Mar 13, 2025
BME 4802 - Biomedical Engineering Research Internship0 lecture hours 8 lab hours 3 credits Course Description This course provides biomedical engineering students the option of receiving academic credit for work at a research organization as a junior or senior student. In order to qualify, the student must be engaged in the underlying research goals and context for the research. Students must apply for research internship positions; these are not assigned or arranged by the program. Research internships done for academic credit must be preapproved by the biomedical engineering program director and the EECS department chair prior to course registration. Documentation in the form of a laboratory notebook and summary report must be submitted to the program director at the end of the internship. To receive credit, students must document at least 120 hours of appropriate, supervised work. Student performance is evaluated and the grade assigned by the program director based on laboratory notebook and report content and the internship mentor’s input. (prereq: junior standing and consent of BME program director and department chair) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Prerequisites by Topic Course Topics Laboratory Topics Coordinator Dr. Jeff LaMack
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