Mar 14, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CVE 3701 - Principles of Water Resources Engineering

2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits
Course Description
Water Resources Engineering is the first applied engineering course in the water area of the civil engineering curriculum. In this course, students learn the fundamentals of hydrology and hydraulics applied to surface and ground water. This course focuses on theoretical and practical fundamentals applicable to municipal water supply and distribution, and sewage collection and management (sanitary and storm).  Upon completion of this course, the student will be prepared for the hydraulics and hydrologic systems portion of the Civil Engineering portion of the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam. The concepts studied in Water Resources Engineering are used in general civil engineering practice and are foundational to all advanced Water Resources Engineering courses. (prereq: CAE 2711 ) (quarter system prereq: AE 2130)
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Groundwater
    • Analyze piezometer readings to determine flow direction and gradient
    • Apply Darcy’s law to compute flow rate in an aquifer in one-dimensional and radial conditions
    • Use a pump test and groundwater flow formulas to determine the hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer
    • Design a dewatering system for a construction excavation
  • Hydrology
    • Compute design time of concentration for a catchment
    • Use an intensity-duration-frequency curve to characterize an observed rainfall or develop a design rainfall depth or intensity
    • Apply a standard rainfall distribution to generate a design hyetograph
    • Calculate infiltration rates using basic engineering formulas
    • Calculate runoff in a watershed using NRCS hydrology and the rational formula
    • Design a detention facility to meet a desired peak discharge rate or rates utilizing level pool routing
    • Design green stormwater management practices to meet sustainability goals
  • Closed channel hydraulics
    • Determine flow rate and head loss in a simply networked piping system using energy loss and continuity equations
    • Formulate a system curve for a simply networked piping system considering minor losses and diameter changes using the General Energy equation and the Hazen-Williams and Darcy-Weisbach equations
    • Determine flow rate and head loss in a basic multi-path pipeline system using energy loss and continuity equations
    • Select an appropriate pump or pumps for constant or variable speed pumping application with multiple pumps in parallel or in series
  • Open channel hydraulics
    • Calculate uniform, steady state flow in prismatic open channels shapes (circular, trapezoidal, etc.) using the Manning equation
    • Develop depth-discharge curves for weirs and flumes for flow control or measurement
    • Utilize specific energy theory to determine critical depth, super- and subcritical flow, hydraulic jumps and drops, and identify related implications in the design of open channel facilities
    • Design vegetated channels to convey a specified design discharge without erosion using armoring and grade control/energy dissipating structures
    • Design culverts including assessment of roadway overtopping
  • Stormwater collection system design
    • Devise a storm water collection system including pipes, manholes, inlets, and outfall
    • Calculate runoff to inlets and size storm sewers for a design storm
    • Determine stormwater inlets accounting for plugging, inlet bypass, and maximum allowable spread for a design storm
    • Design a longitudinal profile a storm sewer to satisfy minimum slope and cover requirements

Prerequisites by Topic
  • Familiarity with pump curves, system curves, operating points, and affinity laws
  • Ability to apply the general energy equation to the solution of fluid mechanics problems
  • Ability to apply Darcy-Weisbach, Hazen-Williams, and Manning’s equations to the solution of steady, uniform flow problems in closed and open channels
  • Ability to compute minor head losses given a minor loss coefficient
  • Ability to determine a centroid and hydrostatic pressure on a prismatic plane surface

Course Topics
  • Sustainability issues in water resources engineering
  • Groundwater: flow direction and gradient, Darcy’s law, steady and unsteady 1-D and radial flow in confined and unconfined aquifers, superposition of drawdown cones
  • Hydrology: hydrologic cycle, precipitation IDF and DDF tables, design rainfall distributions, infiltration rate formulas, time of concentration, unit hydrographs, NRCS hydrology, rational method, level pool routing
  • Closed channel hydraulics: General Energy equation, Darcy-Weisbach equation, Hazen-Williams equation, minor losses, simple networks, multi-path networks, pump operating curves, system curves, variable speed pumping, operating point, pumps in series and in parallel
  • Open channel hydraulics: Manning’s equation, steady-uniform flow, supercritical and subcritical flow, hydraulic jumps and drops, flow control and/or measurement structures, tractive force, culvert analysis and design
  • Storm collection system design: system horizontal and vertical layout, tributary areas, inlet capture and bypass, storm sewer sizing

Laboratory Topics
  • Groundwater 1-D flow
  • Groundwater radial flow
  • Stormwater hydrographs
  • Infiltration
  • Level pool routing
  • Simple networks
  • Manning’s equation
  • Culverts
  • Channel erosion and protection

Dr. William S. Gonwa, P.E.

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