Mar 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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BME 4901 - Biomedical Engineering Senior Design I

1 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits
Course Description
This course is the first of two courses that make up the biomedical engineering capstone design experience. Students engage in research to create a clear problem statement, identify stakeholders, and conduct a needs assessment and market analysis, all while considering standards, intellectual property, and regulatory constraints. This culminates in a project proposal report and list of design requirements. Students employ project management strategies to plan the design process. At the conclusion of this course, students complete a system level design and a plan to proceed with system testing and subsystem level design. Throughout this course, the connection is made between MSOE’s BME design process and the FDA QSR design control requirements and common industrial process. (prereq: completion of all junior-level BME, ELE, and BIO courses, or course plan approved by program director to complete degree requirements by the following fall semester) (quarter system prereq: completion of all junior-level BE, BI, and EE courses in BME curriculum or permission of program director if up to two such courses are not completed)
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Work effectively on a team, employing project management strategies, to plan a long-term project
  • Engage in a needs assessment that considers diverse needs of stakeholders and addresses global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  • Follow FDA QSR guidelines to define design inputs for a medical device design
  • Produce a written report and presentation that effectively and efficiently communicates a project proposal
  • Determine the FDA device classification of a proposed device
  • Research and identify relevant standards for a proposed medical device
  • Produce a prioritized list of design input requirements that reflect the stakeholder needs and relevant regulatory requirements and engineering standards
  • Conduct intellectual property research and market analysis to describe the prior art of a proposed design
  • Devise and evaluate multiple design approaches at the system level, applying informed judgments that consider global, economic, environmental, and social impacts
  • Create a plan to divide a system design into subsystems that can be divided among team members
  • Identify proper interface specifications among subsystems in a design
  • Engage in a design review to discuss and defend system level design decisions

Prerequisites by Topic
  • FDA regulation of medical devices
  • Medical device standards
  • Intellectual property of medical devices

Course Topics
  • Project management and teamwork techniques
  • Needs assessment in medical device design
  • Documentation of medical device design projects
  • Developing design requirements
  • System-level block diagrams
  • Developing interface specifications

Laboratory Topics
  • Mentor-guided biomedical engineering design

Dr. Jeff LaMack

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