Mar 14, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MEC 4270 - Fatigue and Fracture in Mechanical Design

3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
Course Description
This course provides detailed treatment of fatigue failure due to cyclic loading of mechanical components.  Design approaches for high cycle (stress-life) design are reviewed. Methods for low cycle (plastic strain-life) problems are presented. Numerous design examples are provided showing how to properly account for: stress concentrations, notch analysis using Neuber’s rule, mean stress effects, multi-axial stress, and variable amplitude loading.  Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) concepts are introduced with applications to predicting catastrophic failure, fatigue crack growth rate, and fail-safe design methodology. Microscopic and macroscopic features of fatigue and fracture are discussed in the context of performing failure analysis of broken parts. (prereq: MEC 2030 , MEC 3210 ) (quarter system prereq: ME 322, ME 3005)
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Calculate fatigue lifetimes based on 1) stress-life, 2) strain-life or 3) fatigue crack growth models (Paris’ law)
  • Apply non-linear stress-strain models to notch strain analysis (Ramberg-Osgood, Neuber’s rule)
  • Design components for fatigue lifetime (infinite life or finite life design)
  • Select a best solution method for fatigue design problems
  • Judge the appropriate application of solution method for a design problem
  • Make engineering assumptions as necessary to calculate fatigue lifetimes
  • Evaluate engineering assumptions as either conservative, non-conservative, or best-guess
  • Apply fracture mechanics principles in the context of fail-safe design
  • Apply fracture mechanics principles in the context of doing failure analysis of broken parts
  • Apply counting strategies (rainflow) to complex stress-time histories, to calculate expected lifetimes

Prerequisites by Topic
  • Mechanics of materials
  • Materials science

Course Topics
  • Fatigue life - basic approach for high-cycle or infinite life design: endurance limit, S-N diagrams (stress-life methods), stress concentration factors
  • Fatigue life for plastic strain cycling, low cycle fatigue: Ramberg-Osgood equation (non-linear stress-strain relationship), cyclic stress-strain curves and stress-strain loops in fatigue, strain-life diagrams and strain-life equation, notch strain analysis, Neuber’s rule
  • Complex 2D and 3D states of stress in fatigue analysis
  • Cumulative damage models and cycle counting methods for complex load histories
  • Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM): stress intensity factor and plane strain fracture toughness, fatigue crack growth rate (Paris’ law), non-linear fatigue crack growth problems, requiring numerical solutions
  • Fail-safe design methodologies for pressure vessels, structural parts, and inspection intervals
  • Failure analysis, applying principles of LEFM and fatigue to broken parts

Dr. Mathew Schaefer

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