Mar 13, 2025
BE 3915 - Combined Lab II: Physiology, DSP & Biomechanics1 lecture hours 2 lab hours 2 credits Course Description The objective of this course is to introduce the students to specific signal and system analysis tools used in physiological systems evaluation and quantification. The students will be presented with the real-world biomedical engineering problems that overlap the fields of physiology, digital signal processing and biomechanics. The students will look at problems/laboratories from a joint perspective, which will enable the students to solve multidisciplinary problems in the biomedical engineering field. (prereq: EE 3221 ) (coreq: BI 2315 or BI 2316 , and BE 411 ) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Apply fundamental signal processing methodologies to analyze biomedical signals with a goal to extract system-specific pertinent information
- Apply the appropriate statistics and interpreting their results when analyzing biomedical signals and systems
- Demonstrate proficiency in using MATLAB (and/or other appropriate computer-aided tools) to analyze biomedical signals and systems, and for biomedical system modeling
- Solve specific biomedical problems using multidisciplinary approach
- Function on multidisciplinary teams
- Document engineering and experimental work
Prerequisites by Topic
- Sampling
- Discrete Fourier analysis
- Digital filtering
- Digital system analysis
Course Topics
- Review of cardiovascular physiology
- Physiological origins of electrocardiographic (ECG) and other electrical cardiac signals
- Overview of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
- Physiological origins of electroencephalographic (EEG) and other electrical neuro-signals
- Review of joints and muscular system physiology
- Physiological origins of electromyographic (EMG) and other related signals
- Introduction to biomechanics and human movement
- Anthropometry
- Linear and angular kinematics
- Force plates
- Occupational biomechanics
Laboratory Topics
- Analysis of the EEG and local field potentials signals using appropriate signal processing methods
- Hudgkin and Hoxley neuronal conductance-based model simulation
- Windkassel aortic flow model simulation
- Analysis of ECG, cardiac electrogram, blood pressure, and cardiac cellular signals using appropriate signal processing methods
- Analysis of EMG signals using appropriate signal processing methods
- Biomechanics modeling and simulation
- Anthropometry
- Kinematics and kinetics of elbow flexion
- Center of pressure and stability of stance
Coordinator Dr. Olga Imas
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