Sep 19, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ELE 2001 - Electric Circuits I: Theory and Applications

3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits
Course Description
This lower-division course establishes a foundation in the theory of electric circuits and initiates application of those concepts in electrical and electronic applications. The main topics include DC, AC, fundamental electric circuit laws, electrical components, the ideal operational amplifier, analysis of circuits containing equivalent circuits, models of sensors and actuators, and a brief introduction to digital signals. The laboratory experiences motivate the relevance of circuit theory to actual electrical and electronic devices and circuits.  Laboratory topics include instrumentation, passive circuits, sensors and transducers, DC motors, operational amplifiers, filters, equivalent circuit models, and basic digital-to-analog conversion. (prereq: high school physics) (coreq: MTH 1110 )
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge of electric circuit quantities and their fundamental relationships, including linearity
  • Identify common circuit configurations:  series, parallel, series-parallel, ideal op-amp configurations
  • Analyze basic DC and AC electrical circuits using fundamental well-known circuit laws
  • Demonstrate electrical laboratory measurement and instrumentation skills
  • Analyze and simulate circuits with provided models of sensors and actuators, including hardware and machines, and equivalent circuits

Prerequisites by Topic
  • Algebra and trigonometry through precalculus
  • Concept of electric charges
  • Power and energy concepts

Course Topics
  • Electrical quantities in a steady-state DC context:  voltage, current resistance, power, and energy; units and prefixes; sources and loads in an energy conversion context; shorts and opens; symbols, circuit schematics, relationship to physical components and circuit boards
  • DC series and parallel circuit analysis, Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws
  • DC series-parallel circuit analysis; voltage and current divider rules of linear circuit elements, passive sign convention and implications for sources and loads
  • Nodal analysis, including use of mathematical software and circuit simulation software
  • AC sinusoidal steady state signal: time domain and phasor mathematical representations
  • Capacitance, inductance, reactance; DC and AC in inductors and capacitors
  • Impedance, complex numbers, and use of complex numbers in AC calculation; two-component RL and RC series circuits
  • AC series-parallel and nodal circuit analysis
  • Superposition, including linearity condition for applicability of superposition
  • Real AC power for same and different frequencies; apparent power distinction
  • Ideal op-amps and standard configurations circuit analysis
  • Model concept and using models; Thevenin/Norton equivalent circuits; models of example devices, such as motors, batteries, pH probes, solar cell, and so forth
  • Analytic determination of Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits of limited-size DC circuits using the open circuit - short circuit approach and graphically using voltage-current (i-v) plots
  • Variable frequency circuit analysis and semilogarithmic plots:  two-component series RL and RC circuits; the filtering concept; simulations; the 20 dB/decade slope and break frequency concepts; mathematical software, log scales, and the dB (note:  the transfer function is a topic in Electric Circuits 2)
  • Overview of signal types: analog versus digital

Laboratory Topics
  • Laboratory safety; DC instrumentation use, breadboarding, basic voltage and current measurements
  • Practice connections, Kirchhoff’s voltage law, Ohm’s law, input and output relationship
  • Series and parallel resistances, loading effects, current-voltage characteristic
  • Multi-branch circuits Kirchhoff’s current law
  • Portable AC instrumentation:  generator and scope; scope output interpretation
  • Benchtop AC instrumentation; imperfections of portable and benchtop equipment
  • AC magnitude, phase, and current measurement using a sense resistor
  • Inductive component model (RL) extraction from measurements
  • DC op-amp circuit
  • Superposition, filtering illustration, amplification, periodic signal scope triggering
  • Frequency sweep, AC equivalent circuit model extraction
  • Op-amp digital-to-analog converter experiment
  • Midterm exams are held during laboratory sessions (no experiment that week)

Dr. Brian Faulkner

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