Mar 11, 2025
NU 4711 - Nursing Care of Clients with Complex Episodic Health Challenges (ASD)4 lecture hours 15 lab hours 9 credits Course Description This course focuses on care of critically ill clients across the lifespan. The interrelationship between physiological, psychological, and environmental factors impacting critically ill individuals and their families are examined. Using critical thinking skills, students interpret and respond to clients’ changing health patterns in complex technological settings. (prereq: NU 4702 ) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Provide safe, effective, compassionate, and holistic nursing care incorporating clinical nursing standards to prioritize and respond to the fluctuating health conditions experienced by critically ill clients (Level 4, Nursing Care)
- Provide nursing care to critically ill clients in a simulated environment and facilitate class discussion on the trajectory of the critical illness and nursing care needed (Level 4, Nursing Care, Critical Thinking)
- Integrate pharmacological principles into the care of critically ill clients (Level 4, Nursing Care)
- Demonstrate critical thinking skills in analyzing the interrelationship between physiological, psychological, and environmental factors when providing nursing care to critically ill clients (Level 4, Critical Thinking)
- Incorporate effective communication skills with critically ill clients and their families (Level 4, Communication)
- Demonstrate a pattern of personal responsibility, professionalism, and accountability for life-long learning (Level 4, Professional Role)
- Discuss how caring for critically ill clients has affected one’s philosophy of nursing and future professional nursing practice (Level 4, Professional Role)
- Select, operate, monitor, and evaluate the accuracy of biomedical technologies and the role of the nurse in ensuring quality and safe delivery of nursing care (Level 4, Technology)
- Collaborate with the interprofessional health care team to provide coordinated care with the goal of improving health care outcomes for critically ill clients (Level 4, Collaboration)
- Retrieve, synthesize, and discuss evidence from best practices that support clinical decisions for care of critically ill clients (Level 4, Evidence-Based Practice)
Course Topics
- Introduction to critical care nursing
- Care of client requiring hemodynamic monitoring
- Care of the client (adult and child) with shock/sepsis
- Care of the patient (adult and child) with acute respiratory failure/ARDS
- Care of the vented client and ventilatory weaning response
- Care of the adult/child with cardiac alterations: acute myocardial infarction (AMI), pulmonary edema, PTCA with thrombolytics
- Care of patient (adults and child) with increased intracranial pressure/head Injury
- Care of children with growth and development dysfunctions
- Care of the clients receiving sedation and anxiolysis
- Care of patients with acute renal and liver failure, drug overdose
- Care of patients (adult and child) with life threatening fluid and electrolyte imbalances, DKA/SIADH/DI
- Care of patients with acute GI bleed/pancreatitis
- Care of patients’ nutritional needs in critical care
- Family process/family coping/individual stress ethical/legal issues in critical care
- Care of patients with immunological function/bleeding disorders/blood dyscrasias/DIC
- Care of the trauma patient
- Organ donation
- Care of client with organ transplant
Laboratory Topics
- Psychomotor skills:
- Hemodynamic monitoring
- ICP monitoring
- Mechanical ventilation
- Neonatal assessment
- Simulations:
- Infant, GI, growth and development focus
- Care of a client with shock and hemodynamic instability
- Care of a client with cardiac dysfunction and respiratory distress
- Care of a client with acute pancreatitis and acute kidney injury
- Care of a client with myocardial infarction and life-threatening dysrhythmia
- Lab Simulations:
- Medication administration check-off
- Hemodynamics
- Clinical focus: critical care (adult and child/neonatal)
Coordinator Dr. Jane Paige
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