Mar 02, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CAE 2411 - Thermal Sciences

2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits
Course Description
This course provides students with the necessary fundamentals of thermodynamics and heat transfer as they relate to building and infrastructure systems and applications. The course covers a range of topics including steady state first law analysis of closed and open systems, an introduction to the second law of thermodynamics and to entropy, refrigeration cycles, psychrometrics, and steady state one-dimensional heat transfer. Students may not receive credit for both CAE 2411 and MEC 2110 . (prereq: MTH 1110 ) (quarter system prereq: MA 137, PH 2011) (coreq: PHY 1110 )
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Determine the thermodynamic properties of pure substances using the property tables, and for ideal gases, liquids, and solids using property relationships
  • Apply the first law of thermodynamics to analyze open and closed systems typically encountered in buildings and HVAC systems
  • Apply the second law of thermodynamics to calculate actual and reversible thermal efficiencies, COPs, and power requirements of systems operating on thermodynamic cycles
  • Apply the second law of thermodynamics to analyze isentropic and non-isentropic processes
  • Apply the first and second laws of thermodynamics to analyze the vapor compression (VC) refrigeration cycle and the individual processes that comprise the cycle
  • Determine the thermodynamics properties of moist air by reading the Psychrometric Chart
  • Apply the governing equations for conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer along with the electric resistance analogy for one-dimensional steady state heat transfer to predict heat loss through the building envelope, through a duct, a pipe, a tank wall, or through other physical systems common in the built environment
  • Explain how heat exchangers work (heating and cooling coils)
  • Apply the LMTD method to perform a basic heat exchanger energy analysis

Prerequisites by Topic
  • None

Course Topics
  • Basic concepts: units, thermodynamics systems, total system energy, forms of energy comprising total system energy
  • Energy transfer by heat and work
  • Properties of pure substances
  • Boundary work
  • First law of thermodynamics for steady state closed systems
  • First law of thermodynamics for steady state open systems and energy analysis of commonly encountered steady flow devices
  • Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics
  • Carnot heat engines, Carnot refrigerators, and Carnot heat pumps
  • Steady-state entropy balance for closed and open systems
  • Isentropic efficiencies and isentropic gas laws
  • Gas compression models:  polytropic, isothermal, isentropic
  • Refrigeration cycles
  • Psychrometrics and properties of moist air
  • The governing equations for conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer
  • Prediction of steady state one-dimensional heat transfer rates using the electric resistance analogy
  • R-values for common materials 
  • Combined conduction and convection heat loss calculations through a multi-layer solid bounded by fluid(s) using cartesian coordinates
  • Common heat exchanger configurations (e.g. parallel and counterflow)  and the LMTD method for modeling heat exchangers

Laboratory Topics
  • Weekly hands-on exercises and interactive problem-solving sessions that reinforce the weekly lecture topics

Dr. Deborah Jackman, P.E.

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