Sep 20, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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PH 2030 - Physics III-Thermo/Quantum Physics

3 lecture hours 3 lab hours 4 credits
Course Description
This is a continuation of Physics I and Physics II (PH 2010  and PH 2020 ). Topics covered include: the kinetic theory of gasses, the microscopic description of heat capacity and heat transfer, the first and second laws of thermodynamics, the quantum description of atoms, molecules and solids, and selected topics in special relativity and nuclear physics. Together with Physics I and Physics II (PH 2010  and PH 2020 ), this course provides one year of comprehensive university level physics. (prereq: PH 2020 , MA 231  or MA 1420H  or MA 3501 ) (coreq: MA 235  or MA 3502 )
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Use the ideal gas law to calculate the work done by an ideal gas in constant temperature, constant pressure, constant volume, and adiabatic process
  • Understand the information contained in pressure - volume diagrams, and be able to perform calculations involving work, heat flow, and internal energy using the first law of thermodynamics
  • Understand the microscopic origins of pressure and temperature, and be able to perform calculations involving pressure, temperature, RMS speed, and molecular kinetic energy
  • Understand the origin of, and be able to perform calculations using molar specific heats at constant temperature and constant volume
  • Understand the origin of, and be able to perform calculations involving heat transfer due to heat conduction and blackbody radiation
  • Understand the concept of entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, and be able to apply these concepts to calculations involving heat engines
  • Compare and contrast the wave picture and photon picture of electromagnetic radiation
  • Understand the physics underlying the photoelectric effect, and be able to perform calculations involving the photoelectric effect
  • Compare and contrast the wave picture and particle picture of matter
  • Understand the concepts and equations connected with the Bohr model of the Hydrogen atom, make calculations based on these equations, and be able to extend the concepts of energy levels to more complex atoms
  • Understand the quantum effects, such as energy bands, that arise when isolated atoms are assembled into solids
  • Solve Schrodingers equation for several simple models, such as the infinite and finite square well potentials, the simple harmonic oscillator and the Hydrogen atom, and understand the essential results of each
  • Understand the circumstances in which Newtonian physics and relativistic physics must be applied
  • Understand the concepts, and be able to perform calculation involving time dilation, length contraction, and relativistic velocity addition
  • Know the mass-energy-momentum relations of special relativity and how to use them
  • Understand the fundamentals of radioactivity, radioactive decay, and the half life of radioactive materials, and be able to perform calculations involving these quantities
  • Understand the interactions of gamma rays, beta particles, and alpha particles with matter

Prerequisites by Topic
  • None

Course Topics
  • Kinetic Theory, Heat Capacity and Heat Transfer, 1st and 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (9 classes)
  • The wave - particle duality of electromagnetic radiation and matter (3 classes)
  • The quantum descriptions of atoms and molecules (6 classes)
  • The quantum descriptions of solids (6 classes)
  • Special relativity (3 classes)
  • Nuclear physics (3 classes)

Laboratory Topics
  • Specific heat and heat of fusion of water (design experiments)
  • Blackbody radiation
  • The Photoelectric Effect
  • Bohr model of the Hydrogen Atom
  • X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy-identification of unknown metals
  • X-ray diffraction - atomic plane spacing in a single crystal
  • X-ray diffraction - lattice constant and crystal structure of Copper and an Unknown
  • Mass of the electron, Compton Scattering, and identification of an unknown radioactive isotope
  • Radioactive source activity, dose from source, background dose
  • Half life determination of radioactive copper and silver

Jeffrey Korn

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