Mar 13, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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NU 3302 - Application of Nursing Care Concepts to Clients with Episodic Health Challenges

4 lecture hours 12 lab hours 8 credits
Course Description
This course provides students the opportunity to expand their use of the nursing process in the care of patients and families experiencing episodic health care challenges. Students apply nursing concepts in providing care to patients and childbearing families. Students expand their role as members of the health care team and use effective communication to deliver caring approaches to diverse populations across the lifespan. Further development of critical thinking skills enables students to identify and act on opportunities to prevent complications and promote, maintain, and restore health. Students continue to explore all dimensions of health with an emphasis on developing collaborative skills. (prereq: NU 2521 , NU 391 , NU 2820 )  (coreq: NU 3302L NU 2320 )
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Use the nursing process to organize, prioritize, and deliver safe, effective, holistic, individualized care to clients experiencing acute episodic health challenge in a way that promotes health and prevents complications (Level 3, Nursing Care)   
  • Act on opportunities to apply aspects of caring by comforting and supporting clients and families in conjunction with reflection on one’s approach to caring (Level 3, Nursing Care)
  • Prioritize the nutritional needs of clients requiring special dietary therapy to create an individualized teaching plan (Level 3, Nursing Care)
  • Use critical thinking and thoughtful, reflective analysis to make accurate clinical decisions that individualize the delivery of nursing care (Level 3, Critical Thinking)
  • Employ effective interpersonal communication skills and knowledge of health education principles to educate, support, and partner with diverse clients and families to promote achieving higher levels of health (Level 3, Communication)
  • Display a pattern of personal accountability for one’s own learning while assuming a professional role through acts of integrity and mutual respect (Level 3, Professional Role)
  • Assume the role of the nurse as provider of care, educator, advocate, and care coordinator by reflecting on and taking responsibility for one’s action, practice, and learning (Level 3, Professional Role)  
  • Use health information technology and biomedical technology to monitor, deliver, and support clinical decisions for safe client care (Level 3, Technology)
  • Demonstrate increasing skills to effectively delegate the delivery of nursing care to other health team members in clinical, laboratory, and classroom settings (Level 3, Collaboration)
  • Select and analyze evidence from nursing research and relevant professional literature to develop a plan of care for clients experiencing episodic alterations in health and/or wellness (Level 3, Evidence-based Practice)

Prerequisites by Topic
  • None 

Course Topics
  • Care of the newborn and newborn thermoregulation
  • Preconception, prenatal, perinatal, and postpartum care
  • Normal childbearing
  • Childbearing at risk
  • The impact of hospitalization on children, adults, and families
  • Genetics and genomics in childbearing families
  • Care of clients and risk for situational depression: post-partum depression, prenatal loss, adjustment to traumatic injury and chronic illness
  • Care of the client with hypo/hyperglycemia
  • Care of the client with impaired verbal communication
  • Electrolyte imbalances
  • Fluid volume deficit and excess
  • Nutritional Imbalances
  • Ineffective breathing patterns
  • Acute pain
  • Altered urinary elimination
  • Care of patients with altered level of consciousness; (metabolic and structural)
  • Care of the patient with acute confusion
  • Care of client with acute neurological injury and spinal cord Injury 
  • Care of clients at risk for and actively experiencing seizure activity
  • Nursing care of patients requiring enteral and parenteral nutrition
  • Care of the patient undergoing abdominal and thoracic surgery
  • Care of patients with impaired oxygenation, gas exchange, and acid/base imbalances
  • Care of patients receiving blood transfusion
  • Care of patients with Central Venous Access Devices (CVAD)
  • Care of child and adults with episodic and acute respiratory conditions (acute pulmonary embolus, tuberculous, epiglottitis, acute bronchitis, pneumothorax)
  • Care of the patient with muscular-skeletal injury and trauma: fractures; application of rraction (skin and skeletal); hip and knee joint replacements; amputations

Laboratory Topics
  • Simulations: post-partum simulation, care of laboring mom; care of the child 
  • Clinical focus: maternal newborn, surgical

Cathy Leffler

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