Mar 13, 2025
BUS 4620 - Technical Selling3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits Course Description This course will serve as a foundation for understanding all major aspects of personal selling. The work of the individual sales representative or sales engineer will be reviewed with emphasis on sales to and for industrial and business enterprises. Characteristics of the successful salesperson, making a good sales presentation, prospecting for leads, and time and territory management will be discussed. Relevant persuasive techniques, communication, psychology, sociology, and power dynamics in a business selling environment will be introduced into the selling. (prereq: sophomore standing) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Selling as a profession
- Preparing for relationship selling
- Relationship selling process
- Ethics in sales
- Current events relating to sales/selling
- Sales presentation
- Role play as purchasing agent
- Persuasive approaches
- Customer resistance to buying
- Overcoming barriers
Prerequisites by Topic Coordinator Gene Wright
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