometrical optics (9 classes)
    • Physical optics (12 classes)
    • Quantum optics and lasers (9 classes)

    Dr. A. James Mallmann
  • PH 324 - Fiber Optics/Fiber Optic Sensors

    2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course provides a theoretical and experimental foundation of fiber optics, fiber optic communication, optical sources, detectors and fiber optic sensors. Topics include electromagnetic propagation, reflection and refraction, optical modes, dispersion, scattering, carrier loss, optical time-domain reflectometry, light-emitting and laser diodes, photonic crystals and band-gap fibers. Techniques and applications for fiber optic communication systems will be studied, including bit rate and bandwidth, wavelength-division multiplexing, filters, optical switching and coupling, and optical amplifiers. (prereq: PH 123  or PH 2021  (or PH 2020) and PH 2031  (or PH 2030))
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Basic properties of an electromagnetic wave in vacuum and in a dielectric
    • Boundary conditions for light within a cylindrical fiber
    • Differentiate between guided, leaky, and radiation modes
    • Chromatic and material dispersion, and pulse broadening and distortion
    • Absorption, reflection, scattering, and bending losses along a fiber
    • Environmental affects on propagation in a fiber and fiber-optic sensors
    • Optical wavelength windows in silica fiber
    • Bit rate and bandwidth
    • Usage of single mode versus multimode fiber
    • Basic properties and uses of optical sources and receivers
    • Fiber connection, coupling, optical amplifiers and optical switching
    • Time-division multiplexing, wavelength-division multiplexing, and demultiplexing
    • Newer technologies including erbium-doped fiber amplifiers and band-gap fibers
    • Basics of fiber-optic networks
    • General status of the fiber-optic industry and market

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • None

    Dr. Robert Olsson
  • PH 325 - Acoustics & Illumination

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    The first part of this course covers the science of generation, propagation and reception of sound. Included are vibration of strings and membranes, acoustic radiation, transmission, diffraction and absorption coefficients, as well as room acoustics and the psychological effects of sound, music and noise. The second part of this course acquaints students with the basic physics of light and illumination. Included are lectures on photometry and photometric units, interaction of visible light and matter, color and lighting calculations for room interiors. (prereq: PH 2020 or PH 2021  or PH 2031 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Find the period, frequency and amplitude of the simple harmonic motion executed by a given mass attached to a given spring
    • Find the sum of two simple harmonic motions
    • Calculate the frequency of standing waves in an air column
    • Determine the speed of sound in air from the temperature
    • Convert from decibels to watts per square meter and vice versa
    • Predict the reverberation time in a room whose materials and dimensions are given
    • Define photometric terms such as lumen, foot-candle, lambert, etc.
    • Calculate the illuminance on a surface due to a given point source
    • Calculate the number of light fixtures of a given type that are required to produce a given foot-candle level in a room
    • Predict the resultant color obtained by mixing two colors of light
    • Determine the interference pattern produced by the superposition of sound or light waves
    • Predict the intensity of light that has passed through two or more polarizing filters

    Course Topics
    • Vibrations (3 classes)
    • Wave motion (3 classes)
    • Sound (3 classes)
    • Hearing (2 classes)
    • Noise (3 classes)
    • Music (1 class)
    • Room acoustics (3 classes)
    • Light units (2 classes)
    • Interior and exterior lighting (3 classes)
    • Color, spectra (2 classes)
    • Energy (2 classes)
    • Review (1 class)

    Dr. Steven Mayer
  • PH 341 - Intro-Astronomy/Astrophysics

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This introductory survey covers topics that range from a discussion of the observations and experiments of the earliest astronomers to a consideration of the most recent developments involving black holes, the detection of gravitational waves, and the search for extrasolar planets. Broad topic areas include: the Earth, the solar system, lives of stars, and galaxies. Some time is spent discussing different types of telescopes, including spaced-based telescopes. A Maksutov-Cassegrain 5-inch reflecting telescope is available for student use off campus. (prereq: PH 123 , PH 130 , PH 2020 or PH 2021 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Distinguish between scientific models and reality. Discuss the scientific method
    • Discuss the history of astronomy and astronomical observations
    • Describe the universe in general terms, its constituents, and the Earth’s position in the universe.
    • Distinguish between astronomy and astrology
    • Describe how the laws of Newtonian mechanics lead to an understanding of Kepler’s laws of planetary motion
    • Discuss the mechanics of orbits and explain “weight-lessness”
    • Understand the use of celestial coordinates and terminology
    • Explain the origin of the Earth’s seasons, lunar phases and elipses of the sun and moon
    • Describe the electromagnetic spectrum and the inverse-square law of propagation of electromagnetic energy
    • Explain the importance of spectroscopy in astronomy, as used in temperature determination and spectral classification, composition, and relative velocity of stars
    • Discuss the Planck Radiation Law, and basic atomic theory as it relates to emission and absorption spectra
    • Describe various forms of astronomical instrumentation, including optical and radio telescopes, photometric devices, and ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma ray telescopes
    • Explain the choices of the locations of the orbiting Hubble and James Webb space telescopes
    • Describe the solar system, its constituents, and size in general terms and to discuss the properties of the terrestrial and Jovian planets
    • Calculate the average temperature of the surfaces of the planets, and to know the current facts about climate change and global warming
    • Describe the life cycle of stars and to explain how the details of a star’s life cycle depends on its mass
    • Discuss meteors, asteroids, and comets in general terms
    • Discuss the history and future of space exploration
    • Explain how the apparent and absolute magnitudes of stars are determined
    • Explain how astronomical distances are determined
    • Understand how the energy radiated by the sun is produced and to calculate the sun’s probable lifetime
    • Explain how the H-R diagram and computer methods lead to an understanding of the structure and evolution of stars, including white dwarfs, neutron stars, pulsars, black holes, and supernovae
    • Describe the Milky Way Galaxy, its shape, size, and structure
    • Discuss galaxies, galactic distances and galactic types, including quasars
    • Discuss the structure of the universe, the Hubble Law, and the Big Bang cosmological model
    • Understand the different methods used to search for extrasolar planets including the Kepler Mission

