Mar 13, 2025
EE 5403 - Specialty Electric Machines2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits Course Description This course focuses on a combination of electromechnical energy conversion, dynamic control theory, and power electronics as applied to Permanent Magnet DC and Brushless DC machines. Theoretical concepts are reinforced with simulations and physical implementations. (prereq: EE 3401 , EE 3102 , EE 3720 or equivalents, or by instructor permission) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Construct Permanent Magnet DC (PMDC) and Brushless DC (BLDC) machine dynamic electrical system models - armature resistance and inductance, and back emf
- Construct PMDC and BLDC machine dynamic mechanical systems using equivalent electrical model components - electromechanical torque production, friction and windage losses, and rotor inertia
- Construct dynamic mechanical load electrical model equivalent components representing mechanical systems - work load, mechanical inertia, and energy storage (spring) load
- Simulate dynamic torque production in PMDC and BLDC machines
- Simulate the impact of load inertia on system response time
- Simulate the impact of controller gains on system response time
- Simulate pulse width modulation (PWM) as used to alter signal magnitude and frequency
- Calculate the average and rms values of pulse width modulated signals
- Simulate the operation of power electronic switches
- Model and simulate dynamic speed control of PMDC and BLDC machines
Prerequisites by Topic
- Ohm’s law
- Kirchoff’s current law
- Kirchoff’s voltage law
- Faraday’s law
- Passive sign convention
- Complex numbers
- Frequency domain concepts: phasors, impedance, transfer functions
- AC circuit analysis
- Transformers
- Three-phase balanced systems
- Three-phase synchronous machines
- Three-phase induction machines
- Feedback control
Course Topics
- Permanent Magnet DC (PMDC) Machines and Brushless DC (BLDC) Machines
- Construction
- Commutation
- Torque production
- Dynamic electrical system models
- Dynamic mechanical system models
- Dynamic mechanical load models
- Pulse width modulation (PWM)
- Power electronics
- Motor and control system simulations
- Control implementation
- Simulation software
Laboratory Topics
- PMDC and BLDC dynamic model development from lab tests or from data sheets
- LTspice simulation software
- Proportional and proportional/integral speed control simulations for PMDC and BLDC machines
- Steady state error
- Rise time
- Overshoot
Coordinator Dr. Luke Weber
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