Mar 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog-June Update [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Add to Portfolio (opens a new window)

CVE 3251 - Design of Municipal Potable Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants

2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits
Course Description
This course introduces students to the planning, design and operation of municipal potable water treatment plants and municipal wastewater treatment plants. Course topics include design of unit operations and processes common to municipal water treatment and municipal wastewater treatment, solids treatment and disposal, and an introduction to plant operation and control. (prereq: CVE 3201 ) (quarter system prereq: CV 320)
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Municipal Potable Water Treatment:
    • Find the applicable MCL/MCLG for various contaminants in potable water supplies
    • Measure the alkalinity of a water sample using titrimetric methods
    • Design a chemical feed system for a water treatment application
    • Explain the theory behind coagulation and flocculation processes
    • Determine the optimum pH and chemical dose for turbidity removal
    • Explain how water can be softened
    • Calculate chemical / resin requirements for water softening
    • Distinguish between the four different types of settling behaviors
    • Design a sedimentation basin using typical overflow/loading rate criteria
    • Explain the similarities and differences between granular and membrane filtration
    • Design a granular media filter using typical design criteria
    • Explain the chemistry of chlorine disinfection
    • Calculate the size of a chemical disinfection tank using typical design criteria
  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment:
    • List the constituents and their concentrations in typical untreated domestic wastewater and the corresponding categorical effluent limitations for these constituents
    • Estimate the values of the principal flow rate terms using statistical analysis
    • Analyze a wastewater sample for solids and oxygen demand
    • Design major unit operations and processes using typical design criteria to include (a) preliminary, primary, and secondary wastewater treatment, and (b) solids handling, thickening, stabilization, dewatering, and land application
    • Prepare a preliminary design report for a new WWTP to include process description, process flow diagram, material balances, and major equipment list

Prerequisites by Topic
  • None

Course Topics
  • Municipal Potable Water Treatment:
    • Water demand, source evaluation, and water quality
    • Chemical handling and feed systems
    • Coagulation and flocculation
    • Softening (lime-soda ash/ion exchange)
    • Sedimentation
    • Filtration (granular and membrane)
    • Disinfection
    • Residuals management and disposal
  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment:
    • Wastewater characteristics and treatment standards
    • Wastewater flow rates and loadings
    • Headworks and preliminary treatment
    • Primary treatment
    • Wastewater microbiology (growth, decay, kinetics)
    • Secondary treatment (suspended and attached growth)
    • Nutrient (N and P) removal
    • Residuals management (thickening, dewatering, stabilization, land application)
    • Disinfection

Laboratory Topics
  • Municipal Potable Water Treatment:
    • Alkalinity
    • Turbidity removal
    • Ion exchange demonstration
    • Settling column demonstration
  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment:
    • BOD/COD
    • Solids
  • Other interactive problem-solving sessions that reinforce the lecture topics

Dr. Anne Alexander

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