Mar 06, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ET 1520 - Electric Circuits

3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts and laws of electric circuits and their application to DC and AC circuit analysis. Topics covered include Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, capacitance, magnetism, inductance, series-parallel circuits, single- and three-phase AC circuits, transformers, and electric power. Phasors and complex numbers are utilized in AC analysis. The laboratory is used to illustrate electric circuit concepts and electric circuit measurement techniques. Note: this course is not intended for the electrical engineering technology major. This course is not intended for the electrical engineering technology major. (prereq: PH 123  , MA 126  , MA 127  )
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
• Describe the fundamental quantities in electric circuits and the appropriate relationships between them: energy, power, voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, and inductance.
• Analyze steady-state series-parallel DC electric circuits and AC series and parallel circuits.
• Describe the properties of inductors and capacitors, describe the transient response of DC-switched series RL and RC circuits, and describe the phase shift response in AC series and parallel RL and RC circuits.
• Determine real, reactive, and complex power in series AC circuits.
• Describe the concept of a Thevenin equivalent circuit.
• Describe the properties and benefits of using ideal transformers and of using balanced three-phase circuits.
• Analyze AC circuits with ideal transformers and balanced three-phase circuits.
• Make electrical measurements through laboratory work using DMM, oscilloscope, power meter, and LC meter.
• Demonstrate engineering notebook writing skills.
Prerequisites by Topic
• College algebra (MA-127 prerequisite).
• Trigonometry (MA-126 prerequisite).
• Electricity, electric fields, and magnetic fields (PH-123 prerequisite).
Course Topics
• Introduction to electricity, energy, power, voltage, current, resistance, and Ohm’s law (3 classes)
• Kirchhoff’s laws, series, parallel, and series-parallel DC circuits (4 classes)
• AC signals, mathematical expressions, and AC resistive circuit analysis (2 classes)
• Capacitance, inductance, and simple transient and steady state responses (4 classes)
• Complex numbers, phasors, reactance, impedance, and series and parallel AC circuits (4 classes, 1 hr. lab)
• Complex power in series AC circuits (1 class, 1 hr. lab)
• Thevenin equivalent circuit (2 classes)
• Ideal transformers (1 class)
• Delta-wye circuits and conversions, balanced three-phase circuits (2 classes)
• Tests and homework days (includes final exam) (8 classes)
Laboratory Topics
• Introduction to the electrical laboratory, electrical laboratory safety, and engineering notebooks. (1 session)
• Introduction to electrical circuit measurement instruments. (1 session)
• Resistance of Resistors and Series DC Circuits. (1 session)
• Parallel and Series-Parallel DC Circuits. (1 session)
• AC Signals, Operation of the Arbitrary Waveform Generator and the Digital Oscilloscope. (1 session)
• Capacitors and Inductors in DC and AC Circuits. (1 session)
• Series and Parallel AC Circuits. (1 session)
• AC Power Measurements, including use of modern power meters. (1 session)
Robert Strangeway

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