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Astronomy (6 classes)
    • Observational astronomy (6 classes)
    • Planetary and stellar motions (6 classes)
    • Interstellar material (3 classes)
    • Star types, etc. (3 classes)
    • Stellar evolution (2 classes)
    • Galaxies and quasars (2 classes)
    • Cosmology (2 classes)

    Dr. A. James Mallmann
  • PH 342 - Relativity and Cosmology

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course is a survey of topics related to relativity and cosmology: the 1905 Special Theory of Relativity, the 1916 General Theory of Relativity, and Big Bang Cosmology. Lectures will highlight the concepts and present some detailed examples. Discussions will seek to reconcile the paradoxes and conundrums that befuddle these topics. Homework involves reading an inexpensive paperback aimed at understanding the essence of these concepts, and working a few basic problems. (prereq: junior standing or consent of instructor)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Understand the conventional modern views of relativity and cosmology
    • Understand alternative views about relativity and cosmology

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Basic algebra: The mathematics required within this survey of topics involves only basic algebra with the expectation that most MSOE students will not be challenged by the mathematics, but will be challenged by the conceptual essence of the survey topics themselves

    Course Topics
    • Topics include geometry (Euclidean geometry, non-Euclidean geometry, curved space, Minkowski space, geodesics)
    • Relativity (space, time, E=mc2, mass, energy, neutrinos)
    • The fourth dimension (time dilation, black holes, the Big Bang, causality and time travel)

    Dr. Steven Mayer
  • PH 352 - Quantum Physics

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This is an elective course for students who want to further their knowledge of quantum physics and its applications. Topics may vary from offering to offering, dependent on student interest, and may include atomic, molecular, and solid state solutions to the non-relativistic Schrodinger equation, discussions of macroscopic quantum phenomena, including superfluidity, superconductivity, and magnetism, as well as an overview of relativistic quantum mechanics, Feynman diagrams, elementary particles and a review of the Standard Model. (prereq: PH 2030 or PH 2031  or consent of instructor)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Solve the Schrodinger equation for piece-wise constant potentials in one dimension
    • Understand the importance of spin and angular momentum in determining the quantum states of atoms and molecules
    • Use boson and fermion statistics to determine the properties of systems that manifest quantum behavior on a macroscopic scale
    • Draw Feynman diagrams showing the fundamental interactions between elementary particles
    • Have gained a rudimentary understanding of the Standard Model of fundamental particles and interactions

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Elementary understanding of quantum phenomena
    • Basic differential equations

    Course Topics
    • Review of the historical background of quantum mechanics
    • 1-Dimensional solutions to the Schrodinger equation
    • Expectation values and operators
    • Atomic physics
    • Classical and quantum statistics. Bosons and fermions
    • Applications of quantum statistics to macroscopic quantum phenomena
    • Elementary particles, fundamental forces and the Standard Model
    • Beyond the Standard Model

    Dr. Robert Olsson
  • PH 354 - Nuclear Power, Applications and Safety

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This subject serves as an introduction to the physics of the use of nuclear power. It examines the nature of radioactivity and protection from it. It deals with the uses of radioactive isotopes in medicine and science. It examines the release, control and utilization of energy from fission and fusion reactions. (prereq: consent of Instructor or PH 2030 or PH 2031 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Understand nuclear reactions and radiations; binding energy, nuclear stability, neutron reactions, radioactive isotopes
    • Explain interaction of radiation with matter
    • Understand the process of nuclear fission, fission energy, and critical mass
    • Understand the interaction of neutrons with matter and the cross-sections for neutron reactions
    • Understand the process of slowing down of neutrons in a non-multiplying medium
    • Understand the criticality condition for a steady state reactor and multiplication factors
    • State the basic differences between a homogeneous reactor and a heterogeneous reactor
    • Understand the different methods of control of a Nuclear reactor
    • Discuss the two different types of neutrons in a reactor; the prompt neutrons and the delayed neutrons. Discuss the effect of delayed neutrons in a reactor
    • Define reactivity and the units of reactivity. Also, explain the natural reactivity changes and the factors affecting reactivity
    • Explain temperature effects on reactivity and define the temperature coefficient of reactivity
    • Understand the general feature of nuclear reactors and discuss the different types of reactors
    • Compare and contrast between the process of fission and fusion
    • Understand the biological effects of radiation
    • Understand radioactive dating and the information available from isotopes
    • Understand medical treatment and other useful radiation effects
    • Discuss radiation protection

