2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Industrial Engineering, B.S.
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Program Director
Dr. Charlene A. Yauch, P.E.
Office: S-112H
Phone: (414) 277-7258
Email: yauch@msoe.edu
Industrial engineers play key roles in virtually every business and industry today. By focusing on critical processes and systems, industrial engineers are making these businesses more efficient, effective and productive. Industrial engineers are often seen as facilitators of change. Industrial engineering is primarily concerned with the design and continuous improvement of systems by effectively integrating people, processes and technology. Quality and productivity improvement are critical issues.
Industrial engineering course work establishes a solid engineering foundation, upon which specialized technical and management knowledge and skill sets are built. Educational experiences include a variety of business/industry projects, which enable our graduates to make significant contributions in diverse enterprises such as manufacturing, warehousing and distribution, insurance, banking, consulting and health care.
Program Educational Objectives
The industrial engineering (IE) program at MSOE aims to be the program of choice for all students who desire a student-centered, interactive learning environment, with a hands-on orientation and practical industry-based project experiences. MSOE’s IE graduates are aggressively pursued by a diverse array of employers in manufacturing and service industries such as consulting, health care, logistics, and retail. Our faculty provide state-of-the art expertise, combining theoretical knowledge and practical experience to provide students with a solid foundation for future achievement. Internal and external customers seek out the program’s faculty and students for innovative solutions to their technical and business challenges.
MSOE’s IE program is committed to producing baccalaureate engineers who, within five years after graduation, will:
- Demonstrate management and leadership skills, including self-awareness, negotiating with and influencing others, and leading a project team.
- Employ problem-solving skills, utilizing relevant data-driven IE methods.
- Uphold ethical standards and contribute to the broader engineering community.
- Drive organizational improvement efforts, providing training, mentoring, or subject matter expertise to others.
- Understand, adapt, and contribute to their organization’s long-term strategy, vision, and business objectives.
- Demonstrate resourcefulness and agility by being able to identify and define problems from various perspectives, adapt to changing circumstances and conduct independent research.
- Recognize the need for and be able to evaluate relevant design constraints and impacts such as those related to safety, the environment, and society.
Student Outcomes
At the conclusion of the industrial engineering program at MSOE, the student will have the ability to:
- Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
- Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
- Design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
- Function on multi-disciplinary teams.
- Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
- Understand professional and ethical responsibility.
- Communicate effectively.
- Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context.
- Recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning.
- Understand contemporary issues.
- Use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
- Design, develop, implement and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy.
Industrial Engineering Cooperative Education Program
Cooperative education is designed to integrate classroom study with planned and supervised work experiences. The co-op program offers students an opportunity to gain industrial experience as part of their formal education. Industrial engineering co-op students are employed in technical capacities in a variety of industrial companies. Most co-op students are employed for a single co-op session in the sophomore or junior year which typically lasts for three consecutive quarters, always beginning or ending in summer. Variations on the co-op program and modifications to the student’s plan of study are made to accommodate particular co-op opportunities, depending on the company’s requirements. The co-op program is optional, and co-op positions are not guaranteed. Positions are awarded at the discretion of the employer after a competitive interviewing process. For more information about the co-op program, see Electrical Engineering B.S. or contact the Career Services Office at (414) 277-7120.
Requirements for Industrial Engineering Co-op Program
- Full-time student status in industrial engineering at MSOE.
- Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50.
- Must have completed the freshman year and receive prior approval from the industrial engineering program director (co-op administrator) prior to accepting an offer of co-op employment.
- Any student who wishes to pursue placement in a co-op position must have an application form on file in the Career Services Office and a resume completed on Career Net.
Industrial Engineering Model Full-time Track - V7.0
Total: 15 lecture hours - 2 lab hours - 16 credits
Total: 13 lecture hours - 4 lab hours - 15 credits
Total: 14 lecture hours - 4 lab hours - 16 credits
Total: 14 lecture hours - 2 lab hours - 15 credits
Total: 15 lecture hours - 4 lab hours - 17 credits
Total: 14 lecture hours - 6 lab hours - 17 credits
Total: 15 lecture hours - 4 lab hours - 17 credits
Total: 14 lecture hours - 6 lab hours - 17 credits
Total: 15 lecture hours - 4 lab hours - 17 credits
Total: 14 lecture hours - 2 lab hours - 15 credits
Total: 12 lecture hours - 5 lab hours - 15 credits
Total: 15 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits
1 There are 36 credits of elective subjects in the industrial engineering program. Students, in collaboration with their faculty advisors, design their program from the following elective categories: - 12 credits from approved industrial engineering electives list
- 3 credits from non-IE engineering electives list
- 12 credits from humanities and social sciences (HU/SS), of which 6 must be in the humanities are (HU) and 6 in the social sciences (SS) area
- 3-credit (300 or 400 level) course
- 3 credits from approved list of math or science electives
- 3 credits from management systems elective (see note 2)
2 The MS elective must be 300 level or higher unless otherwise approved by the IE program director. In order to obtain the Minor in Buisness Management, the industrial engineering student must take MS 331 , MS 342 , MS 356 , and MS 361 , in addition to the management courses already required by this industrial engineering curriculum. Business classes that have considerable overlap with IE courses (MS 340 , MS 3403 , MS 344 , MS 393 , MS 4801 and possibly others) may not be taken for credit by IE students. If uncertain about the acceptability of a particular MS elective course, the student should check with his/her academic advisor or the IE program director. Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. Industrial Engineering Electives
With the written consent of the IE program director and after careful review of both student developmental objectives and the science/design content of alternate selections, some engineering elective substitutions may be permitted. In no case may an engineering technology course (MT, ET, etc.) be substituted for an engineering course. Elective combinations are restricted. Elective selection must be done in consultation with the faculty curriculum advisor. |
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