ELE 3201 - Electromagnetics and Transmission Lines

3 lecture hours 2 lab hours 4 credits
Course Description
The concepts and theory of electromagnetic fields are addressed initially in this upper-division course to establish the foundation for electromagnetic applications in electrical engineering. Initial topics include non-Cartesian vectors and a brief review of Coulomb's law.  Then Biot-Savart law, Gauss's law, electric potential, capacitance, Ampere's Circuital law, inductance, Faraday's law, displacement current, and Maxwell's equations are covered. The theory and practice of signal transmission lines (T‑lines) and electromagnetic waves are addressed next along with electrical engineering applications. DC transient and AC sinusoidal steady-state propagation of waves on T-lines are developed from a circuit viewpoint. The Smith Chart is utilized to graphically display and interpret T-line and measurement results. Scattering parameters are used to express specifications and measurements of high-frequency components. T-line concepts are then extended to electromagnetic plane waves. Antennas and propagation are examined from a wireless communication link viewpoint. Electromagnetic interference and signal integrity concepts are introduced. High frequency measurement techniques, components, specifications, and instrumentation are examined in the laboratory sessions.
Prereq: ELE 2011 , MTH 2130 , MTH 2140 , PHY 1120  (quarter system prereq: EE 2070 or EE 3002B or EE 2725, MA 235 or MA 3502, MA 2323, MA 330, PH 2021)
Note: None
This course meets the following Raider Core CLO Requirement: None
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Apply vector and calculus techniques to the solution of electromagnetic field problems in rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems
  • Apply Biot-Savart law, Gauss's law, electric potential, and Ampere's Circuital law to determine the analytic expressions of static electric and magnetic fields produced under idealized geometrical conditions
  • Interpret analytic expressions of static electric and magnetic fields produced under idealized geometrical conditions
  • Describe the meaning of each term in Maxwell's equations
  • Apply electromagnetic principles to electrical components and circuits (capacitors, inductors, resistors, mutual inductors, and transformers)
  • Apply, interrelate, and interpret T-line predictions, specifications, and/or measurements, including Smith charts and S-parameters
  • Determine T-line quantities (voltage, current, impedance, power, reflection coefficient, and VSWR) as a function of position and/or frequency
  • Explain antenna and link properties in terms of electromagnetic field principles
  • Determine first order link performance using the Friis formula
  • Identify signal integrity principles

Prerequisites by Topic
  • Electric circuit concepts: voltage, current, Kirchhoff's laws, resistance, capacitance, inductance, i-v relationships for components, phasor analysis of AC circuits, phasors in exponential form, frequency response, transfer functions, and time domain transient analysis
  • Multivariable and vector calculus
  • Physics of electricity and magnetism
  • Differential equations

Course Topics
  • Vector algebra in non-Cartesian coordinate systems
  • Electrostatics: Coulomb's law (brief review), Gauss's law, and electric potential
  • Capacitance, permittivity, conductor-dielectric boundary conditions
  • Resistance
  • Magnetism, current densities, magnetostatics, Biot-Savart law
  • Ampere's Circuital law, inductance, permeability, magnetic boundary conditions
  • Concept of energy storage in electric and in magnetic fields
  • Faraday's law, mutual inductors, displacement current, and Maxwell's equations
  • Transmission lines: DC transients and AC sinusoidal steady-state
  • Smith charts
  • Scattering parameters
  • Plane waves, antennas, and links
  • EMI and signal integrity

Laboratory Topics
  • Laboratory safety (LMP), laboratory documentation
  • Mutual inductor characteristics
  • Vector network analyzer and Smith charts - introduction
  • Low frequency coupling of circuits
  • Distance effects in transmission lines
  • Insertion loss measurements
  • AC reflection measurements
  • Component characterization
  • Signal integrity and electromagnetic interference measurements (lecture/demonstration)
  • Antenna link

Dr. Steve Holland

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