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Nuclear energy - reactions - radiation (6 classes)
    • Reactor theory and operation (6 classes)
    • Radiation detectors and instruments (3 classes)
    • Thermodynamics of nuclear power plants (3 classes)
    • Radioactive half lives and radioactive shielding (3 classes)
    • Biological effect of radiation (3 classes)
    • Useful radiation effects (3 classes)
    • Radioactive waste disposal (3 classes)

    Dr. Steven Mayer
  • PH 361 - Physics of Materials

    3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    This course begins with an in-depth discussion of the structure of the atom and the nucleus, as well as other quantum physics concepts. Material properties, such as hardness and ductility, are explained by examining the crystal structure of materials. The band structure of materials is discussed and used to explain the wide range of electrical conductivities and optical absorption properties of conducting, semiconducting, insulating and superconducting materials. The magnetic properties of materials are also examined in some detail. The laboratory portion of the course is designed to give the student hands-on experience in determining various fundamental properties of materials, such as atomic and crystal structure, optical emission and absorption, electrical conductivity, x-ray emission and absorption and nuclear decay. This course cannot be taken for credit by students who have credit for PH 2030 or PH 2031 . This course is designated as a laptop course. (prereq: CH 200  or CH 200A  or CH 200B  or CH 310 , PH 123  or PH 2021. Not for credit for engineering students.)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Understand the properties of electrons, protons, and neutrons and how they are arranged in atoms
    • State the approximate size of atoms
    • Understand the details of the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom and how the Bohr model leads to quantized electron energies
    • Differentiate between the wave and particle (photon) pictures of electromagnetic radiation
    • Differentiate between the wave and particle pictures of matter
    • Understand the electronic structure of multi-electron atoms
    • State the difference between single crystal, polycrystalline, and amorphous solids
    • Understand how crystal structure, grain size, and defect affect material properties such as hardness and ductility
    • State the differences in the energy band structure between conductors, semiconductors, and insulators and explain how these differences affect the electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and optical absorption properties of solids
    • Understand the basic properties of the PN junction such as rectification and breakdown, as well as have a basic understanding of bipolar and field effect transistor operation
    • State the differences between ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, anti-ferromagnetic, and diamagnetic materials, and understand the origins of these properties from an atomic point of view
    • Understand the different techniques used in materials analysis, such as x-ray diffraction and emission, Auger spectroscopy, low energy electron diffraction, electron microscopy, etc.

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Electric and magnetic fields
    • Newtonian mechanics
    • Atomic chemistry
    • Calculus and algebra skills

    Course Topics
    • Atomic structure and the Bohr atom (4 classes)
    • Crystalline nature of solids (6 classes)
    • Electrical properties of solids (6 classes)
    • Optical properties of solids (5 classes)
    • Magnetic properties of solids (6 classes)
    • Review (1 class)

    Laboratory Topics
    • Verification of the Bohr model for atomic hydrogen
    • X-ray diffraction of a single crystal
    • X-ray diffraction of polycrystalline materials
    • Determination of the band gap of silicon by optical sbsorption
    • X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
    • Resistivity and temperature voefficient of tesistance for vopper
    • Absorption coefficients and optical density of transparent materials
    • Determination of magnetic moment

    Dr. Steven Mayer
  • PH 401 - Topics in Physics

    0 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course covers current topics in physics that are not covered in other classes. Topics and structure, as well as credits, may vary. Faculty areas of expertise and possible topics for this course are listed on the Physics and Chemistry Department pages in the undergraduate catalog and on the Web. Groups of students interested in a particular topic should contact the appropriate faculty member well in advance of registration for the quarter. Credit in this course will be determined after consultation with the instructor. (prereq: consent of instructor)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Vary by course offering

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Depend on the course offering

    Dr. Matey Kaltchev
  • PH 499 - Independent Study

    1 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    Students are given the opportunity to pursue an approved subject not covered in regularly scheduled course work. This may take the form of individual or small group studies, literature surveys, and laboratory or research projects. Weekly meetings with the course advisor are required. A final report to be filed in the Physics and Chemistry Department may also be required. This course is offered to students with junior or senior standing. Students with freshman or sophomore standing should request PH 199 . Up to three credits in PH 499 may be counted towards the Minor in Physics. (prereq: consent of the course coordinator and department chair)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Have had the opportunity to plan a course of study
    • Have broadened his/her specific knowledge

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • To be determined

    Laboratory Topics
    • Depends on topic selected

    Dr. Matey Kaltchev
  • PH 2011 - Physics I - Mechanics

    3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    This course is a calculus-based introduction to mechanics. Topics include: linear and rotational kinematics and dynamics, work, energy, and momentum. The mathematical level of this course includes the use of vector algebra and elementary applications of differential and integral calculus. The laboratory part of the course emphasizes measurement precision, experimental technique, analysis of data, and report writing. Together with Physics II and Physics III (PH 2021 and PH 2031), this course provides one year of university level physics. No more than 4 credits can be counted in any combination with PH 113 or PH 130. (prereq: one year of high school physics with a grade of B) (coreq: MA 136  or MA 136A )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Use calculus to develop kinematics equations for the position, velocity, and acceleration of an object as a function of time, and use these to solve kinematic problems
    • Use Newton’s Second Law of Motion to solve dynamics problems
    • Identify forces related to each other through Newton’s Third Law of Motion
    • Determine the work done on an object
    • Use the Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem to solve problems
    • Use the Conservation of Energy Principle and Conservation of Linear Momentum
    • Use the gravitational force law to solve dynamics problems
    • Relate the gravitational potential energy to the idea of a gravitational field
    • Evaluate the behavior of simple harmonic motion
    • Develop the kinematics equations for the angular velocity and angular acceleration of an object as functions of time, and use these to solve rotational kinematics problems
    • Evaluate the torque on a system and determine the angular acceleration and the moment of inertia of an object

