Dec 04, 2024  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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BE 1000 - Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

1 lecture hours 3 lab hours 2 credits
Course Description
This course introduces students to the biomedical engineering (BE or BME) profession including its unique ethical characteristics. Students learn about career options in BE, in part by working in a team to complete an introductory design project. Topics such as intellectual property and entrepreneurship are also introduced. The formal design process is introduced with emphasis placed on terminology and methodologies applicable to BE. Students are introduced to a number of common design resources and tools. In the laboratory, students develop and demonstrate proficiency in keeping an engineering logbook and working in teams. The design experience for each team cumulates in a memo or report and a presentation that includes the display of a prototype device.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
• describe the general extent and attributes of the biomedical engineering profession
• list and apply the general steps in the engineering design process
• perform as an effective member of a design team
• Be proficient in the use of basic general and engineering software applications
• Have basic written and oral communications skills
• maintain an engineering logbook
Prerequisites by Topic
• None
Course Topics
• Introduction to the biomedical engineering profession and to MSOE’s biomedical engineering program
• Introduction to ethics and professional responsibility in biomedical engineering
• Introduction to the engineering design process
• Maintenance of the engineering logbook and an introduction to time management and time logs
• Introduction to market and competitive products research
• Introduction to intellectual property in engineering design (patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets)
• Introduction to technical and trade literature and literature searches
• Introduction to specifications, requirements validation in design
Laboratory Topics
• Design documentation requirements (incl. engineering logbooks)
• Introduction of design problem
• Team building
• Team design project work (including literature research, market and competitor research, idea generation and selection, prototype design, and testing)
Charles Tritt

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