Mar 13, 2025
BE 411 - Biomechanics3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits Course Description This course is an introduction to the biomechanics of human movement, with applications to occupational, rehabilitation, forensic and sports biomechanics. Topics covered include kinematics; anthropometry; kinetics; mechanical work, energy, and power; synthesis of human movement; muscle mechanics; repetitive motion and low back injuries. (prereq: BI 2305 or BI 2306 , and ME 206 ) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Define the terms, anatomical axes, and planes associated with human movement
- Understand the physiology associated with skeletal muscle contractions, strength evaluation, joint mechanics, energy requirements, and fatigue
- Understand the principles and use of electromyography as a biomechanics research tool
- Define the design and behavior of the instrumentation, transducers, force plates, etc. used to collect and process human movement data
- Develop 2-D link-segment models from basic anthropometric and kinematic data
- Obtain inverse solutions of joint moments and reaction forces from kinematic and force plate data
- Design and conduct a human-movement based experiment
Prerequisites by Topic
- Knowledge of engineering statics, dynamics, and strength of materials
- Human physiology and anatomy
- Familiarity with the concepts, instrumentation, and electronics associated with low-level signal amplification, filtering, and processing
Course Topics
- Review of muscle physiology and skeletal anatomy
- Principles and use of electromyography
- Anthropometry
- Center of mass and stability
- Joint motion
- Linear and angular kinematics
- Analysis of kinematic gait data
- Development and use of 2-D link-segment models to estimate joint moments, reaction and compressive forces
- Occupational biomechanics - NIOSH lifting equation, injury mechanisms
Laboratory Topics
- Measurement and use of anthropometic data for the development of link-segment models
- Kinematics and kinetics of elbow flexion
- Vertical jump height and force plates
Coordinator Dr. Larry Fennigkoh
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