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Perform arithmetic operations using scientific notation and significant figures
    • Convert from one set of units to another. (SI and British)
    • Resolve a vector into its components, and add and subtract vectors
    • Solve one-dimensional kinematics problems with constant acceleration, and to understand the difference between velocity and speed
    • Perform basic laboratory techniques involving measurements, graphing, and error analysis
    • Evaluate the derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions
    • Interpret the derivatives (and slopes of graphs) in terms of position, velocity, and acceleration of a moving particle

    Course Topics
    • One dimensional kinematics with constant acceleration (1 class)
    • Kinematics in two dimensions with constant or non-constant acceleration (4 classes)
    • Application of Newton’s Laws of Motion, for both static and dynamic problems (9 classes)
    • Work & Energy, Impulse & Momentum (6 classes)
    • Simple harmonic motion (1 class)
    • Gravitation (3 classes)
    • Torque and angular motion (3 classes)
    • Testing (3 classes)

    Laboratory Topics
    • An object in free fall
    • Projectile motion
    • Uncertainties in measurements; graphical analysis
    • Propagation of uncertainties
    • Friction
    • Free fall with air resistance
    • Conservation of mechanical energy
    • Work and energy
    • Oscillatory motion
    • Experimental design and analysis

    Dr. Robert Olsson
  • PH 2011A - Physics I - Mechanics

    4 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    This course is a calculus-based introduction to mechanics. Topics include linear and rotational kinematics and dynamics, work, energy, and momentum. The mathematical level of this course includes the use of vector algebra and elementary applications of differential and integral calculus. The laboratory part of the course emphasizes measurement precision, experimental technique, analysis of data, and report writing. Together with Physics II and Physics III (PH 2021 and PH 2031), this course provides one year of university level physics. No more than 4 credits can be counted in any combination with PH 113 or PH 130. This course is designed for students who did not take physics in high school or need a refresher course because they took a physics class in the past. (prereq: none) (coreq: MA 136  or MA 136A )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Use calculus to develop kinematics equations for the position, velocity, and acceleration of an object as a function of time, and use these to solve kinematic problems
    • Use Newton’s Second Law of Motion to solve dynamics problems
    • Identify forces related to each other through Newton’s Third Law of Motion
    • Determine the work done on an object
    • Use the Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem to solve problems
    • Use the Conservation of Energy Principle and Conservation of Linear Momentum
    • Use the gravitational force law to solve dynamics problems
    • Relate the gravitational potential energy to the idea of a gravitational field
    • Evaluate the behavior of simple harmonic motion
    • Develop the kinematics equations for the angular velocity and angular acceleration of an object as functions of time, and use these to solve rotational kinematics problems
    • Evaluate the torque on a system and determine the angular acceleration and the moment of inertia of an object

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • One dimensional kinematics with constant acceleration (2 classes)
    • Kinematics in two dimensions with constant or non-constant acceleration (6 classes)
    • Application of Newton’s Laws of Motion, for both static and dynamic problems (14 classes)
    • Work & energy, impulse & momentum (8 classes)
    • Simple harmonic motion (2 classes)
    • Gravitation (4 classes)
    • Testing (4 classes)

    Laboratory Topics
    • An object in free fall
    • Projectile motion
    • Uncertainties in measurements; graphical analysis
    • Propagation of uncertainties
    • Friction
    • Free fall with air resistance
    • Conservation of mechanical energy
    • Work and energy
    • Oscillatory motion
    • Experimental design and analysis

    Dr. Robert Olsson
  • PH 2021 - Physics II - ElectroMagnetism

    3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    This course is the calculus-based continuation of PH 2011 . The purpose of this subject is to acquaint the students with the fundamental laws of electricity and magnetism. Particular topics include electrostatic vector fields, scalar potential, capacitance and dielectrics, energy and force in electrostatic systems, current, resistance and electromotive force, magnetic fields and forces and electromagnetic waves. PH 2021 is taught in an integrated lecture-lab format. (prereq: PH 2011  or PH 2011A ) (coreq: MA 137  or MA 137A )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Understand the concept of clectric charge and be able to determine the electric forces between, and the electric field produce by point charges
    • Determine the electric fields produced by distributed charges and conductors
    • Determine the motion of point charges and electric dipoles in an electric field
    • Understand electric potential (V) in terms of potential energy as well as in relationship to the electric field
    • Understand the relationships between C, V, E, Q and U for a capacitor
    • Make basic electric circuit calculations
    • Relate the macroscopic concepts (V, I, R etc.) to the corresponding field and microscopic concepts (E, j, rho etc.)
    • Determine the magnetic forces and torques on moving charges and currents.
    • Determine the magnetic fields produced by currents as well as by magnetic material.
    • Apply the concept of changing magnetic flux to determine the induced emf
    • Determine the basic properties of electromagnetic waves
    • Use graphical analysis to analyze the results of an experiment
    • Do a proper uncertainty analysis

