Feb 08, 2025
EE 201 - Linear Networks: Steady-State Analysis4 lecture hours 0 lab hours 4 credits Course Description This course introduces the topics of steady-state analysis of networks using time and frequency domain methods with linear circuit models. It includes the topics mesh and nodal analysis, source transformations, network theorems, and complex power. Circuit simulation is also introduced for analysis of steady-state circuits. (prereq: MA 137 or MA 225 ) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Write and solve KCL and KVL equations using mesh and nodal analysis, and utilize voltage and current dividers in DC circuit analysis
- Describe the electrical characteristics of the various passive circuit elements
- Write and solve KCL and KVL equations using branch and nodal analysis for the AC steady-state case
- Calculate average, apparent, and reactive powers for an AC circuit
- Simplify networks using Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems
- Perform source transformations
- Use the superposition principle in circuit analysis
- Be adept at solving DC and AC circuits with dependent sources
- Use circuit simulation to analyze circuits
Prerequisites by Topic
- Differentiation and integration of algebraic and transcendental functions
- Solution of systems of linear equations
- Complex number theory and algebraic manipulations
Course Topics
- DC network theorems and techniques (18 classes)
- Principles of Inductance/Capacitance (4 classes)
- AC steady-state circuit analysis techniques (10 classes)
- AC power concepts (4 classes)
- Circuit simulation analysis of steady state circuits (1 class)
- Tests and quizzes (3 classes)
Coordinator Richard Kelnhofer
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