Mar 14, 2025
TC 4410 - Digital Portfolio2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits Course Description Digital portfolios have become a common form of professional online identity. Digital portfolios typically provide multiple samples of work, display technical and professional skills, and demonstrate reflection and meta-knowledge. This course helps students showcase their work and accomplishments by creating a digital portfolio with a free digital portfolio tool. The course is open to all MSOE students. Students are expected to organize their portfolio by core competencies in their major or specialization. (prereq: GS 1001 , GS 1002 , GS 1003 or permission of Program Director and Junior standing) Course Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Highlight academic competences and accomplishments and document career readiness.
- Enhance their learning by reflecting on their skills and analyzing their academic and career goals.
- Develop and apply skills in professional technical writing.
- Develop and apply skills in user-centered document and visual design.
- Create customized pages and samples of work using a free web portfolio tool.
Prerequisites by Topic
- Foundations of technical writing and document design.
Coordinator Nadya Shalamova
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