Mar 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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HST 1015 - Latin American History I

3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits
Course Description
This course is an introduction to Spanish (and to a lesser extent, Portuguese) territories in the Americas from the pre-Colombian era through early independence. Students will explore the multiple impacts of European conquest and trace the development of these colonial societies during a long, complex, and often violent period of social, economic, and cultural transformation. Particular attention will be paid to understanding the creation of new multi-ethnic societies, and how the interchange of goods, people, and ideas following the invasion and conquest of the American continent fundamentally altered both Latin America and the world. Being the principal colonial heartlands, Mexico and Peru will be the primary focus; but developments in these regions will be compared with those in Brazil, the Caribbean, the Southern Cone, and the Northern Andes. This course meets the following Raider Core CLO requirement: Exhibit Curiosity. (prereq: none)
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Identify the geographical make-up of Latin America
  • Identify several key events and major turning points in colonial Latin American and Caribbean history.
  • Compare and contrast colonial processes in various regions, for example in Brazil vs. Mexico
  • Identify the various cultures (Indigenous, European, African, Asian) that combined to shape the region
  • Read for a dedicated purpose across different genres and forms of writing
  • Identify key sources of colonial Latin American history and culture
  • Recognize the way power functioned in the colonial system through Iberian logic and political organization, as well as various forms of accommodation, reform, resistance, and rebellion.
  • Identify, explain, and evaluate different historical explanations for the origins, outcome, justification, and legacy of colonialism in Latin America
  • Communicate effectively through presentations, discussion, and written work

Prerequisites by Topic
  • None

Course Topics
  • Overview of Aztec, Mayan, and Incan societies
  • Crusades and the Iberian “Reconquest”
  • Role of the Catholic Church
  • The Conquest of Mexico
  • The Conquest of Peru
  • Indigenous nations
  • The Transatlantic Slave Trade
  • Indigenous and Black resistance movements
  • Mines and plantations
  • Valladolid debate: Las Casas and Sepúlveda
  • Race and castes
  • Seven-Year War and the Bourbon Reforms
  • Tupac Amaru II
  • French Revolution and Haitian Revolution
  • Spanish-American independence revolutions
  • Brazil’s road to independence
  • Liberal Revolutions in Spain and Portugal
  • Battle of Ayacucho and the end of the Spanish continental rule
  • Republicanism and Nativism
  • Colonial art, architecture, and literature

Margaret Dwyer

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