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • College-level algebra
    • Units, exponential notation and prefixes
    • Vector algebra - dot and cross products
    • Differentiation of polynomial, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions
    • College level calculus base mechanics - kinematics, dynamics and energy concepts
    • Be familiar with the atomic picture of material - Periodic Table of Elements
    • College level lab experience - techniques, safety, and report writing

    Course Topics
    • Introduction (1 hour)
    • Coulomb’s and Gauss’ laws (8 hours)
    • Electric potential and potential energy (5 hours)
    • Capacitance (5 hours)
    • Current, resistance, and electromotive force (5 hours)
    • Microscopic description of current flow (4 hours)
    • Magnetic forces and fields (10 hours)
    • Electromagnetic induction (4 hours)
    • Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves (4 hours)
    • Tests (3 hours)

    Laboratory Topics
    • Electrostatic deflection of electrons
    • Electric potential and field in a cylindrical electrode configuration
    • Equipotential surfaces and electric field lines
    • Parallel plate capacitors
    • RC time constant
    • Resistivity of water                                       
    • Weighing the electron (mass spectrometer and velocity selector)

    Dr. Nazieh Masoud
  • PH 2031 - Waves, Optics, Thermodynamics, and Quantum Physics

    3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits

    Course Description
    This course is a continuation of Physics I and Physics II. This course begins with a brief review of traveling wave theory, and then applies this theory to multiple waves traveling in the same medium, standing waves, resonance, and interference effects involving both light and sound. Polarization, reflection, and refraction of light is also discussed. The basic thermodynamic properties of gasses and kinetic theory of gasses, as well as the First and Second Laws of thermodynamics are discussed and applied to various thermodynamic processes and heat engines. The three mechanisms of heat transfer will also be discussed. The quantum nature of the universe is then explored. The quantum nature of light is used to explain Blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect, Compton effect, x-ray production and absorption, the emission and absorption of light by atoms, and other atomic scale phenomena. This course concludes with a discussion of Einstein’s theory of Special Relativity. The sources, uses, and hazards of ionizing radiation are explored in the laboratory portion of this course. Together with Physics I and Physics II (PH 2011  and PH 2021 ), this course provides one year of comprehensive university level physics. (prereq: PH 2021  and MA 137  or MA 137A ) (coreq: MA 231  or MA 2314  or MA 3501 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    Waves, resonance, wave optics, and wave interference:

    • Explain the differences between transverse waves and longitudinal waves
    • Write the traveling wave equation given information concerning a wave’s wavelength, frequency, direction of travel, and amplitude, and be able to determine the wavelength, frequency, travel direction, and amplitude of a traveling wave given the equation of the traveling wave.
    • Write the standing wave equation for two waves having the same frequency and amplitude traveling in opposite direction in the same medium, and understand the concept of standing waves
    • Calculate the resonant frequencies associated with simple one-dimensional systems
    • Understand the origin of and perform calculations involving single and double slit interference
    • Understand the concept of polarization of transverse waves, and perform calculations involving intensity as a function of the angle between polarization angles of two polarizers (Law of Malus) and the angle at which complete polarization of the reflected light occurs from a material with a known index of refraction (Brewster’s law)
    • Calculate the position and magnification of a real image from a converging lens or mirror given the focal length of the optical element and the location of the object with respect to the converging mirror or lens (LABORATORY ONLY)


    • Understand that temperature is directly related to the thermal energy stored in a medium
    • Use the ideal gas law to calculate pressure, temperature, volume, and number of moles or molecules present in a confined gas using SI units
    • Understand the microscopic origins of pressure and temperature, and be able to perform calculations involving pressure, temperature, RMS speed, and RMS molecular kinetic energy using SI units
    • Perform calculations involving thermal expansion in one, two, and three dimensions
    • Calculate heat conduction for a uniform cross section heat conductor
    • Qualitatively understand the process of heat transfer by convection in liquids and gasses
    • Understand that a pressure versus volume diagram graphically illustrates the work done by a gas as the volume of the gas changes
    • Calculate the work done when a gas undergoes constant temperature, constant pressure, constant volume, adiabatic, and cyclic processes
    • Understand that the First Law of Thermodynamics is nothing more than a statement of the conservation of energy, and be able to use the First Law of Thermodynamics to calculate the work done, internal energy change, and heat added to or removed from a gas during a thermodynamic process
    • Understand the pressure versus volume diagram for a generic heat engine and be able to perform calculations involving heat input, work output, and efficiency of a generic heat engine
    • Understand the concept of entropy and entropy changes in reversible and irreversible processes
    • Understand the concept of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and be able to explain why heat engines cannot be 100% efficient converting heat input to work output
    • Calculate the Carnot and real life efficiencies of heat engines, and be able to explain why Carnot engines are more efficient than real heat engines

    The Quantum Nature of the Universe:

    • Compare and contrast light as waves and light as photons, and be able to convert the wavelength of light to the equivalent photon energy
    • Understand the intensity versus wavelength distribution of a blackbody radiator, and be able to calculate the total power output and maximum intensity wavelength of a blackbody radiator (Stefan’s law and Wien’s law)
    • Understand the physics underlying the photoelectric effect and Compton effect, and be able to perform calculations involving the photoelectric effect and Compton effect
    • Compare and contrast the particle nature and wave nature of matter and be able to calculate the De Broglie wavelength of a particle
    • Understand how the wave nature of matter leads to quantized electron energies in the atomic hydrogen atom and be able to calculate the emission wavelengths from excited atomic hydrogen atoms and the x-ray emission wavelengths of heavy elements

