ELE 4440 - Power Electronics3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits Course Description This course focuses on the design and simulation of AC/DC rectifiers, DC/DC switch-mode power supplies and DC/AC inverters. Topologies are analyzed. Power switching electronics along with the control of the electronics are analyzed and design criteria are applied to guide proper power component selection. Static thermal analysis and power dissipation of the electronics are covered. Multiple design projects are used to reinforce the design process and computer simulation is used to verify designs. (prereq: ELE 3101 or equivalent) (quarter system prereq: EE 3102) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the electrical characteristics of power semiconductor devices
- Analyze power semiconductor circuits operating at high power levels under transient and steady state conditions
- Develop the skills necessary to use simulation software to analyze and verify power conversion circuits
- Design a DC/DC power converter
- Design an AC/DC rectifier
- Design a DC/AC power inverter
Prerequisites by Topic
- Steady state and transient circuit analysis
- Electrical characteristics of diodes, bipolar junction transistors, and metal oxide field effect transistors
- Analysis of circuits with diodes and transistors
- Average and RMS values of periodic waveforms
Course Topics
- High-side versus low-side power switching
- Power MOSFETs
- Gate driver circuits
- Diodes
- Rectifier topologies
- DC-DC switched mode converters
- Square wave inverters
- PWM inverters
- Resonant converters
- Static thermal analysis of power electronic devices
- Output regulation using voltage and current feedback
Coordinator Dr. Luke Weber
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