Mar 13, 2025
EE 4451 - Bulk Electric System Stability and Control3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits Course Description Recent Bulk Electric System disturbances are reviewed, and relevant stability issues that arose are studied via dynamic power system simulations. A disturbance could be as minor as a frequency deviation resulting from the sudden loss of generation or load, or as severe as a wide area blackout. Topics include frequency and angular stability, voltage stability, protection system impacts on stability, and frequency and voltage regulation techniques. (prereq: EE 3401 or equivalent, or by instructor permission) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Apply N-1 operating criteria to simulated power systems
- Simulate the impact of delayed fault clearing on system stability
- Simulate the impact of underfrequency load shedding (UFLS) systems on system stability
- Calculate generator governor frequency response
- Simulate generator governor response
- Simulate the impact of generator or load loss on system frequency
- Calculate area control error (ACE) for a balancing authority area
- Understand the importance of spinning and supplemental reserves
- Simulate inductor impacts
- Simulate capacitor impacts
- Simulate generator impacts
- Simulate load impacts
- Create PV and QV curves
- Calculate the theoretical maximum power transfer between two buses
- Simulate loss of synchronism due to exceeding the maximum power transfer between two buses
Prerequisites by Topic
- Ohm’s law
- Kirchoff’s current law
- Kirchoff’s voltage law
- Passive sign convention
- Complex numbers
- Frequency domain concepts: phasors and impedance
- AC circuit analysis
- Complex power
- Three-phase balanced systems
- Transformers
- Synchronous machines
Course Topics
- Frequency control
- Voltage control
- N-1 operating criteria
- Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
- State estimators (SE) and real-time contingency analysis (RTCA)
- Maximum power transfer – angular stability
- Transmission system protection schemes
- Situational awareness
- Capacitor compensation – shunt and series
- Inductor compensation
- Static VAR compensation
- Synchrophasors and FNET
- Standing phase angles
- Cyber attacks
- The list of disturbance reports will change over time.
Coordinator Dr. Luke Weber
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