Feb 05, 2025
ME 3105 - Applied Thermodynamics3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits Course Description This course is a continuation of the thermodynamic sequence, with emphasis on applications of thermodynamic principles to typical engineering systems. New topics include internal combustion engine cycles, thermodynamic property relations, psychrometrics, combustion, with an introduction to renewable energy technologies. Design projects and laboratory experiments are used to illustrate the application of First and Second law analysis and heat transfer. Devices such as engines, refrigeration cycles, cogeneration systems, and solar energy systems will be experimentally studied. (prereq: ME 3102 , ME 318 ) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Explain the characteristics and differences among reciprocating engine cycles
- Perform energy balances on processes used to model reciprocating engine cycles
- Calculate reciprocating engine performance parameters
- Apply partial differential relations to develop thermodynamic property relations
- Use Maxwell relations to solve thermodynamic problems
- Calculate thermodynamic properties of gas mixtures
- Evaluate relative humidity by using the psychrometric chart
- Balance combustion reactions involving hydrocarbon fuels
- Perform energy balances on combustion processes
- Calculate the adiabatic flame temperature for combustion processes
- Use exhaust gas measurements to determine air fuel mixtures in combustion systems
- Assess the impact of combustion parameters on pollutant emissions and control
- Explain the current status and relative importance of different forms of renewable energy systems including solar, wind, and biomass
- Design an experiment for performance characterization of an energy supply system
Prerequisites by Topic
- Multivariable calculus
- Differential equations
- 1st law analysis
- 2nd law analysis
- Power and refrigeration cycles
- Heat transfer
Course Topics
- Overview of reciprocating engines
- Otto cycle
- Diesel cycle
- Dual cycle
- Engine design and performance parameters including IMEP, BMEP, friction work, bsfc, volumetric efficiency
- Thermodynamic property relations
- Partial differential relations
- Developing property relations
- Maxwell relations
- Clapeyron equation
- Joule-Thomson coefficient
- Gas mixtures
- Mass and mole fractions
- Properties of gas mixtures
- Psychrometerics and air conditioning
- Relative humidity
- Dew-point temperature
- Web-bulb temperature
- The psychrometric chart
- Air conditioning processes
- Chemical reactions
- Balancing combustion reactions
- Air fuel ratio
- Equivalence ratio
- Exhaust gas analysis for determining air fuel ratio
- Enthalpy of formation, enthalpy of combustion, and heating values
- First-law analysis of reacting systems
- Adiabatic flame temperature
- Pollutant emissions and control from combustion systems
- Overview of renewable energy systems
- Design and performance of one or more of the following: solar photovoltaic systems, solar thermal systems, wind energy systems, biomass energy systems
Laboratory Topics Required labs:
- Cooperative Fuel Research (CFR) reciprocating engine performance
- Cogeneration system performance characterization
- Design of an energy systems experiment
Other labs:
- Hydrogen fuel cell performance
- Vapor compression refrigeration performance
- Solar photovoltaic system performance
- Solar thermal system performance parameter modeling, characterization, and validation
- Modeling and validation of a lumped capacitance transient energy system
- Psychrometric processes
Coordinator Dr. Prabhakar Venkateswaran
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