Mar 12, 2025
EE 474 - Programmable Controllers2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits Course Description This course provides the theory and hands-on experience necessary to enable students to design programmable controller system applications. This course highlights the systems approach as an aid to understanding modern industrial programmable controllers. Coverage begins with a review of controller basics and conventional approaches and proceeds through the concept of programmable logic including the use of microprocessors as controller elements. In addition, programming, input/output elements, peripherals, and standards and codes that govern interfacing aspects are covered. Development, design and understanding of analog input/output devices are also covered. The use of PCs as a device to program PLCs is developed. The material is reinforced by laboratory sessions that provide the opportunity to learn to develop several popular system applications. (prereq: EE 3401 , EE 2902 or CE 1910) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Describe and demonstrate the role of programmable controllers in the industrial control area
- Program PLC timers and counters, and develop programs that utilize subprograms and other program flow commands
- Program PLCs using advanced instructions for data manipulation, comparison, and set-point control
- Program PLC sequencers, shift registers, and other high-level data flow instructions
- Develop PLC-based control systems consistent with modern practices for safety, usability, and reliability
- Be aware of modern techniques for data acquisition and communication, computer-controlled manufacturing, and robotic automation
Prerequisites by Topic
- Number Systems (Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal)
- Computer Codes (BCD, ASCII)
- Binary Arithmetic
- Boolean Algebra
- Fundamental logic operators (AND, OR, NOT, etc.)
- Logic Circuits
Course Topics
- Overview of programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
- PLC Architecture
- Programming basics
- Traditional control circuits
- I/O devices and converting schematics
- Basic timers
- Retentive and cascading timers
- Basic counters
- Program control
- Special functions
- Data manipulation, comparisons, and set-point control
- Math instructions
- Sequencers and Shift registers
- PLC practices, maintenance, and troubleshooting
- Process control
- Controllers and data acquisition systems
- Computer-controlled machines and processes
- Data communications, computer numeric control, and robotics
Laboratory Topics
- Laboratory experiments are designed to reinforce lecture topics. In addition, a project will be assigned to be worked on over several laboratory periods. Each student is required to submit a formal project report or give a presentation
Coordinator Richard Kelnhofer
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