Mar 12, 2025
EE 481 - Fuzzy Sets and Applications3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits Course Description This course introduces students to the basic concepts of modeling uncertainty in systems through the use of fuzzy sets. The underlying concepts of fuzzy sets are introduced and their role in such applications as semantic interpreters, control systems and reasoning systems is presented. Students gain firsthand experience of fuzzy sets through a class project. (prereq: senior standing in CE, EE, or SE) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Understand how fuzzy sets model ambiguity
- Manipulate fuzzy membership functions for simple operations
- Be familiar with the nature and use of fuzzy relations
- Perform linguistic analysis using fuzzy sets
- Develop and simulate simple fuzzy controllers
- Familiar with a wide variety of areas in which fuzzy sets may be applied
- Perform a class project
Prerequisites by Topic
- Boolean algebra
- Basic control theory
- High-level language programming
Course Topics
- Review of set theory (3 classes)
- Basic fuzzy set definitions and operators (3 classes)
- Extensions of crisp operators to fuzzy sets (3 classes)
- Fuzzy relations and fuzzy reasoning (3 classes)
- Control theory and the use of fuzzy sets (5 classes)
- Other fuzzy set applications from the current literature (7 classes)
- Class project (3 classes)
- Reviews and examinations (2 classes)
Coordinator Richard Kelnhofer
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