Mar 12, 2025
EB 4511 - Bio-Process Control3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits Course Description The course provides a comprehensive training on industrial bio process control. Process control hardware and troubleshooting, dynamic modeling, controller tuning and control of processes is covered in detail. P, PI and PID controllers are analyzed along with advanced control strategies. The course also provides an introduction to the design of complex, multistep industrial scale biomolecular processes. (prereq: EB 3530 , EB 3561 ) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Identify common process instrumentation
- Design and analyze a process control strategy for a process requirement
- Choose an appropriate control strategy for a given process requirement
- Tune PID controllers
- Mathematically analyze control behavior of process control loops
- Design and implement appropriate control strategies for a given process requirement
- Synthesize the flowsheet/sequence of unit operations needed in a biomanufacturing process
Prerequisites by Topic
- No prerequisites by topic appended
Course Topics
- Process instrumentation
- Process Control
- Dynamic modeling
- Laplace transforms
- Transfer functions
- PID control
- PID tuning methods
- Advanced control strategies
Coordinator Faisal Shaikh
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