Jan 30, 2025
CV 510 - Storm Water Management Systems Design3 lecture hours 0 lab hours 3 credits Course Description This course applies the hydrologic principles learned in CV 410 to the analysis and design of systems for the management of storm water runoff. Topics include the design of roadway drainage systems including sewers and ditches, storm water management system design, storm water management plans, construction site erosion control plans, best management practices, water quality modeling of urban developments, regulations, and developing cost estimates. (prereq: CV 410) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Understand the federal, state, and local regulations that govern developments
- Access the local, state, and federal resources that facilitate storm water management systems design
- Design conventional urban storm water facilities (e.g., storm inlets, storm sewers, outfalls)
- Design permanent best management practices to control flow and protect water quality.
- Design construction site erosion control practices to protect water quality
- Develop storm water management and construction site erosion control plans
- Layout a storm water management system to achieve regulatory compliance and maximize sustainability
- Determine water quality impacts of development activities through modeling (e.g.. SLAMM)
Prerequisites by Topic Course Topics
- Introduction (1 lecture)
- Effects of urbanization on receiving waters (1 lecture)
- Establishing performance goals for storm water management (1 lecture)
- Federal, state, and local regulations that govern development (1 lecture)
- Unit process and operations for storm water control (1 lectures)
- Selection criteria and design considerations (include guest speaker) (2 lectures)
- Design of storm sewers and ditches (2 lectures)
- Design of storage units (3 lectures)
- Mid-term exam (1 lecture)
- Modeling performance of storm water controls (3 lectures)
- Design of swales and filter strips (1 lecture)
- Design of filters (3 lectures)
- Design of infiltrators (2 lectures)
- Design of gross pollutant traps (1 lecture)
- Design of shoreland protection (1 lecture)
- Maintenance of storm water controls (1 lecture)
- Whole life cost of storm water controls (1 lecture)
- Construction site erosion control plans (2 lectures)
- Permitting (1 lecture)
- Open day (1 lecture)
- Field Trip to see installed storm water management practices (4 hours on a weekend)
Coordinator William Gonwa
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