    Einstein’s Special Relativity:

    • State and understand Einstein’s two postulates of Special Relativity
    • Understand the physical concepts underlying time dilation and length contraction, and be able to perform calculation involving time dilation and length contraction
    • Understand the concepts of relativistic momentum and energy, and be able to explain why objects with mass must travel slower than the speed of light
    • Understand the equivalence of mass and energy and be able to perform calculations involving the conversion of mass to energy and energy to mass
    • Calculate the radiation pressure associated with electromagnetic radiation

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Understand the equations representing traveling waves
    • Understand Coulomb’s Law and the interaction of charges with electric fields 
    • Understand electric potential energy and the definition of the electron volt
    • Understand the meaning of a derivative and integral and be able to differentiate and integrate typical functions

    Course Topics
    Review of Basic wave theory from PH 2021  and multiple waves acting in the same medium (4 classes)

    • Review of transverse versus longitudinal waves
    • Review of traveling wave equations, angular frequency, wave number
    • Two waves acting in the same medium - the superposition principle
    • Standing waves and resonance

    Wave optics (3 classes and 1 laboratory experiment)

    • Reflection and refraction, including total internal reflection
    • Polarization - Law of Malus and Brewster’s law
    • Double slit and single slit diffraction, diffraction gratings
    • Thin film interference
    • Image formation and magnification using mirrors and lenses - LAB ONLY

    Basic thermodynamics (3 classes)

    • Temperature
    • Thermal expansion
    • Heat transfer by conduction and convection
    • The ideal gas law
    • Kinetic theory of gasses and the physical origin of pressure

    The First Law of Thermodynamics  (3 classes)

    • Heat energy, internal energy change, and work done by gasses
    • Pressure - Volume diagrams and work done during isochoric, isothermal, isobaric, adiabatic and cyclic processes

    The second Law of Thermodynamics and Heat Engines (3 classes)

    • The Second Law of Thermodynamics
    • Entropy changes is reversible and irreversible process, Carnot efficiency
    • Heat engines                                          

    The quantum nature of the universe (7 classes)

    • Blackbody radiation - electromagnetic radiation acting as photons
    • The photoelectric effect and Compton effect
    • The Bohr model of the atom and atomic spectra
    • The wave nature of matter (De Broglie’s postulate)
    • Quantized electron energies in atoms - The Bohr model for atomic Hydrogen
    • Infrared, visible and ultraviolet and x-ray emission and absorption spectra of isolated atoms

    Einstein’s Special Relativity (4 classes)

    • Einstein’s postulates of special relativity - Motion is measured with respect to a frame of reference, speed of light constant in any reference frame 
    • Time dilation and length contraction
    • Energy and momentum in relativity
    • Why objects with mass cannot travel at the speed of light
    • E = mc2, the equivalence of mass and energy
    • Light has no mass but carries momentum and radiation pressure

    Ionizing radiation: hazards and uses - LABORATORY ONLY

    • Definition of ionizing radiation
    • Types of ionizing radiation
    • Radioactive source activity
    • Biological hazards of ionizing radiation and radiation dose
    • Uses of ionizing radiation
    • Units of activity, dose
    • Half lives of radioactive materials
    • Uses of ionizing radiation - XFS and XRD

    Laboratory Topics
    • Week 1: Laboratory introduction and safety AND loading the LabVIEW software on student laptops AND speed of sound in air using ultrasonic sound waves
    • Week 2: Image formation using convex lenses and concave mirrors
    • Week 3: Single and double slit interference, AND determination of the interatomic lane spacing in an LiFsingle crystal using X-Ray diffraction
    • Week 4: Design experiment: specific heat of water or another liquid
    • Week 5: Blackbody radiation - Power radiated is proportional to temperature to the fourth power (light bulb experiment) AND radiation safety lecture (required by our radioactive materials license)
    • Week 6: Balmer series of atomic hydrogen and observation of various emission spectra using diffraction gratings
    • Week 7: X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy - the identification of unknown metals
    • Week 8: Activity of the cesium 137 radioactive source and worst case dose from the cesium 137 source
    • Week 9: Half live of radioactive silver
    • Week 10: Gamma ray spectroscopy - determining the mass of the electron, Compton effect, and (possibly) identification of an unknown radioactive isotope

