Mar 14, 2025
CSC 3320 - Databases2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits Course Description This course introduces the theory and practice of database design and application, with an emphasis on relational models. Dimensional, non-relational, and other topical data models are introduced. Topics include SQL, database design using entity-relation modeling and normalization techniques, database application programming, object to relational mapping, authentication and access control, concurrency, and performance optimization. Note: students may receive credit for only one of BUS 2710 and CSC 3320. (prereq: CSC 1120 , MTH 2310 ) (quarter system prereq: CS 2852, MA 2310) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Design database models using entity-relationship modeling, relational modeling, and normalization techniques
- Use standard database languages (e.g., SQL) for querying, manipulating, and basic management of databases
- Design and document relational database applications
- Describe the purposes and typical mechanisms for maintaining security and confidentiality, including stored procedures
- Understand basic database integrity properties of atomicity, concurrency, isolation, and durability
- Understand CAP Theorem concepts of consistency, availability, and partitioning
- Understand and be able to apply transaction processing and integrity constraints
- Understand fundamentals of query processing, indexing, and query performance optimization
- Be aware of current trends in the area of database systems such as NoSQL, dimensional modeling, Map Reduce.
Prerequisites by Topic
- Understand and apply data structures and algorithms
- Use appropriate algorithms (and associated data structures) to solve complex problems
- Analyze the time complexity of algorithms, both sequential and recursive
- Use data structures in software design and implementation
Coordinator Dr. Jonathon Magaña
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