Feb 06, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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EE 3002B - Signals and Circuits II

4 lecture hours 0 lab hours 4 credits
Course Description
The transient responses of electric circuits are emphasized in this bridge course. Initially a variety of waveforms, including step, ramp, sinusoid, exponential, and impulse functions, are expressed analytically. The voltage-current responses of resistances, inductors, and capacitors to these waveforms are determined. Time domain differential equations and Laplace transforms are emphasized as circuit analysis techniques to determine the transient responses of first and second order circuits. An examination of transfer functions and pole-zero diagrams concludes the course. Note: This course is intended for transfer students and should be taken only upon approval of an EE program advisor. (prereq: EE 3001B , MA 235  or MA 3502 )
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Mathematically express step, ramp, sinusoid, exponential, impulse, and combinations of functions (composite waveforms)
  • Describe the electrical principles underlying the voltage-current time domain relationships for resistances, inductors and capacitors
  • Set-up and solve differential equations to determine the complete time-domain responses of simple RC, RL, and RLC networks
  • Apply the exponential function and Euler’s identity in the development of the AC sinusoidal phasor relationships from the time domain relationships for resistances, inductors, and capacitors
  • Evaluate Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms using tables, partial fraction expansion, and software
  • Utilize Laplace transforms in the solution of circuits with initial conditions
  • Describe circuit behavior from the poles of a transfer function, including the relationship between frequency and time domain responses
  • Apply mathematical software (currently Mathcad and MATLAB) in waveform and transient circuit calculations and plotting

Prerequisites by Topic
  • Steady state DC, AC, and periodic signal circuit analysis
  • Transfer functions and Bode plots of first-order circuits
  • Basic RL and RC circuit transients (charging, discharging, and time constant concepts)
  • Resonant circuits
  • Differential and integral calculus
  • Differential equations
  • Operational knowledge of mathematical software (currently Mathcad)

Course Topics
  • Course introduction, mathematical expression of waveforms (4 classes)
  • Time domain behavior and voltage-current relationships of resistors, inductors, and capacitors with application to single waveform functions; the Op-Amp integrator and differentiator (3 classes)
  • Solution of simple RL, RC, and RLC circuits in the time domain using differential equations (4 classes)
  • Development of AC phasor relationships from time domain relationships using exponential functions and Euler’s identity (2 classes)
  • Laplace transform concepts, transform properties and mechanics of circuit analysis (5 classes)
  • Circuit analysis, transfer functions, and time domain-complex frequency domain relationships (6 classes)
  • Mathematical software instruction (currently MATLAB) (1 class)
  • Exams and homework, including the final exam (16 classes)

Dr. Robert Strangeway

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