    Dr. Jeff Korn

  • PH 3600 - Physics of Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits
    Course Description
    This subject is intended to provide students with the fundamentals of semiconductor physics and its application to common semiconductor devices. The course starts with an in-depth look at the theory of semiconductors including energy gap, Fermi-Dirac statistics, mobility of electrons and holes, influence of temperature on conductivity, doping, photoconductivity, drift and diffusion of charge carriers and the (Shockley) ideal diode equation. Then, properties of the abrupt p-n junction are studied and applied to various practical devices including the signal diode, zener diode, varactor diode, photo-diode, light-emitting diode, solar cell, bipolar junction transistor, and finally field effect transistors. The course has a strong laboratory component. About half the experiments illustrate fundamental properties of semiconductor materials and half explore the characteristics and properties of a variety of semiconductor devices. This course cannot be taken for credit by students who have credit for PH 361 . (prereq: PH 2030 or PH 2031 )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Characterize the four cubic crystal types, relate lattice constant to atomic density and use Miller indices to identify crystal planes
    • Differentiate electron energy bands in metals, semiconductors and insulators
    • Calculate intrinsic carrier density in a semiconductor from the energy band gap and temperature
    • Relate majority and minority carrier concentrations to the doping density and Fermi level
    • Calculate electrical conductivity from charge carrier densities and mobilities and relate drift current to electric field and voltage
    • Determine majority carrier type, concentration and drift velocity from the Hall voltage, magnetic field and current
    • Predict resistance of a semiconductor from the incident light power, wavelength, band gap, recombination time and dimensions
    • For a p-n junction, calculate contact potential, capacitance and current in forward or reverse bias from the doping levels, band gap, dimensions, and applied voltage
    • Describe the basic operation of photodetectors, solar cells, LEDs and LASER diodes and determine the open circuit voltage, short circuit current and efficiency of a solar cell or photodiode from the doping levels, device dimensions and optical generation rate
    • Predict the common emitter current gain of a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) from the doping levels and device dimensions, identify regions of minority carrier diffusion and explain the Early effect
    • Determine the threshold voltage, channel conductance and saturation current of a MOSFET from the doping levels and device dimensions and explain how the gate and drain voltages influence the channel current

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Electric and magnetic fields
    • Electric potential
    • The Bohr atom
    • Basic quantum theory

    Course Topics
    • Crystal structure (2 classes)
    • Energy band theory (1 class)
    • Charge carrier concentrations: Fermi statistics (3 classes)
    • Charge carrier drift and diffusion (3 classes)
    • Hall effect (1 class)
    • Thermistors and photoconductivity (2 classes)
    • P-n junction (5 classes)
    • Photonic p-n junction devices (3 classes)
    • Bipolar junction transistor (3 classes)
    • MOSFET (3 classes)
    • Device fabrication: photolithography and plasma processing (1 class)

    Laboratory Topics
    • Hall effect
    • Majority carrier type and concentration using hot and four-point probes
    • Extrinsic to intrinsic conductivity transition with temperature
    • Band gap determination by photonic absorption: direct and indirect
    • Carrier lifetime in a CdS photocell
    • P-n junction reverse bias capacitance
    • BJT current gain and Early effect
    • MOSFET: linear and saturation characteristics
    • LED as photodetector and I-V characteristics of various two terminal devices: rectifiers, breakdown diodes, LEDs and solar cell

    Dr. Richard Mett
  • PH 3710 - Intro to Biophysics

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course provides grounding in the physical principles that underlie the properties of biomolecules and phenomena in cell biology. Applies physical models to understand many biological systems at a quantitative level. Biorheology, Brownian motion and molecular transactions in macromolecules, membrane channels and pumps and molecular motors are introduced. (prereq: CH 223 , PH 2030)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Apply knowledge of basic sciences, including physics, mathematics, and biology
    • Understand the impact of the biophysical techniques on the scientific issues in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context and recognize the need for a life-long learning approach towards new professional ideas
    • Describe physics of heat energy, free energy, and internal energy and their relation to biological systems
    • Understand the hierarchy of scales in a cell and learn the biological macromolecules
    • Apply the physics of the random walk, Brownian motion, friction, and diffusion to biological systems and describe different types of transport across the membrane
    • Describe and calculate the Reynolds number and utilize it to qualify the relative importance of friction and inertia
    • Analyze the behavior and phenomena in biological systems based on energy and entropy arguments
    • Describe osmotic pressure and the applications of Laplace law and physical aspects of surface tension
    • Explain how living cells generate electricity, and describe the molecular machines in membranes, the ion pumping, and the rotary motors
    • Understand Nerve impulses and describe ionic basis of resting membrane potential and actual potential
    • Develop scientific writing and communication skills through term paper and class discussion

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • Familiar with Kinetic Theory, 1st and 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, the ideal gas law, and the concept of entropy
    • Familiar with different types of biomolecules, DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, etc. and understand the structures and functions of these biomolecules

    Course Topics
    • Cellular components and biological molecules: The physical aspects of cell function and structure, hierarchy, molecular components and molecular devices
    • Diffusion and transport in cell. Random walks, friction, and diffusion Brownian motion, diffusion laws, diffusion equation, Fick’s Law and biological applications of diffusion
    • The low Reynolds number world and biological applications
    • Entropy, temperature, and free energy
    • Microscopic view of entropic forces, osmotic pressure, and surface tension, ion cloud distributions, and charged surfaces
    • Molecular machines in membranes. Electro osmotic effects, Donnan equilibrium, Ion pumping, rotary motors
    • Nerve impulses, ion channels, action potential

    Dr. Nazieh Masoud


  • SC 310 - Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course will provide students with the basic scientific concepts in physics, chemistry, materials science and biology that are critical to understanding nanoscale science and nanotechnology. The significance of quantum, electrical, physical and magnetic properties at the nanoscale will be contrasted with these properties at the macro- and microscale. The tools used to manipulate atoms, molecules, and materials and the students’ synthetic strategies for producing nanoscale materials and devices will be discussed. Current applications of nanoscale science and nanotechnology will be highlighted with each physical, chemical, biological and materials-based concept explored. (prereq: CH 200 , CH 200A , CH 200B  or CH 2100H and MA 136  or MA 136A )
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Explain the principles governing manufacturing nanoscopic structures
    • Discern and predict the governing principles in self-assembly processes
    • Describe the current state and potential future impact of nanotechnology
    • Explain how physical and chemical properties changes at the nanoscale
    • Select the best scientific instrument for nanoscale applications
    • Explain the significance of the surface/volume ratio in nanostructures
    • Explain the significance of quantum effects at the nanoscale
    • Describe how nanoscale features change materials’ properties
    • Explain the necessary considerations for employing biological molecules in nanoscale materials and devices
    • Compare and contrast electrical, physical, magnetic, and quantum properties at the macro-, micro-, and nanoscale
    • Compare and contrast NEMs and MEMs
    • Explain the significant design considerations for manufacturing and employing nanoscale devices

