1 There are 12 credits of humanities and social science (HU/SS) electives, 6 of which must be in the humanities area (HU) and 6 must be in the social science area (SS).
2 All students must choose one of the three specialty sequences of classes beginning in the Winter Quarter of the junior year. Building Structural Systems (BSS), Building Mechanical Systems (BMS), or Building Electrical Power Systems (BEPS).
3 These 3 credits must be taken from the math or science area (MA, SC, PH, CH). Suggested Math Electives List: MA 343 , MA 380 , MA 381 , MA 382 , MA 330 , MA 383 , MA 387 .
4 A “Technical Elective” is defined as any AE, CM, CV, engineering, business administration, technical communication or user experience course, 200/2000 level or higher that is not already required in the curriculum (or equivalent courses from other departments). Engineering technology (ET, MT), general education (GE), humanities (HU/SS), mathematics (MA), nursing (NU) or nursing-specific courses/electives, orientation (OR), pure science (BI, CH, PH, SC), ROTC (AF, AR, NS) or undergraduate research (UR) courses are not eligible as technical electives.
Students in the Air Force ROTC program can make the following substitutions: AF 300 for General Elective, AF 301 for EN 441, AF 302 for AE 440, AF 401 for SS 455 (and SS elective), AF 402 for MS 331.
Students are required to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam in their 5th year, as a condition of graduation. Students must present official results to the Registrar’s Office as proof of having satisfied this requirement.
The architectural engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,
The construction management program is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE, 1717 N. Loop 1604E, Suite 320, San Antonio, TX 78232-1570; telephone: (210) 495-6161).