Mar 11, 2025
HU 410J - Japanese I2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits Course Description This course teaches the basics of the Japanese language: grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Elements of Japanese culture are also covered through reading material. Class participation is an important part of the course. (prereq: none) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Read, write, listen, and speak basic Japanese words
- Understand elementary Japanese grammar
- Converse in some everyday situations
- Know general Japanese geographical and cultural features
Prerequisites by Topic Course Topics
- The Japanese sound system and HIRAGANA writing (5 classes)
- Basic everyday expressions (1 class)
- Grammar: sentence structure; particle and demonstrative usage (4 classes)
- Vocabulary: nouns; verbs; adjectives; questions words (2 classes)
- KATAKANA writing (5 classes)
- Language in culture (1 class)
- Reviews (1 class)
- Exam (3 classes)
Laboratory Topics
- Listening to the audio for the textbook is expected, and drill work in class is analogous to laboratory work (11 sessions)
Coordinator Dr. Alicia Domack
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