Feb 08, 2025
EE 2070 - Linear Circuits - Transients3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits Course Description After a brief review of DC and AC circuit concepts and methods, the course introduces and develops series and parallel resonance and the transient analysis of circuits, using both classical and Laplace transform techniques. In addition, the analysis of circuits with step-function and sinusoidal sources leads to a general consideration of transfer functions. Multisim is used to simulate system responses. (prereq:EE 2060 ) (coreq: MA 235 or MA 2440H) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Use an organized process, strategy, or template in solving problems
- Analyze and design series and parallel resonant circuits
- Determine the time domain transient analysis response of a first order circuit
- Determine the time domain transient response of a second order circuit
- Graph the time doamin transient responses of first and second order circuits
- Classify a second order transient response as either, under damped, over damped, or critically damped
- Use computer simulation tools to do transient analysis
- Determine Laplace transforms for simple time-based functions commonly used in the analysis of electrical and control systems
- Use Laplace methods to obtain voltages and currents in circuits having arbitrary input functions and initial conditions
- Derive transfer functions for simple RL, RC, and RLC circuits
- Derive s-domain transfer functions for simple RL, RC, and RLC circuits
Prerequisites by Topic
- DC and AC steady-state circuit analysis techniques
- Steady-state Multisim circuit analysis
- Linear circuit models for resistors/inductors/capacitors
- Linear differential equation solution techniques
- Laplace transforms and operations
Course Topics
- Series and parallel resonance (6 classes)
- Time domain transient analysis of first-order circuits (5 classes)
- Time domain transient analysis of second-order circuits (4 classes)
- Laplace transforms of time-based functions that include the unit step, unit ramp, impulse, exponentials, and complex exponentials; and operations (5 classes)
- Transient analysis using transforms of circuits (3 classes)
- S-domain circuit models and analysis (2 classes)
- Review (4 classes)
- Tests and quizzes (2 classes)
Coordinator Richard Kelnhofer
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