Mar 13, 2025
PH 325 - Acoustics & Illumination3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits Course Description The first part of this course covers the science of generation, propagation and reception of sound. Included are vibration of strings and membranes, acoustic radiation, transmission, diffraction and absorption coefficients, as well as room acoustics and the psychological effects of sound, music and noise. The second part of this course acquaints students with the basic physics of light and illumination. Included are lectures on photometry and photometric units, interaction of visible light and matter, color and lighting calculations for room interiors. (prereq: PH 2020 or PH 2021 or PH 2031 ) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Find the period, frequency and amplitude of the simple harmonic motion executed by a given mass attached to a given spring
- Find the sum of two simple harmonic motions
- Calculate the frequency of standing waves in an air column
- Determine the speed of sound in air from the temperature
- Convert from decibels to watts per square meter and vice versa
- Predict the reverberation time in a room whose materials and dimensions are given
- Define photometric terms such as lumen, foot-candle, lambert, etc.
- Calculate the illuminance on a surface due to a given point source
- Calculate the number of light fixtures of a given type that are required to produce a given foot-candle level in a room
- Predict the resultant color obtained by mixing two colors of light
- Determine the interference pattern produced by the superposition of sound or light waves
- Predict the intensity of light that has passed through two or more polarizing filters
Course Topics
- Vibrations (3 classes)
- Wave motion (3 classes)
- Sound (3 classes)
- Hearing (2 classes)
- Noise (3 classes)
- Music (1 class)
- Room acoustics (3 classes)
- Light units (2 classes)
- Interior and exterior lighting (3 classes)
- Color, spectra (2 classes)
- Energy (2 classes)
- Review (1 class)
Coordinator Dr. Steven Mayer
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