Mar 10, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BioMolecular Engineering, B.S.

Program Director

Dr. Gul Afshan
Office: CC-252
Phone: (414) 277-7211

Biomolecular engineering is a diverse, application-driven discipline in the areas of medical, agricultural, environmental, biotechnical, and other related areas. International and national chemical and biological industries seek engineering graduates who are prepared to work at the molecular level in life-sciences related fields. BioMolecular engineering (BioE), a four-year bachelor of science degree program at MSOE, meets this need. The curriculum of the BioE program is a balanced combination of engineering, science and computational courses. Along with rigorous laboratory, math and science training, these courses address the cross-disciplinary nature of biomolecular engineering.

Biomolecular engineers work at the interface of engineering and molecular biology to solve engineering problems, improve current, and develop new products and processes at the molecular level.

In addition to scheduled curriculum courses the BioE faculty offers students with interest in particular areas an opportunity to work one-on-one with a faculty member as part of an independent study, EB 499  .

The biomolecular engineering program at MSOE enables BioE students to:

  • Gain a solid foundation in basic mathematics and sciences.
  • Learn and apply theoretical principles in modern and well-equipped laboratories.
  • Experience involved discussions with program alums, and industrial and academic contacts via a series of seminar courses that emphasize biomolecular engineering design and foster academic and professional discussions, group learning and entrepreneurship.
  • Work at the molecular level with simple and complex molecules through courses that cover concepts of biotechnology, thermodynamics, transport phenomena, cell engineering, bioinformatics, engineering control of drug delivery and synthetic biology and metabolic engineering. 
  • Learn cell culture and its applications in the design and development of products through the BioE program’s cell culture facility.
  • Mathematically model biomolecules and biological processes and quantitatively measure, visualize and analyze with instruments like the atomic force microscope.
  • Engineer new or improved bioactive compounds, machines or improve process efficiencies for such systems via senior design experience.
  • Learn diverse range of topics via EB Elective courses of the curriculum. 

The curriculum of the BioE program prepares graduates to handle the changing face of the bio-industries, thus allowing flexibility of career opportunities in a dynamic job market. The curriculum also prepares graduates to pursue quality graduate programs nationally and internationally. Graduates can follow a pre-med option by taking a few supplementary courses outside of the BioE curriculum track. Students may also pursue a physics, chemistry, math, business, or humanities minor along with the major degree in biomolecular engineering. The BioE program at MSOE promotes equal academic and professional opportunities for all.

The BioMolecular Engineering program at MSOE is defined as follows:

Biomolecular engineering is a discipline that applies engineering principles, design concepts, and problem-solving skills to the life sciences at the molecular level to promote both fundamental and applied advancements in medicine, biological sciences, engineering and many related fields.

Difference from pure chemical and biomedical engineering:

The BioE program is different from pure chemical engineering in the sense that it utilizes life sciences through the exploration of hybrid biological fields which leads to the design of new products or processes. Since the BioE program curriculum applies basic core chemical engineering principles, concepts and skills of the chemical processes that convert raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms can be practiced by the program graduates.

The program is distinct from biomedical engineering due to the scale at which the design is practiced and the applications associated with it. While the biomedical field heavily impacts the field of medicine, the biomolecular engineering program at MSOE is tailored such that applications can be stretched over various industrial and academic fields, including biopharmaceuticals, biomaterials, cell culture, bioprocesses, biotechnology, food technology and other related fields.

Program Educational Objectives

The BioE program prepares graduates to exhibit and achieve the following attributes within a few years of graduation:

Professional Skills

BioE alumni will:

  • Possess and demonstrate skills to function beyond entry-level engineers.
  • Demonstrate sustained professional development.

Sense of Excellence and Achievement

BioE alumni will:

  • Exhibit professional and ethical responsibilities.
  • Compete for positions at the local, state, national or international levels.
  • Engage in continuous education and/or career-appropriate options.

Social Skills

BioE alumni will:

  • Display management and leadership skills.
  • Function within diverse cultural and professional environments.

BioE Program Student Outcomes

Graduates of the biomolecular engineering program, at the time of graduation, will have:

  • An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
  • An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
  • An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability
  • An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
  • An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
  • An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
  • An ability to communicate effectively
  • The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context
  • A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, lifelong learning
  • A knowledge of contemporary issues
  • An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
  • A foundation in the basic sciences sufficient to design, analyze and control physical, chemical and biological products and processes.
  • A foundation in the safety and hazards associated with the physical, chemical and biological products and processes.

Future Directions

Important areas of biomolecular engineering such as Genomics, bioinformatics, bioremediation, and genetic therapeutics can be offered as concentrations of the program in the future.

View Annual Student Enrollment and Graduation Data

BioMolecular Engineering Model Full-time Track - V 2.0

Freshman Year

Total: 14 lecture hours - 2 lab hours - 15 credits

Total: 14 lecture hours - 4 lab hours - 16 credits

Total: 13 lecture hours - 4 lab hours - 15 credits

Sophomore Year

Junior Year

Senior Year

Senior Fall

Total: 14 lecture hours - 5 lab hours - 16 credits

Senior Winter

Total: 16 lecture hours - 3 lab hours - 17 credits

Senior Spring

Total: 15 lecture hours - 3 lab hours - 16 credits


Transfer students who have completed 36 quarter or 24 semester credits or more will be required to complete OR 301 - Transfer Student Orientation  or OR 307S - Transfer Orientation Seminar 

Note on HU/SS, MS, Math/Science and EB Electives

1 There are 15 credits of HU/SS electives in the BioMolecular Engineering program which must be taken as follows: 6 credits of humanities (HU), 6 credits of social science (SS), and 3 additional credits of either humanities or social science.

MS Elective must be selected from approved list of courses.

3 EB Electives must be selected from approved list of courses.

4 Math/Science Elective must be selected from approved list of courses.