Feb 19, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Nursing, B.S.

Program Director

BS in Nursing-Traditional Track
Dr. Jane B. Paige
Office: CC-117
Phone: (414) 277-4522
Email: paige@msoe.edu

Program Coordinator

BS in Nursing-Accelerated Second-degree Track
Dr. Havilah Normington
Office: CC-166
Phone: (414) 277-2685


The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program prepares individuals for the role of the professional nurse. Students graduate with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to care for individuals, families, and communities in complex health care environments. The MSOE School of Nursing (SON) offers two curriculum tracks to earn a BSN: a traditional, full-time track and an accelerated second-degree track.

BS in Nursing Traditional Track (BSN)

The traditional full-time curriculum track is designed specifically for students who are earning their first college degree. Generally, these are students who have graduated from high school and are beginning their college education or students who have earned college credits at another university and are transferring those credits to MSOE. Students are accepted directly into the nursing major. Progression through the sequence of clinical courses is guaranteed to all students who maintain full-time status and continue to meet the academic progression criteria. 

Students entering the traditional track from high school are accepted into the program starting freshman year and are guaranteed to graduate in four years if they start and stay on track. Students who transfer into the program enter the appropriate place in the curriculum sequence following a complete transfer evaluation. SON faculty advisors will work with part-time students to outline a sequence of courses that lead to degree completion.   

BS in Nursing Accelerated Second-degree Track (BSN-ASD)

This track is designed specifically for the adult professional who has already earned a bachelor’s degree in another discipline and is looking to change careers. The BSN-ASD is a compressed, year-round curriculum designed to enable students to enter the workforce as professional nurses in approximately 18 months, assuming the student has met all of the prerequisites. 

Student Program Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates of the BSN program will be able to:

  • Provide safe, effective compassionate nursing care based on clinical standards that take in to account the holistic needs of the client while progressing towards independent practice.
  • Use independent decision making to communicate critical thinking and reflective practice when applying the nursing process to individualize care for the client with complex needs.
  • Incorporate effective communication and health education skills with clients and other members of the health care team to improve coordination of care and to minimize risk and error.
  • Maintain a professional role; recognize client as full partner when providing compassionate care; engage in lifelong learning and initiate change responsive to the needs of society.
  • Use health information technology to monitor and analyze outcomes; employ, select and evaluate biomedical technologies to ensure the quality and safety of nursing care progressing towards independent practice.
  • Provide leadership that values the ideas and contributions of others when coordinating care and collaborating with members of health care team to improve health care outcomes.
  • Demonstrate commitment to improve practice by retrieving and synthesizing evidence from diverse sources of professional literature that support decisions to ensure the quality and safety of nursing care 

School of Nursing (SON) Student Handbook

Additional policies and procedures are outlined in the SON Student Handbook. Students are oriented to this document upon admission and annually through graduation. All students are expected to comply with the policies and procedures outlined in the most current edition of the SON Student Handbook.

Curricular Information

The following requirements are in addition to the academic regulations and policies in the MSOE Undergraduate Catalog.

A. Academic progression (Traditional and Accelerated)

  1. A grade of “C” or better in Human Anatomy and Physiology series is the prerequisite to progress into NU 2011 NU 2320 , NU 2810 , and NU 290 .
  2. A grade of “C” or better in all required NU courses (except NU electives) is the prerequisite to progress to the next nursing course.

  3. A grade of less than “C” or “W” in NU courses (except NU electives) must be repeated in its entirety (theory and clinical). This will delay progression.
  4. Students who have a gap of three or more consecutive quarters between clinical courses must be able to demonstrate the competencies of the last clinical course through a formal assessment (no cost).

a. Students must contact the SON Chair or Program Director at least one quarter prior to the start of the next course to plan for a formal assessment of knowledge and skills.
b. A formal assessment of the student’s knowledge, skills and abilities will determine if the student is able to progress or if a remediation/review (as an Instructional Review) is required.
c. If remediation/review is required, it will be an individualized 1-6 credit NU499IR Instructional Review.
d. Students who are not successful in the Instructional Review must take a NU 499  Independent Study, developed based on student’s specific learning needs. The Independent Study may be taken concurrently with the clinical course. Tuition fees will apply to the  Independent Study.