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Self-assembly
    • Nanoscale allotropes of carbon: fullerenes and nanotubes
    • Quantum dots and nanoparticles
    • Molecular electronics and nanowires
    • Surface properties of atoms
    • Quantum effects at the nanoscale
    • Bio-nanotechnology
    • Synthetic strategies for producing nanoscale materials and devices
    • Design of biomolecules and materials for nanoscale applications
    • Comparison of electrical, physical and magnetic properties at the macro-, micro-, and nanoscale.
    • Atomic force microscopy
    • Societal implications of nanotechnology

    Dr. Anne-Marie Nickel
  • SC 370 - Geology and Geophysics

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This course is a survey of geology and geophysics. It provides a description of how modern science can be used to probe the interior of the Earth, and how volcanoes, earthquakes and glaciers have changed and are changing the face of the Earth. A field trip to the Northern Kettle Moraine to study glacial features is included. (prereq: junior standing)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Know how geophysical measurements are used to make predictions about the earth’s structure
    • Describe how the earth has been and will be modified by various geological processes in the past, present, and future
    • Identify those geographical locations where significant geological events have occurred, or are likely to occur
    • Fill in the “gaps” in a typical newspaper, or newsweekly article that describes a particular geological process or event, so that the content can be of greater interest to a student
    • Know the difference between silicates, carbonates and sulfides
    • Know the difference between igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks
    • Know the difference between convergent and divergent plate boundaries and transform faults, and know what types of earthquakes occur at each
    • Know which type of volcano produces which type of lava, and which is most dangerous
    • Describe the processes by which rock is eroded and becomes soil
    • Know how radioactive dating and fossil dating work
    • Know the different types of seismic waves
    • Know which type of fault gives rise to which type of earthquake
    • Know what kind of damage is caused by each kind of earthquake
    • Describe the processes inside the earth’s interior that give rise to plate tectonics
    • Explain how the magnetic bands on the sea floor provide evidence for continental drift
    • Know how mountains are formed
    • Know the causes of landslides and sinkholes
    • Know how groundwater is affected by pumping and pollution
    • Describe how glaciers shaped the terrain of Wisconsin
    • Recognize glacial features such as kames, eskers, kettles, moraines and drumlins
    • Understand what causes various types of sand dunes to move and grow
    • Distinguish the different types of shorelines

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None 

    Course Topics
    • Minerals (1 class)
    • Volcanoes (1 class)
    • Sedimentary rocks (1 class)
    • Geologic time (3 classes)
    • Earth’s interior (1 class)
    • Mountain building (1 class)
    • Running water (1 class)
    • Glaciers (1 class)
    • Shorelines (1 class)

    Dr. Steven Mayer
  • SC 371 - Oceanography

    3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
    Course Description
    This subject introduces the student to the physical study of the ocean and its basin. Specific topics include: the nature of the ocean bottom and its relation to continental drift; ocean currents, causes, locations, characteristics and effects on land masses; and ocean wave mechanics, physics of sea water, acoustical properties of the ocean and the instruments and techniques used to measure ocean properties. Also studied are the interaction between warm water masses and the atmosphere, which acts as a heat engine, causing energy interchanges which produce much of the Earth’s weather. A detailed exploration is made of the potential of the ocean to supply large amounts of energy from its mechanical, electrical, thermal, and chemical resources. The course includes a visit to the Milwaukee Maritime Center. (prereq: junior standing)
    Course Learning Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    • Understand the terms and units used in describing ocean currents
    • Calculate the duration and fetch required to produce a fully developed “sea” (rough ocean) at a given wind speed
    • Describe the behavior of the tides in terms of the sun and moon positions and the shape of the ocean basin
    • Calculate the speed of tsunamis and other waves by knowing the depth of the ocean and the period and wavelength of the wave
    • Describe the chemical nature of ocean water, including the minerals dissolved in it
    • State the main sources of minerals dissolved in the ocean
    • Describe the different types of shorelines and their development over geological time as well as recent time
    • Explain the salinity and current patterns in different types of estuaries
    • Understand the interaction between the oceans and the Earth’s weather
    • Explain the distribution of life forms over different parts of the ocean
    • Name the different regions of the ocean in which life forms can be found and understand the terms used to describe these life forms
    • Discuss the various methods of exploring the ocean, such as sonar, submersibles, and unmanned probes

    Prerequisites by Topic
    • None

    Course Topics
    • Ocean currents (6 classes)
    • Ocean bottom (3 classes)
    • Ocean wave mechanics (3 classes)
    • Physics of sea water (7 classes)
    • Acoustical properties of the ocean (3 classes)
    • Oceans and weather (3 classes)
    • Life in the ocean (5 classes)

    Dr. Steven Mayer

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