Mar 13, 2025
BIE 2100 - Principles and Applications of Biotechnology3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits Course Description Principles and applications of cell biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology are summarized in the context of chemical and biomolecular engineering. Examples of molecular, biochemical, and industrial based processes are presented along with the history, ethics and societal impacts it has on biotechnology. Lectures focus on the theory of critical techniques that are the backbone of the molecular biotechnology industry. Students have the opportunities for hands-on applications for some of these techniques during the lab sessions with an emphasis on qualitative and quantitative controls. Laboratory experiments reinforce the concepts form the lecture and emphasize techniques used in chemical and biomolecular engineering. (prereq: BIO 2320 ) (quarter system prereq: BI 2020) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Identify the history, impacts, and implications of biotechnology
- Explain the pros and cons on the different aspects of the field
- Discuss the underlying principles and applications of biotechnology techniques
- Explain several chemical and biomolecular engineering applications of biotechnology
- Apply knowledge of biology, chemistry, and biotechnology to solve basic problems in the biotechnology and biomolecular engineering field
- Demonstrate the laboratory skills related to basic biotechnology techniques
- Integrate molecular knowledge into analysis and design experiments
- Design and perform biotechnology experiments, including hypothesis formation, measurements, and positive and negative controls
- Analyze the experimental data using basic sciences and engineering skills
- Identify potential experimental procedural errors
- Explain the use of statistical tests to interpret laboratory data
- Write scientific reports in standardized format
Prerequisites by Topic
- Basic terminology of nucleic acids, proteins, and other biomolecules
- Describe the similarities and differences between eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells
- Explain bacterial DNA transfer: transformation, transduction and conjugation
- Ability to write a scientific report
Course Topics
- Intro to biotechnology
- Writing a SOP
- DNA structure and analysis
- Bacterial transformation and plasmid purification
- Genetic engineering and cloning
- Forensics
- DNA extraction
- Protein extraction
- Western blotting
- Immunological applications
- Plant biotechnology
Laboratory Topics
- Conversion calculations
- DNA isolation
- DNA electrophoresis
- DNA quantification
- Transformation
- Restriction enzyme digest
- DNA fingerprinting
- Protein isolation
- Western blotting
- Immunostaining
- Gel casting
- Plant biotechnology
Coordinator Dr. Eryn L. Hassemer
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