    5. Final grades in clinical courses are comprised of two parts:

a. A numeric grade based on exams, written work, and assignments related to lab, clinical and simulation activities.
b. A pass/fail grade for clinical performance. The clinical performance is based on faculty evaluation.
c. If a student receives a “no pass” for clinical performance, the letter grade will be a CD, D, or F for the course.

B. School of Nursing Academic Dismissal; the following academic situations will result in dismissal from the nursing program:

  1. Earning less than a “C” in three required nursing courses (this includes all NU courses except NU electives).
  2. Earning less than a “C” in the same NU course twice.
  3. Withdrawal from the same NU course 2 times due to poor academic performance will count as one less than C grade.

Special Testing Accommodations

Students with special needs should follow up with the BSN Program Director or MSOE disability services coordinator.

View Annual Student Enrollment and Graduation Data


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Nursing, B.S. Model Full-time Traditional Track - V7.1

Year One

Transfer students attend Transfer Student Welcome Week orientation. 

Year Two

Year Three

Total: 13 lecture hours - 12 lab hours - 17 credits

Total: 12 lecture hours - 12 lab hours - 16 credits

Total: 13 lecture hours - 12 lab hours - 17 credits

Year Four

Total: 12 lecture hours - 12 lab hours - 16 credits

Total: 11 lecture hours - 12 lab hours - 15 credits

Total: 9 lecture hours - 12 lab hours - 13 credits

Total: 185 credits


1 Electives: Students must complete 15 credits of humanities (HU) and social science (SS) electives; at least 6 credits must be HU, 6 credits must be SS, and 3 credits are satisfied by SS courses in NU curriculum track. In addition, students must complete one 3-credit free elective course and one 3-credit nursing (NU) elective. Electives may occur in any order.

Nursing B.S. Model Full-Time Accelerated Second Degree (BSN-ASD) Track V7.2X

The BSN accelerated second degree (BSN-ASD) is an accelerated curriculum that requires an earned BS or BA degree from an accredited institution for admission. Previous study must include course work in Mathematics, Life Sciences (inclusive of general/organic biochemistry), Professional Preparedness (inclusive of information literacy and communication courses), Social Sciences, Society and Culture, and Ethics. In addition, students must have completed health care terminology, anatomy and physiology (one year), statistics, developmental psychology, microbiology, and nutrition.

Year One

Year Two

Total: 94 credits

Direct Entry M.S. Nursing (MSN) Model Full Time Track V3.0

Students applying to the Direct Entry MSN must meet MSOE requirements for graduate school. After successful completion of 6 quarters (18 months) the conferral of the degree B.S. in Nursing (BSN) will be completed, and students can apply to take the NCLEX licensure exam. Students will then progress into M.S. in Nursing (MSN) courses. See curriculum in graduate catalog for MSN.

Year One

Total: 15 lecture hours - 6 lab hours - 17 credits

Total: 11 lecture hours - 14 lab hours - 16 credits

Quarter 3

Graduate course NU 6030 Evaluating Care: Research and Project Management can be taken in substitution of undergraduate NU 390 . NU 6030 has prerequisites for undergraduate research course or approved alternative.

Total: 10 lecture hours - 15 lab hours - 15 credits

Quarter 4

BSN-ASD students who are considering the Direct Entry MSN need to confirm their opt-in or opt-out decision by the start of quarter 4 in the BSN-ASD Track.

Total: 11 lecture hours - 15 lab hours - 16 credits

Year Two

Quarter 5

Graduate courses NU 6000 Theory and Roles 1: Philosophy of Care and NU 6020 Theory and Roles 2: Creating Change are taken in substitution of undergraduate NU 4961  and NU 4971 . Both substitutions are necessary to remain in the direct entry program.

Total: 11 lecture hours - 15 lab hours - 16 credits

Quarter 6

Total: 9 lecture hours - 15 lab hours - 14 credits

Total: 94 credits