Mar 13, 2025
BIE 3420 - Thermodynamics II3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits Course Description This course surveys the use and application of classical and statistical thermodynamics to chemical, biochemical and biomolecular systems. Topics covered include solution thermodynamics, mixing process, phase and chemical reaction equilibria which play the central role in unit operations and reactor design. The application of the first and second laws of thermodynamics to living systems, bioenergetics, thermodynamic analysis of biochemical reactions, energy conversion, introduction to statistical thermodynamics, and binding are also introduced. Examples are chosen from chemical and biomolecular engineering application areas. (prereq: BIE 2410 ) (quarter system prereq: EB 2510) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Explain fundamental principles of solution thermodynamics applied to multiphase and multi-components systems
- Define and apply partial molar properties, chemical potential, fugacity and activity coefficients to solve phase and chemical equilibria problems in reacting and non-reacting systems
- Set up and solve steady state material and energy balances on open/closed chemical and bio systems
- Select appropriate models and equations of state in order to identify, formulate and solve problems with thermodynamic property changes of ideal and non-ideal fluid mixtures
- Compute the conversion of homogenous and heterogenous reactions and equilibrium compositions of mixtures of gases, liquids and solids.
- Describe the energy transformations in living systems from the thermodynamics perspective
- Explain thermodynamical concepts including entropy, free energy, molecular driving forces, etc. from the view of statistical thermodynamics and their relevance in biomolecular engineering
- Apply thermodynamic relationships at the molecular level
Prerequisites by Topic
- Differential equations
- Basic thermodynamic principles (internal energy, entropy, enthalpy, etc.)
Course Topics
- The framework of solution thermodynamics (ideal and non-ideal systems)
- Partial molar properties
- Residual and excess properties
- Fugacity and activity coefficients
- Mixing processes
- Thermodynamic formulations for phase equilibria (VLE, LLE, SLE)
- Osmotic equilibrium
- Chemical reaction equilibria
- Fuel cells
- Bioenergetics
- Introduction to statistical thermodynamics
- Extremum principles
- Intermolecular interactions
- Entropy and Boltzmann distribution
- Binding processes
- Thermodynamic property estimator (ThermoSolver) demonstration
- SAChE Certification ELA-952: Identifying & Minimizing Process Safety Hazards
- SAChE Certification ELA-953: An Introduction to Managing Process Safety Hazards
Coordinator Dr. Serdar Ozturk
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