Mar 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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IND 4320 - Facilities Design

2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits
Course Description
This course covers contemporary approaches for designing new facilities and improving existing facilities in manufacturing, service, and warehouse organizations. The course focuses on facility layout planning methods as well as the inter-relationships between physical layouts of (facilities, departments, or work cells), process flows, and material handling systems. During this course students will learn techniques for generating, improving, and evaluating facility layout solutions using qualitative and quantitative approaches, and creating final layouts using 2D CAD software.  The students will learn how to perform space and equipment requirement analysis, analyze material flow, develop layout alternatives, and select the preferred layout by implementing optimization procedures. (prereq: IND 3820 ) (quarter system prereq: IE 336, IE 3820)
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Identify and summarize layout problems
  • Generate and evaluate detailed solutions to facilities layout problems for manufacturing, service and warehouse systems using both quantitative and qualitative approaches
  • Identify and categorize present layout constraints in a layout problem, and consider the identified constraint(s) as part of the approach used to tackle the layout problem
  • Utilize contemporary techniques to address a real-world facility design project (construction of the layout to improvement) and compare the performance of the different implemented techniques
  • Generate recommendations about space requirements, process/product flow and new proposed layout facility design projects quantifying the impact of each recommendation on multiple performance measures of the system
  • Identify and summarize layout design considerations for creating inclusive workspaces (e.g., ADA standards)
  • Associate the applications of material handling techniques with their effect on facility operations
  • Present 2-dimensional detailed layouts using CAD software specifying the space requirement of each layout component
  • Present facility design project information orally and verbally in class presentations and a formal business report

Prerequisites by Topic
  • Deterministic and stochastic mathematical modeling
  • Linear and non-linear optimization

Course Topics
  • Overview of facilities design
  • Type of layout problems (manufacturing, service and warehouse facilities)
  • Introduction to layout constraints
  • Engineering design approach
  • Product/process analysis and its impact on facilities design
  • Production requirement (considering scrap and rework)
  • Machine requirement
  • Flow systems
  • Layout types (product layout; process layout; fixed location layout; group technology layout)
  • Quantitative flow analysis (From-To-Chart; distance measures: Euclidean, Rectilinear, Aisle)
  • Qualitative flow analysis (Relational chart by Murther)
  • Space requirement analysis (workstation, locker rooms, restrooms, food service, health service, parking space, office spaces, ADA requirements)
  • Introduction to layout design: original approaches to the layout problem (Apple’s Plant Layout Procedure; Reed’s Plant Layout Procedure; Murther’s Systematic Layout Planning Procedure)
  • Contemporary approaches for layout design (i-construction algorithms: Spanning Tree, Graph Approach; ii- improvement algorithms: Pairwise Exchange, 3-Opt Algorithm, CRAFT, BLOCPLAN, FactoryCAD and FactoryFlow, VIP-PLANOPT)
  • Introduction to material handling (material handling principles, designing material handling systems, material handling equation, material handling chart)
  • Introduction to the Unit Load Design Principle
  • Determining space utilization
  • Warehouse problem (receiving principles, shipping principles, receiving/shipping planning)
  • Waiting Line Models (Queuing Theory) in facilities design (warehouse and service layouts)
  • Use of 2-dimensional CAD software for facility layouts project work and class presentations

Laboratory Topics
  • A weekly 2-hour lab is used primarily for learning CAD software and working on the course project, which is typically development of a facility layout for an industry client. The project lab time is used for client visits, team meetings, and preparation of the project deliverables.

Dr. Leah Newman

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