Mar 14, 2025
MEC 4674 - Medical Applications in Mechanical Engineering3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits Course Description The course is an overview of various medical devices implemented in the clinic to stabilize and/or correct physical deformities and improve functionality. Mechanical and biomechanical principles which are used to design these devices are examined. Clinical protocols and assessment devices used in the design and implementation of medical devices are also discussed. Special consideration is paid to the use of modern scientific based methods in the design and analysis of medical devices. The medical devices include cranial helmets, orthotics of lower extremities, (AFO, HAFO, SMO, UCBL), braces for scoliosis, braces for lower back pain, hip and knee implants, bone screws, and plates. (prereq: MEC 2030 ) (quarter system prereq: ME 3005) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Discern the role that engineering mechanics and engineering design play in the development, analysis and utilization of medical devices
- Demonstrate how mechanics and mechanical engineering principles may be applied to the modeling of the human body and the interaction of medical devices with the human body
- Explain the kinematics and kinetics involved in human gait
- Compare the advantages and disadvantages in the implementation of various medical devices
- Articulate the current challenges and opportunities in the design and manufacturing of medical devices
Prerequisites by Topic
- Free body diagrams and equations of equilibrium
- Concepts of stress, strain, Hooke’s law, and mechanical properties of materials
- Stresses and strain in axially, torsionally, and bending loaded members
- Normal and shear stresses and planes
Course Topics
- Basic anatomy and biomechanical modeling
- Biomedical materials
- Viscoelastic models
- Antropometric data
- Cranial helmets
- Link-segment models
- Gait
- Forces in joints
- Force plates
- Pressure sensors
- Lower limb orthotics
- Mechanics of bone
- Bone remodeling
- Bone fracture and healing
- Fixation plates
- Bone screws
- Implants
- Spine mechanics
- Torso mechanics
- Correction of scoliosis using implants or orthotics
- FEA modeling of bio-medical device
- Additive manufacturing of medical devices
Coordinator Dr. Robert Rizza
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