Mar 02, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Civil Engineering B.S., M.S.

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Program Director:

Dr. Francis Mahuta Jr.
Office: CC-60D
Phone: (414) 277-7599

Civil engineers are responsible for the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the infrastructure necessary to support modern society. MSOE’s five-year, freshman-to-master’s civil engineering degree program was designed to comply with the new Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century requirements developed by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). These new requirements call for civil engineers to be proficient in both technical and professional skills, including familiarity with issues of business and public administration, public policy, globalization, leadership and teamwork. Satisfying these requirements will equip students to meet the proposed new licensing requirements developed by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying, which call for a minimum of a master’s degree or equivalent as a prerequisite for professional engineering licensure.

MSOE students will be able to specialize in one of the following four civil engineering specialty areas: structural engineering, environmental engineering, water resources engineering, and construction management. Students may choose to use their technical electives taking classes from other specialty areas, or to pursue a minor in a field such as mathematics, chemistry or physics.

Program Educational Objectives

Program educational objectives are broad statements that describe what graduates are expected to attain within a few years of graduation. The program objectives of the Bachelor of Science / Master of Science in Civil Engineering (CVE) program are as follows:

  • Graduates of the CVE program who choose to pursue registration as a professional engineer or certification as a professional construction manager will, after attaining the required years of work experience stipulated by the relevant licensing board, achieve that distinction
  • Graduates of the CVE program will pursue opportunities to advance their technical and professional skills through lifelong learning
  • Graduates of the CVE program will demonstrate a commitment to their profession and to their community by participating in and providing leadership for professional society and/or public service activities
  • Graduates of the CVE program will be able to evaluate complex systems or processes within realistic constraints such as customary standards of practice, costs, and sustainability
  • Graduates of the CVE program who choose to do so will be able to move into advanced management positions, having the business, communications, leadership, and teamwork skills required
  • Graduates of the CVE program will have the ability to determine appropriate courses of action in situations involving conflicting professional and ethical interests.

Student Outcomes

Student outcomes are narrower statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. The student outcomes of the Bachelor of Science / Master of Science in Civil Engineering (CVE) program are as follows:

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data

c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability

d. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams

e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

g. An ability to communicate effectively

h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context

i. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

j. A knowledge of contemporary issues

k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

l. Explain basic concepts in business, specifically in the areas of project management, leadership, finance, and economics

m. Explain basic concepts in law and public policy, and develop recommendations on issues of public policy associated with the civil engineering profession

n. Demonstrate the ability to apply master’s-level knowledge in one area of specialization

o. Participate in professional society and community service activities

p. An ability to (1) explain the importance of professional licensure, and (2) pass the Fundamentals of Engineerings (FE) exam prior to graduation


At MSOE, civil engineering course work provides a broad-based education touching on each of the traditional areas within the civil engineering field: structural engineering, environmental engineering, water resources engineering, transportation engineering, construction management, surveying and geotechnical engineering. Students will then gain in-depth proficiency and design skills in one of these four areas:

Environmental Engineering (EnvE)

Equips graduates to design systems for the production of potable water, the treatment, disposal, and reuse of wastewater, air-permitting and air-pollution control, the management of solid and hazardous wastes and the remediation of contaminated groundwater and subsurface soils.

Water Resources Engineering (WRE)

Equips graduates to design systems to manage our natural water resources, including potable water distribution systems, wastewater collection systems, storm water conveyance systems, and the design of groundwater wells for potable water production.

Structural Engineering (StrE)

Equips graduates to design the structures associated with buildings, bridges, dams and other infrastructure elements.

Construction Management (ConM)

Equips graduates to estimate, schedule, and manage the construction of civil engineering projects involving public infrastructure such as highways, bridges, and water treatment plants, and private commercial and industrial buildings and related facilities.

The MSOE Advantage

  • MSOE is the first and only university in the state of Wisconsin to offer a five-year, freshman-to-master’s degree in civil engineering.
  • With years of experience practicing what they teach, the professors at MSOE make phenomenal instructors and even better mentors.
  • The laboratories in which you learn the ins and outs of your profession are industry standard and so are the computer programs you will use.
  • MSOE is the only university in the state of Wisconsin to offer degrees in civil engineering, architectural engineering and construction management, giving students more choices with respect to potential career paths .
  • Additionally, the program offers the benefits of longstanding partnerships with business and industry leaders, as well as a comprehensive focus on student support.

View Annual Student Enrollment and Graduation Data

Civil Engineering Model Full-time Track - V2.2

Year One


Year Two


Total: 14 lecture hours - 5 lab hours - 15 credits


Total: 16 lecture hours - 3 lab hours - 17 credits




Total: 16 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 16 credits


Environmental Engineering (EnvE) Specialty (see note 2)


Year Three


Year Four




Total: 16 lecture hours - 5 lab hours - 17 credits




Total: 15 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits




Total: 13 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits


Year Five




Total: 15 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits




Total: 13 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits




  • CV 756 - Environmental Project Management/Life Cycle Cost Analysis 3 credits
  • CV 892 - Capstone Design Project II 3 credits
  • CV 752 - Risk Assessment and Environmental Auditing 3 credits
  • 3 credits
  • Elective (Graduate)5 3 credits
Total: 13 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits


