Mar 11, 2025
CV 4900 - Civil Engineering Senior Design Project I1 lecture hours 4 lab hours 3 credits Course Description This course is the first course in a two-course sequence. Students interact with a real-life client to design a civil engineering project through the preliminary design phase of the project. Students will apply their academic knowledge of civil and environmental engineering systems to the design of a real-world project as part of a multidisciplinary project team. Potential types of projects that can be used to satisfy the senior design project include (1) national design competitions, (2) international service projects with organizations such as Engineers Without Borders (EWB), or (3) projects solicited from or offered by local municipal entities or businesses. Projects are assigned to student teams by the faculty. In this first quarter, students design teams are organized and paired with faculty advisors in their specialty area. Student teams receive a “Request for Proposals” (RFP) for the design and construction of a civil engineering project at the start of the quarter. Lectures address the design process, engineering specifications, and library research techniques. The quarter culminates in the production and presentation of a detailed design-build proposal in accordance with the requirements of the RFP. (prereq: senior standing and completion of all junior level specialty courses) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Develop and present a proposal for the design and construction of a civil engineering project in response to the RFP
- Demonstrate the ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs in more than one civil engineering context and within realistic constraints such as customary standards of practice, costs, and sustainability
- Demonstrate expertise as a functional member of a multidisciplinary team
- Demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate, and solve ill-defined engineering problems in the student’s area of specialization
- Demonstrate an ability to organize and deliver effective verbal, written, and graphical communications
- Demonstrate an understanding of the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
- Demonstrate self-directed learning
- Demonstrate the ability to use the appropriate techniques, skills, and engineering tools necessary for modern engineering practice
- Develop simulated industry work relationships using a student and faculty team approach
- Identify and list the advantages and limitations of the team approach in a realistic design project environment
- Display an understanding of the basic tenets of sustainability
- Demonstrate the ability to cooperate with team-mates, coordinate workloads, and manage time effectively
- Demonstrate understanding of applicable code requirements and design guidelines
- Demonstrate the students’ knowledge of their specialty area in civil engineering:
a. Construction Management
- Exhibit understanding of effective site mobilization and project safety requirements
- Show understanding of project cash flow requirements
- Prove understanding of construction scheduling
- Present complete line item and summary of construction costs
- Develop a Management Information Systems (MIS) plan that is effective and project appropriate
- Apply appropriate computer tools
- Apply value engineering and constructability
- Demonstrate understanding of the LEED certification process and how it affects overall project costs, coordination, and owner decisions
- Present quality oral presentations and demonstrate ability to answer questions during presentations
b. Environmental Engineering
- Characterize potential wastestreams
- Identify applicable regulations
- Identify and analyze appropriate alternative systems, components, or processes to manage, treat, and dispose of the wastestreams while complying with applicable regulatory requirements
- Create order of magnitude cost estimates for alternatives
- Select alternative(s) for design development
- Communicate graphically, verbally, and in writing to the client describing the selected alternatives
- Perform mass and energy balances on environmental systems
- Utilize the LEED and/or Envision rating systems for the assigned project
- Consider building sustainability issues with respect to appropriate electrical, HVAC, plumbing, and environmental design
- Consider emergency systems, egress lighting, exit signs, and fire alarm systems/pumps in relation to appropriate design
c. Structural Engineering
- Develop structural systems compatible with Civil Engineering design and other engineering disciplines
- Understand structural loadings and other structural design criteria
- Understand lateral force resisting systems
- Understand structural design evident in structural plans
- Understand structural design evident in structural details
- Appropriately use knowledge of structural analysis by hand
- Appropriately use knowledge of structural analysis by computer programs
- Appropriately use knowledge of structural design calculations
- Discuss structural design and human behavior issues in meetings and presentations
d. Water Resources Engineering
- Identify the relevant hydrologic and hydraulic features of the project requiring design
- Identify options for stormwater management applicable to the project
- Create order of magnitude cost estimates for each stormwater management option considered
- Identify options for relevant hydraulic systems (e.g., hydraulic profiles, water supplies, wastewater drainage) on the project
- Create order of magnitude cost estimates for hydraulic system options
Prerequisites by Topic
- Must have completed all prior courses in specialization to start of course
- Approval of curriculum coordinator
Course Topics
- Introduction to course and scoping of project
- Problem identification within specialization
- Solution alternative identification
- Alternative analysis
- Alternative selection
- Presentation to client
Coordinator Doug Nelson
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