ELE 3141 - Transfer Electronics2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits Course Description This course is utilized to document approved transfer credit in Electronics from another college, normally as part of an articulation agreement, and is not intended for regular offering at MSOE. This course covers advanced topics associated with the analysis of electronic devices and circuits. Fundamental mathematical modeling and applications of solid-state devices and operational amplifiers include device characteristics of p-n junction diodes, bipolar junction transistors (BJT), and metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFET); analysis of diode circuits, linear power supplies, and transistor switching circuits; and an introduction to design in the context of single-stage MOSFET amplifiers and operational amplifiers in standard configurations. Laboratory, simulation, and documentation experiences reinforce the lecture material. Both ELE 3141 Transfer Electronics and ELE 3151 Bridge Electronics II are required to satisfy the two-course electronics sequence ELE 3101 Electronics I and ELE 3111 Electronics II at MSOE. (prereq: typical AAS Electronic Devices I and II or equivalent, ELE 2001 or equivalent) (quarter system prereq: typical AAS Electronic Devices I and II or equivalent, AAS-EET DC/AC III or equivalent) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Explain the operation of semiconductor devices
- Analyze basic diode circuits
- Perform DC analysis of BJTs and MOSFETs
- Analyze switching/logic circuit transient behavior of both BJTs and MOSFETs
- Analyze electric circuits with dependent sources
- Design single-stage amplifier circuits using MOSFETs
- Design ideal operational amplifier circuits with resistive feedback
- Perform circuit simulation of electronic circuits
- Demonstrate proper use of electronic instrumentation in the laboratory
- Create technical documentation
Prerequisites by Topic
- DC and AC electric circuit analysis
- Ideal op-amp properties
- Op-amp circuit analysis in standard configurations
- Model and Thevenin/Norton equivalent circuit concepts and analysis
- Ideal transformers
- Time domain transient concepts: time constant, e^(-t/tau) relations
- Basic semiconductor, diode, BJT, and FET device and circuit principles (typically covered in AAS Electronics/EET programs)
Laboratory Topics
- PN junction device i-v characteristics
- BJT and MOSFET i-v characteristics and DC bias
- Rectifiers and linear power supplies
- Transistor switching circuits
- Basic common-source (CS) MOSFET amplifier design
- Op-amp circuit designs (typically inverting, non-inverting, summing)
Coordinator Dr. Steve Holland
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