Structural Engineering (StrE) Specialty (see note 2)


Year Three


Year Four




Total: 17 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 16 credits




Total: 15 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits




Total: 13 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits


Year Five




Total: 15 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits




  • 3 credits
  • CV 890 - Structural Engineering Design I 3 credits
  • AE 614 Lateral Loads on Structural Systems 3 credits
  • AE 616 Structural Stability 3 credits
  • Elective (Graduate)5 3 credits
Total: 13 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits




  • CV 892 - Structural Engineering Design II 3 credits
  • 3 credits
  • Elective (HU/SS)3 3 credits
  • Elective (Graduate)5 3 credits
  • Elective (Graduate)5 3 credits
Total: 13 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits


Water Resources Engineering (WRE) Specialty (see note 2)


Year Three


Year Four




Total: 17 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 16 credits




Total: 15 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits




Total: 13 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits


Year Five




Total: 15 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits




Total: 13 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits




  • CV-892 Capstone Design Project II 3 credits
  • CV 756 - Environmental Project Management/Life Cycle Cost Analysis 3 credits
  • CV 752 - Risk Assessment and Environmental Auditing 3 credits
  • 3 credits
  • Elective (Graduate)5 3 credits
Total: 13 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits


Construction Management (ConM) Specialty (see note 2)


Year Three


Year Four




Total: 17 lecture hours - 2 lab hours - 17 credits




Total: 15 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits




Total: 13 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits


Year Five




Total: 15 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits




  • 3 credits
  • CV 890 - Capstone Design Project I 3 credits
  • MG 7040 - Construction Operations and Management Strategies 3 credits
  • MG 7045 - Lean Construction and Resource Management 3 credits
  • Elective (HU/SS)3 3 credits
Total: 13 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits




  • CV 892 - Capstone Design Project II 3 credits
  • MG-800 Strategic Management 3 credits
  • 3 credits
  • Elective (Graduate)5 3 credits
  • Elective (Graduate)5 3 credits
Total: 13 lecture hours - 0 lab hours - 15 credits


Total Credits for all Five Years: 236 credits


Civil Engineering Required Specialty Courses/Elective


Environmental Engineering (EnvE) Required Specialty Courses


Structural Engineering (StrE) Required Specialty Courses


Water Resources Engineering (WRE) Required Specialty Courses


Construction Management (ConM) Required Specialty Courses


Graduate Elective Options

  • AE 720 - Masonry Design (3 credits)
  • AE 732 - AISI Steel Design for Buildings (3 credits)
  • AE 734 - Connection Design (3 credits)
  • AE 744 - Prestressed Concrete Design (3 credits)
  • AE 746 - Reinforced Concrete Design (3 credits)
  • AE 750 - Wood Design (3 credits)
  • AE 760 - Modern Structural Systems (3 credits)
  • AE 762 - Bridge Design (3 credits)
  • CV 711 - GIS Applications in Water Resources (3 credits)
  • CV 720 - Design of Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes (3 credits)
  • CV 722 - Design of Water Treatment Systems (3 credits)
  • CV 724 - Industrial Wastewater Treatment (3 credits)
  • CV 750 - Plant Safety/OSHA Issues (3 credits)
  • MG 8040 - Construction Labor and Productivity (3 credits)
  • MG 8050 - Construction Project Visualization (3 credits)
  • MG 8080 - Legal Aspects of Construction Management (3 credits)


1 The science elective may be selected from BI or SC prefixed courses (CH or PH prefixed courses do not count); the math/science elective may be selected from MA 330 , MA 343 , MA 3620 , MA 3710 , all MA-38X courses, or any BI, CH, PH, or SC prefixed courses.

2 All students must choose one of the four specialization tracks within civil engineering: ConM - Construction Management, EnvE - Environmental Engineering, StrE - Structural Engineering, or WRE - Water Resources Engineering

3 There are 15 credits of humanities and social sciences (HU/SS) electives: 6 credits minimum from the humanities and 6 credits minimum from the social sciences; at least 3 credits must be selected from the political science series (SS-45X)

4 Students must use one of their three undergraduate technical electives to take a 300-level or above design course from a second specialty area within civil engineering; for EnvE, StrE, and WRE courses, any course containing the term “design” in the course title satisfies this requirement.

5 All AE, CM, and CVE courses numbered 400-500 that are not required as part of the student’s selected specialty may be used to satisfy either undergraduate technical elective or graduate elective requirements (but not both); courses counting towards an undergraduate minor in mathematics, physics, chemistry, or business may also be used as an undergraduate technical elective if the student successfully completes all requirements of the minor. Students may also take up to a total of nine credits of graduate electives from courses outside the CAECM department and not already listed above with consent of the CVE program director.

6 May substitute MS 221  or MS 322  for MS 2220 .

Students are required to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam in their senior year, as a condition of graduation.

Students in the Air Force ROTC program can make the following substitution: AF 4142  for SS-45X course

Civil Engineering is a new program, and the curriculum was designed to meet the ABET criteria for civil engineering program accreditation. We will be seeking ABET accreditation upon the graduation of our class of students, which is a requirement for accreditation.

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