CYB 3551 - Digital Forensics

2 lecture hours 2 lab hours 3 credits
Course Description
This course introduces students to the concepts of digital forensics. Digital forensics is a branch of forensic science encompassing the preservation, identification, recovery, investigation, examination, and analysis of material found in digital devices (networks, memory, operating systems files, etc.).  Digital forensics can be used to aid in criminal investigations, accident investigations, corporate breach investigations, and other cybersecurity incidents. The course introduces students to acceptable approaches for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data from a forensics investigation. Students will be required to perform several forensics analyses in a controlled lab environment, including acquiring forensically sound hard drive images, memory images and analyzing these using industry standard tools. Students will also be exposed to the types of forensic data that may be left on mobile devices, IoT devices, and other embedded systems, and be able to explain the techniques used on these devices to obtain forensic data.
Prereq: CSC 3210  
Note: None
This course meets the following Raider Core CLO Requirement: None
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Explain the basic concepts of computer organization
  • Compare and contrast data storage types within computer systems
  • Explain the challenges of securely deleting information from modern computer file systems
  • Discuss the rules, laws, policies, and procedures that affect digital forensics
  • Discuss the ethical aspects of digital forensics as are applicable to the design of digital devices and conducting forensic activities
  • Identify when a digital forensics investigation is required and define the appropriate actions that can be taken
  • Learn proper procedures for preserving, collecting, analyzing, and reporting digital evidence related to a forensic investigation
  • Understand the concepts related to acquiring a forensically sound image
  • Acquire a forensically sound image
  • Identify forensic artifacts left by attacks
  • Utilize industry-used tools to perform basic digital forensic activities
  • Identify forensic artifacts left behind by attacks/crimes such as applications logs, filesystem data and metadata, operating system logs, and memory contents
  • Utilize industry-used tools to analyze and recover digital evidence from various operating systems and types of media and use this information to develop a timeline of user/malicious actor activities
  • Determine the way an operating system or application has been subverted
  • Recover "deleted" and/or intentionally hidden information from various types of media
  • Demonstrate proficiency with handling many kinds of devices

Prerequisites by Topic
  • Basic familiarity with Linux
  • Shell scripting
  • Virual machine usage
  • Low level file systems exposure

Course Topics
  • Review of computer organization
  • Storage media types and operations
  • Linux kernels and filesystems
  • Linux distributions
  • Image formats
  • Digital investigations 
    • E-discovery 
    • Authentication of evidence 
    • Chain of custody procedures 
    • Metadata 
    • Root cause analysis 
    • Using virtual machines for analysis specializations 
  • Data acquisition
  • Device forensics
  • Memory forensics
  • Operating system forensics
  • Network forensics
  • Mobile device forensics
  • Legal compliance 
    • Applicable laws 
    • Affidavits 
    • How to testify 
    • Case law 
    • Chain of custody 
  • Warrants

Laboratory Topics
  • Review of command line Linux and shell scripting
  • Linux forensics tools introduction
  • Evidence collection and duplication
  • Reading and interpreting file systems
  • Attaching to real hardware devices
  • Memory analysis
  • Network forensics
  • Secure erase of file systems
  • Log analysis

Dr. Walter Schilling

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